Something Original

Author notes

30 - Off-days
amandachu onI have these days where it feels like I can’t do anything right, and Allan always can. He’s never rubbing it in my face or anything, I just notice it sometimes. It’s kind of a problem.
In other news, we’re getting a real, legal internet connection on Tuesday, so I’ll be able to like… do stuff again.
Edit: I suppose I should explain why I’m jealous of Allan’s art. My style is verging more on realism, while his (comic) style is… well… comicy (which people have already pointed out, and I thank you for that). What I’m jealous of, exactly, is his ability to pull out a piece of paper and doodle things, people, animals, scenes, poses, etc. that I would never think of in a million years. Also, he can draw these things amazingly in about 10 seconds. My comics, on average, take about 2 to 4 hours to draw. That, my friends, is annoying as hell.
And I think I’ve already explained this, but I’ll do it again just because I can. Allan’s comic isn’t his real “art style†if you will, though it pulls from it. Allan is really good at composition, color, and expressions, which are things I struggle with from time to time (especially the latter). His concept of design is much, much better than mine, and it seems to come so naturally to him.
Thanks for the concern and comments and compliments, I appreciate them. But Allan doesn’t suck at drawing so stop saying that or I’ll be all >:C kthx :3
(Originally posted on February 28th, 2010. Extra comments, forum access, and other stuff at )
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