Sprite City

pg.55 Armless

Author notes

pg.55 Armless


Well, now I guess Homer's not so 'handy' to have around!
… Come on, people! Laugh at my stupid pun!
… Fine! I guess you want more. Looks like Homer needs a 'hand'!
… They must have messed up. They charged him an extra arm instead of a leg!
… Homer looks to be completely-

We interrupt these comments for an important announcement.

Pumpkin Represenative: Pumpkins will destroy all of you pathetic soft-skins! You will all fall like leaves before our mighty armies, and you will all be squashed! You will-

Netoow: Hey! The court agreement was a message, not Fall-themed threat with a pun!

Pumpkin Represenative: Do not interrupt me while I am giving a speech! Otherwise, you will be forced to-

Netoow: Oh, you mean like this? *click*

We now return you to your regularly scheduled comments already in progress.

-that's about all the updates think of, so enjoy!


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