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The Beginning!
Graphictruth onThis is my first attempt at a blatantly commercial comic. It's got humor, sight gags, cute robots, a love story, drama, pathos and an edge of Steampunk, JUST to be fashionable!
This is the first page. (I'll do a cover later,) introducing our first character, Katonka. As Katonka would say … WOOT!
One thing about Katonka - and the other robotic citizens of the world of Big Killing - they respect the Veterans of the Revolution. Even after a thousand years or so, some of them are still around.
…scary bastards…
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Dear Graphictruth,
You have a interesting idea here the modern day robots used in warfare and the communations between them (programed by humans) out lasting Comtempory life forms
Seems the robot ant is more schocked than the bio ant.
tommym at
Dear Graphictruth,
You have a interesting idea here the modern day robots used in warfare and the communations between them (programed by humans) out lasting Comtempory life forms
Seems the robot ant is more schocked than the bio ant.