Sneakers and the Unitopian Force
U-Force #2 - Page 2

Author notes

U-Force #2 - Page 2


Man, I am EXAUSTED today. But I still want to put up another page, so here goes. I like how the gray tones turned out on this page, thus I'm going to do the rest of the book like this. It's less time consuming, and I don't have to worry about some colors clashing with others…
Garth has Kenneth Toad in his grip, threatening the Unitopians with the amphibian's life!
The President's aide Bentley (the dog) seems to harbor a minor bias toward U-Force Delta
(Sneakers, Marie, Kwame, and Stone) due to their age, and thus he's sending a newcomer: Jax! But who is he? Find out next update!


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