- The Lost Pages: #110 - The Lost Pages: #109 - The Lost Pages: #108 - The Lost Pages: #107 - The Lost Pages: #106 - The Lost Pages: #105 - The Lost Pages: #104 - The Lost Pages: #103 - The Lost Pages: #102 - The Lost Pages: #101 - #OOPS - #99 So what if you can see, the dark inside of me... - #98 I've had it with this motherf***ing snake in this motherf***ing portal! - #97 It's chavving time! - #96 That's right! All three Mecha sprites in one page! - #95 Still alive! Still alive! Still alive... - #94 The cake is a lie! - #93 He was hiding behind the Emo Meter! - #92 Hooray for unnecessary explosions. - #91 Plan of the day: wear dead enemy's skull to scare friend. - #90 Unburden yourselves. - #89 Music of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL! - #88 Shadow becomes a pokemon. - #87 It's not quite a Gaydar. - #86 Oh to be fireproof. - #85 Grasshoppers! - #84 Make way for flaming snake! - #83 Attack of the Emo - #82 Sonic and the Missing Guitar - #81 Fear the Hand of Photoshop! - #80 WOO! Apocalypse! - #79 The Panel Crack'd From Side To Side - #78 Our next sing is about teamwork, love and 'doing the right thing'! - #77 New Year's Resolution: Destory World - #Ollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllld Bonus that I don't think got uploaded. - #76 Happy landings! - #Merry Christmas - #Bonus - As promised... - #75 Win some, lose some. - #Update (or: Let's get political!) - #Interlude - #Guest Page# 1 by Commander_Chaos - #74 - Limbo limbo limbo - #73 WARNING: DO NOT IMPALE! - #72 Sonic actually fights Shadow, and no-one makes a fuss. - #71 I'm sorry, Mister Hedgehog is indisposed at the moment... - #70 |----------- This Space For Rent -----------| - #69 Sonic goes RPG... THE END IS NIGH! - #68 A subject to be avoided... - #67 At the next beep the time will be... - #66 Would you like the bad news or the awful news? - #65 Shadow's preferred taste of music? Country and Western!!! - #64 Call center from Hell! (Literally). - #63 My one is called Fred. He tells me to burn things! - #62 Now you're thinking with portals! - #61 Once upon a midnight dreary... - #60 - Mad world... - #Tribute - The ECS Strips - A Prison of the Mind... - #59 - Got rid of the tele! - #58 - Size doesn't matter, but perhaps shape does... - #57 - POLEAXED! - #56 - Laughter really is a cure! - #55 - Reboot! - #54 - D'you think he's compensating for something. - #52 - Answer my prayers! + #53 - Almost, but not quite, a filler. - #51 - Ironically, you are the light in my darkness... - #50 - SDC: HD (Sonic Destination Chaos: Hand-Drawn) - #49 j03 p43r5 da 57ar5 - #48 Rock, Paper, Scissor. - #47 Laser-fire! Reused for my convenience! - #46 OMG! 5 PANELS! Have I gone mad??? - #45 28:06:42:12 - #44 Cool fight scene! - #43 Mecha: The teenage years before his therapy. - #42 Hooray for Douglas Adams and Windows jokes! - #41 Larger font sizes take up more space and look like more work. - #40 I spy with my little eye... - #39 Static galore! - #38 Remember kids! It's 'Adolf Hitler', not 'adlf htlr'. - #37 What noise is used to express an emoticon exactly? - #36 If you want to know why there is no static, see #31... - #35 Updating you on Tails's mental state. - #34 Of cat-cooking and slow-minded fantasy rip-offs... - #33 Do the Bash! Do the Badnik Bash! (sung to the tune of Monster Mash) - #32 Hooray for fiery metal! - #31 Thoughts of the egg. #30 Businessman Nack and his 'Alternative Prison'. - #29 Never fear! Mecha is on the job! - #28 Ode to a Mecha... well not really an ode, more of a freestyle poem. - #27 Is any of this 'mind-portal' crap possible? The judges are out to lunch. - #26 Shadow's Monologue. Whoa... a proper title for the pa- ah crap. - #25 And so the story took precedence over the joke... - #24 Robotnik speaks more truth than he knows... - #23a Carefully worded hopefully... - #23 I *heart but-DD-wont-give-me-a-flipping-back-arrow* SFX - #22 Goodness gracious, FRICKING BIG FIREBALL! - #21This mushroom is actually a cauliflower... - #20 And so, time continued to flow, unimpeded, in the real world... - #F Civil War Character Design - #19 The reason Shadow never smiles... - #18 Shadow is NOT emo! - #17 Maybe Shadow just isn't very good at mind control... - #16 The primary use for cars: making roadkill! #15 Into the darkest corners of your mind... - #14 Best Sonic sprite used so far! - #13 Told you it was a platform game! - #12 CANTTHINKOFATITLETODAY! - #11 The Bridge of DOOOOOOOOOOOOM! - #F: Don't think of it as a filler, think of it as a bonus! - #10 Omniscient and yet forgetful... - #9 Because that sprite was slightly limiting in actual fact my dearest of dear friends. - #8 Like you didn't already know. - #F-ad Kevin Clifford's Pokemon Heroes - #7.2 Variation on a theme. - #7.1 OOOH! Touched a nerve there! - #6 Sonic speed-logics while Tails sulks. - #5 No, he's not about to become stereotypically dumb comic-Sonic. - #4 A reunion of sorts. - #F: Code-prize! - #3 A question of scale... - #2 Anyone else see potential problems? #1 You're not an Author are you? - #0 Think of it as employment. - SDC: The Pre-Sequel (because 'Rerun' is such a harsh word). Cover Author notes #69 Sonic goes RPG... THE END IS NIGH! black_emerald on Aug. 4, 2007 I know I pinched the style of joke but it's been done my many people, which means that I can use that great phrase:Stealing one person's work is plagiarism, stealing many peoples' work is research! Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register ${ comment.author }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete Reply ${ comment.author }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete «previous set of pages «previous set of pages page ${ page.number }} ... next set of pages» next set of pages»
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