- The Reinforcements
- Gathering the Troops
- Messing with their heads
- Filler: A Whole Bunch Of Gundam Stuff
- Remembering Chaos
Chapter 2 intro
- End of Chapter
- Poki-rat's intro page
- Obelisk is really seen
- Mission complete(2-2)
- ....honored guest(1-2)
- The enemy
- Zealotjohn's Member's page
- I refuse
- What Happens When...?
- Model data
- Obelisk Monologues
- Char Asks For Help
- being releaved of their duties
- During a storm
- A vision into the future
- Simulation Match
- The Team Assembles
- Holiday Special
- Security video monolouge
- Stolen goods?
- the power within
- evasive manuvers
- WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS FIGHT!
- NUL Coveinant appears
- Going deeper into the base
- A new allie and a fight to begin
- And There he goes.
- The Legendz Leader
- Kion's member page
- The Green story begins
- Nox's member page
- Green team: Omega squad Training
- The enemy
- Clayton's Bio
- It Has BEGUN!!!!
- Happy Halloween
- This is Aaron.
- Rutger's Profile Page
- THKNN_NUL's Profile Page
- Coveinant
Author notes
Cov: I decided to do a page, now we just need two/3 more intros and I'll post the last page of this chapter. the intros are for zeal, Poki_rat, and maybe Nox. This is to show what Obelisk really looks like, and to get some story going.
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