Spun Off

Oh, THAT avatar!

Author notes

Oh, THAT avatar!


I told you there'd be faerie boners! Even if they're really faerie-god-statue boners, for now.

Continuity clarification, because there's been so much time between updates: this page follows on this one, in which Aléas, Scallop and Asper have gone to the neighbouring village to ask for an audience with Wakatonka, that village's protector god, because they don't trust their own protector goddess, Emea, anymore. 

I drew this sequence over a year ago, but sat on it for a while because I wanted to change the order and extend the sequence in which Neive, Finbar and Gavin fail to keep watch because they're distracted by boners. Those pages, however, are still unfinished, although I've been working on them a little bit, and there are several pages of the Wakatonka sequence already drawn, so I'm going to run them now. We'll be back to Neive and company's misadventures afterwards - hopefully soon but with my schedule, you never know.

This is the first "new" material I've posted online in about a year. Yay me!


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