- The Reinforcements
- Gathering the Troops
- Messing with their heads
- Filler: A Whole Bunch Of Gundam Stuff
- Remembering Chaos
Chapter 2 intro
- End of Chapter
- Poki-rat's intro page
- Obelisk is really seen
- Mission complete(2-2)
- ....honored guest(1-2)
- The enemy
- Zealotjohn's Member's page
- I refuse
- What Happens When...?
- Model data
- Obelisk Monologues
- Char Asks For Help
- being releaved of their duties
- During a storm
- A vision into the future
- Simulation Match
- The Team Assembles
- Holiday Special
- Security video monolouge
- Stolen goods?
- the power within
- evasive manuvers
- WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS FIGHT!
- NUL Coveinant appears
- Going deeper into the base
- A new allie and a fight to begin
- And There he goes.
- The Legendz Leader
- Kion's member page
- The Green story begins
- Nox's member page
- Green team: Omega squad Training
- The enemy
- Clayton's Bio
- It Has BEGUN!!!!
- Happy Halloween
- This is Aaron.
- Rutger's Profile Page
- THKNN_NUL's Profile Page
- Coveinant
Author notes
(Cov) This is poki's intro page, who is that talking? Heck beats me, we just have to wait a little longer till we can read on. Also this is an official notice, I'm not posting any more fillers so my next page on either accounts will be the end of Chapter 1.
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