Stella and Celeste Reloaded

Author notes

So Very Late
Roar Comics onHappy 2013!We begin the new year with gratuitous nudity….. a year and a half late.
Last year I was thinking of (not definitely) returning to the one porno comic I tried to do, "Stella and Celeste".I have updated the hairstyles.Stella and Celeste represents a period in my life comic-making life that I, honestly, would rather forget, but, I did have a bit of fun doing it.At best, the strip made me realize something: I am really no good at smut. Y'know, "really smutty smut". Like PORN.It's really just not in me.Everytime I tried to create something dirty, it just came out cute.Nothing wrong with that, I suppose. I was playing to my strengths.But, every time I have tried to create something out-of-my-comfort-zone dirty, It begins with a need to prove some kind of point, then I usually start liking the character(s), then comes the wholly unnecessary backstory, which makes me like them more.Soon, I start liking them way too much to put them in situations where they're gonna get treated like sluts.Next thing ya know, someone gets chibi-fied and BOOM, the smutty character is then a somewhat NON-smutty character.I mean, I can (and often do) put them in sexual situations, but, by then, it's more for the sake of comedy than tittilation, with but a modicum of nudity.
Bootsi Q, Moxi, The Misfits of Mischief, Pristine… they all started out like that, and all wound up as semi-serious characters with other things going on than just getting spooged on.
Stella and Celeste stayed smutty, but, I still tried to write them for comedy more than sex, despite the amount of, um, fluids they would wind up immersed in, and the ill will towards internet perversity at the center of their creation.(There's issues there, but, I'm not gonna get into them. Even now, I can't seem to totally get past them. Stella's right foot, f'rInstance.)I may or may not give them another try sometime in LATE 2014 or early 2015,But for now I have way too many other projects that are demanding my serious attention and love.
But, in the meantime… RANDOM NEKKIDNESS!!Woot!
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