So Called Heroes
Chapter 1- Introduction

Author notes

Chapter 1- Introduction


Soren is out taking a stroll around the block to relax and clear his mind. While walking he is then stopped by three men.

Gang Member #1: “Looks like you picked a wrong part of the neighborhood to walk around alone.”

Soren calmly asks who the people are. The man says that they are members of the Commandos and is about to say more when he is stopped by his partner.

Gang Member #2: “Law, there really is no reason to give answers to a dead man.”

Afterwards he pulls out a gun from his pants and his partners do the same. Soren appears calm.

Soren: “3 Beretta’s huh? A 92 series if I’m not mistaken.”

Law: “What the hell are you looking so calm for? Aren’t you afraid of death?”

Soren (Looks directly in Law’s eyes): “That’s my line.”

After he says this the three men open fire on Soren. Soren smacks the bullets away and dodges a couple with ease. The three men look at him in awe.

Law: “What the hell are you?”

Soren: “I’m “Strange”. If I know the trajectory of the gun and how your finger moves when you pull the trigger it’s easy to avoid.”

The three men don’t seem to believe him and keep shooting. Soren deflects them all and in a split second appears a few inches of them.

Soren (Starting to get impatient): “I’m beginning to grow tired of this. You’ve shot off 54 bullets now. There’s no more ammunition, please drop your weapons. Seeing at how weak you are I won’t end your life.”

After he says this he taps all three of them on their shoulder which drops them to the ground. Then Soren proceeds to walk away

Soren: “I hope that your fellow crew gets here before another one does. To be unconscious for a little under an hour I feel quite bad for the situation you’re in.”

Ten minutes later Soren walks into a building. As soon as he walks in he is greeted by somebody.

Person: “Seems like your weekly walk took a lot longer than usual Soren, what happened?”

Soren: “I had a little run in with some people.”

Person: “I hope you fucked them up.”

Soren: “So much profanity Jax. But I didn’t bother”

Jax (disgustedly): “You say that bullshit every time you fight somebody. Are you scared to have some blood on your hands? I’m pretty sure those guys weren’t looking to go out for pizza. If their out to kill you, why not kill them?”

Soren: “The only reason King is dead is because of me. Believe it or not there are a few people that don’t live to kill Jax.”

Jax: “Maybe if the bastards I’ve killed weren’t so weak then they’d still be alive.”

Soren (Walking away): “Whatever you say Jax. Whatever you say”


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