Sticks and Stones

Author notes

2/27/2006 (007)- A=Comic
Jman077 onAuthor's note outlining some stuff thats happening to the comic, innforming you of links you should visit, and reminding you to vote.
Actually, this is exactly what I don't want to become. As the previous comic demonstrated, I'm not sticking to the same format all the time. Anyways, visit my links. Prelude and Polkout are now on the top of my links, in a category called "Supreme Beings", because they link to me. And the comics are awesome. Thanks guys!
Someone once asked me if my links are in order of my favorites, and the answer to that is no. CYS until KOW are in alphabetical order (the comic on Explosm is called Cyanide and Happiness, and is truly my favorite comic on the internet), and after that they are in the same order that they are in the source code of SNAFU's links page. (Yes, I cheated). Except Boxjam, who is last, because I had to email him to get a banner. The text links are in alpha order. There you go.
And one more thing; since Im assuming most of you don't get my new avatar, 6 is Mark Martin's number. Mark is my favorite NASCAR driver. Yes, I like NASCAR.
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