After waiting several days for the color version of this page to overwrite the BW version and that not happening, I decieded to delete the page and repost it. I really didnt want to delete it and repost, because that would in a way be misrepresenting an update. On one hand it would be an update of the current page, but aside from the color, its not new material. On the other hand, I figure no one checks my comment updates for links to things, which means readers likely missed the direct link to the color page when it didnt update right. (This isnt to say readers dont care, just that generally they're busy, if they're anything like me they skim stuff sometimes and hop to the next comic and or page.)
So here's the color version of page 28 of Chapter 7. I have yet to complete the inks for 29 and 30, as I was in a bit of a funk, which I believe I'm over now.
I've been wondering if anyone would be interested in me printing any of my work, and if so, what? You can make suggestions and/or comments here on the SbH page or in SbH's little used forum. I'll take suggestions, any suggestions and try to figure out some sort of poll, if there's enough entries. If there arn't enough entries I probably wont do anything.
Thanks for reading everyone! Next update shall be on July 30th, next week!
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