Sprite Heroes

Sprite Heroes #17: Are You Afraid?

Author notes

Sprite Heroes #17: Are You Afraid?


Four Riders: The Four Riders series is a world after Armageddon. God decided that mankind had to go, and unleashed the four riders. Satan, of course, wanted to anger God a bit, and gave the evilest people of the world magic. An angel, not wanting to see evil take root, gives the best of men holier magic, and a war ensues.

Zed here shows up in the third game. The second game introduced the powers of Heaven and Hell becoming directly involved, and the third introduces the Undead and the Church of Man. Zed has no memory of his life, and was promised true death if he led the undead forces to wherever the Hive Mind of the undead told him to attack. Armed with powerful necromantic spells and a shotgun, Zed is more of a True Neutral character than a hero or anti-hero. At the end of the campaign for the Church of Man, Zed is felled by the CoM hero-and shows up in the Mithril Fist universe.

Oh, and remember when newton mentioned the Vampires?


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