
Author notes

Frozen Oasis onYet another page. You might notice it's a little crooked halfway. That's 'cause my scanner's not big enough, so I have to scan it in two parts and put them together in paint. And I just didn't feel like taking half an hour to do that properly.. :p
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The trees in the first two panels are very well done.
Avie at
Lovely !!!
Frozen Oasis at
Darn, and here I was hoping no one'd notice my errors:p..
Gold star for you!
Thanks, also.
Void at
* - er, top left down.
Void at
That was rather obvious. Third one left to right, diagonally from the top right down. And I do like your colouring style. ;-)
Frozen Oasis at
Gold star for the person who can find the tree which I forgot to shadow!
popenfresh at
Wauwzer! I just love everything about this page!