Soapbox Hill

Author notes

Ch 8 pg 1
Neilak20 onThis is going up in Black and White. If anyone wants to see it in color, drop a message and I'll finish the color page, if not, then I think this chapter may wind up being compeltely Black and White.
I'm not sure what to say about this page. I used my pen nibs on most of it, then switched back to my ballpoints to finish the trees more quickly. I dont know it thats noticeable at all really.
Anyway start of a new story arc! Which means returning characters from those anchient chapters in the past that no one remembers >_>
Where Are Horace and Samantha? I know, and unlike those origional chapters where I flew by the seat of my pants from page to page blindly drawing things almost at random, I do have this chapter planned ^_^ Just like I had the last 3 o_o but dont worry this arc isnt THAT long. At least I'm hopeing to keep it under 2 chapters. More on that later with new pages.
School starts on August 27th for me o_o It snuck up on me, wants my brains it does.
OH Speaking of school and lost artists who could use support as well as nifty sketches that can be purchased my sketchbook thingy Mrs. Magpie Is available through
Also there's new art and things in the Forum!
Till Later, Back to work I go ZOOOM!!
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