Author notes
Little Kendall FTW.
@SoItBegins - Youre a couple of pages late for that reaction, lol.
@Viper_kilo- The other Crowley I mentioned before in the comic was the guy whose currently head of all The Black Ministry
@DariusDrake- Unclassified Danger most definitely means unknown variable =]
@ZergHunter- Their soo cute at that age.
@wererat2000-Lol, Yeah human moose, was a hairy bastard before he went all weremoose.
@LeoDrake- It was quite fun drawing Kendall-chan. Getting that right amount of cute was essential.
@PaulEberhartd- Yep, It;s pretty tough to resist pressing the big red buttons. It's probably worse for Kendall.
@Bocaj- I like yellow too =]
@wildcard- I guess the cats out of bag. I've still got a bit more secrets to reveal though.
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