Stetson Kennedy

This is Sparta

Author notes

This is Sparta


As a special treat, and to get these damn comics out of the way, I thought I'd upload today and tomorrow. Days which are typically reserved as a kind of traditional space to do things OTHER than read webcomics, I have blasphemically decided I would thwart. /THWART'D!
This will, therefore, be the second last post on the men on the roof situation.
They came in a small hatchback towing a selection of appliances and tools, and have the audacity to call themselves "builders". Right now they are taking a break, which would be the most constructive thing they've done all day - people, listen to me. Heed my call; these men are tricksters! I understand that the old guttering must be taken down to be replaced, but they are so slow, clearly they are, as we speak, plotting away, using the "specs" they have taken, the rudimentry dirt-and-stick map of my house plotted, they are going to steal my last belt! I only have one left, as all the rest have been stolen. Soon, this number will be less than one, and I'm not speaking in mathematical fractions.
Goddamn belt-thieves.


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