Strawhat Kirby First Prev - filler- brain shatter - And you thought BEES were a pest? - Timeless - I'm goin to Disneyland!! - I hear the rates are FLAT - THAT could happen! Chapter 1: Home Hunting - Tomika has joined your party! - Breaking more then the fourth wall - A hero...? - In THIS Economy....people will do ANYTHING - At least you don't have THIS job - Welcome to the show Next Last First Prev - filler- brain shatter - And you thought BEES were a pest? - Timeless - I'm goin to Disneyland!! - I hear the rates are FLAT - THAT could happen! Chapter 1: Home Hunting - Tomika has joined your party! - Breaking more then the fourth wall - A hero...? - In THIS Economy....people will do ANYTHING - At least you don't have THIS job - Welcome to the show Next Last Author notes Breaking more then the fourth wall Strawhat_Kirby on Sept. 1, 2009 The panels…they have limits you know!Girl sprites by Me and Kit Nathaniels (But mainly Kit)Giant Metal Arm by Kit NathanielsKirby Sprites by Rogultgot (edited by me)Backgrounds by unknown Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register Ahti_Turtle at 02 Sep, 2009, 04:46 PM xD lolnice THKNN_NUL at 02 Sep, 2009, 03:15 PM LOLs
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xD lolnice