- technical difficulties -filler-
- Sea of hate-Rebound
- Sea of hate-Krudzoo
- Sea of hate-Settling in 1
- Sea of hate-Hostile takeover
- CH 2 cover-Sea of Hatred
- Cliff hanger
- Filler-New arivles
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Epolog
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Warbeast kills you!
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-You don't kill Warbeast...
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-M.A.R.K. 13
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Jack vs Jack.
- Promo message
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Tina dies.
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Jack is back
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Knew that would happen.
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-OMG MTV!
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Boss battle prt2
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Boss battle prt1
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Here's Johnny!
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-SSSweet tooth
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Slice
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Change of heart
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Two Jacks
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-The thunder god
- Special update-Consept art
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-House
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Psycho Burst
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Johnny appeares
- Data file 3
- Special update-Gotengos new look
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Enter Orko
- Special update-Pips new look
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Dead eye
- data files 2
- The evil of AAGGRESS-The plan
- Special update-Prelode to invasion
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-a fine day for Amia
- answers
- Daves newer look
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Boogyman
- Filler-Data files
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-slow clone, fast oni
- The evil of AAGGRESSS- merks
- The evil of AAGGRESSS- Dashi appears
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Chiller
- another message
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Daves new look
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-down the Nagas hole
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-a meeting with Pip
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Trouble bruin
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-The fools rescue/The first Dark Side
- The evil of AAGGRESSS- better to give
- Comeing soon
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-The cruel grin behind his painted smile
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-origin stories
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Bond of blood
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-The other plot twist you never saw comeing
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-one hope(fixed)
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Team up
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Amia's new boomstick
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-AAGGRESSS gets pwnd
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-What a twist
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Hero VS. Hero
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Accented explanation
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Snively the freedom fighter
- Help wanted
- Dads birthday
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-jumbo shrimp
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-The plot twist you never saw comeing
- Question
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-Standoff
- The evil of AAGGRESSS-True form and true intentions.
- THE EVIL OF AAGGRESSS-Flashy enterence
- Filler: my very first ever proto comic
- THE EVIL OF AAGGRESSS-Enter team author
- Spartins Ho!
- Dont fear the reaper
- Dust cloud of DOOM
- Enter the rabbot
- Stray shot
- Bad jokes
- Light speed pop star
- Opener
Author notes
Well, thats the end of chapter one, and it goes out with a bang. I'll post a page or two of epolog to clear everything up, then comes the next chapter. Thanks for sticking with us so far.
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