Stetson Kennedy

Loud Noises

Author notes

Loud Noises


It's stupid. I don't think they thought about it before they even went down there, either, they just latched onto the "Left-Wing Save the Humping Whales anti-rightwing" bandwagon. That bandwagon's getting full, man; I can hear the creaking.
I'll explain the last part in greater detail - Students pay levies to the government-run public schools they come from: $xxxx.xx to come to learn at Mount Splashmore, or whatever. This sum is divided out into days, and those days are days of schooling. My proposal is this - If you "strike" on a day when you're meant to be in school, all you're doing is paying them for doing nothing. Shit, you're paying them to fund the shit you're protesting against!
"I will now go down to the parliment house of the government, a school of which I attend and pay money for attending. BUT! Instead of attending, I will pay the government the money, but not turn up! THAT'LL show them!"
There's a reason why people with jobs and SALARIES are taken notice of when they strike: They're actually running the community's economy! They pay bills!


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