Something Original

Author notes

36 - Part-time
amandachu onI can’t believe it’s been a month since I’ve last updated. I am so, so sorry. This should clear things up for you, though.
For those of you who don’t read Allan (all, like… two of you), or at least don’t read his author’s notes, he mentioned that we’ve been looking for his job, which affected his motivation to do anything. I’m in the same boat. Every application I turn in is just another phone call I’m not going to get, yet all I’ve wanted to do for the past month is apply for jobs with the hope that ONE will call me back. It’s heartbreaking, really, because I desperately want to move out of his parents’ house and into our own apartment. Thus, a part-time gig isn’t going to do it for me.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful that I found a job. It’s at Maggie Moo’s, one of which my mom owned for a short period (she has a more successful Marble Slab) and that I managed for a few months, so I already know how to do everything. I’ve been keeping in touch with the owner of this store for a few months now, and finally I called her back after leaving her a note and not getting a response. She told me to come in for an interview the next day, and I got the job! Wooo! There’s a Starbucks down the street that is apparently hiring, and a few other places around that I’m going to check out on Monday, so hopefully I can get a job in the same area… which would be ideal because Maggie Moo’s is about an hour away from where we currently stay… ugh. I need to know where I’ll be working more often so we can move closer and etc etc.
Anyway, sorry again for the lateness. I’d say I’m going to try to update more, but unfortunately I’m still pretty stressed out so I can’t promise anything. I have an idea for the next comic, though, so I guess that’s a start?
(Originally posted on May 15th, 2010. Extra comments, forum access, and other stuff at )
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