
Author notes

0000010 & 0000011
Salsicoruc onTwo pages as promised. It occurs to me (slowly) that not everyone is in my timezone (duh), so I'm not sure how productive it is to say "I'll update Wednesday", but uh, yeah.
Anywho, in response to theMidge28, and as an in-general "here's what's going on with the font", I'm not quite happy with it yet.
For now I'm using Arial, because it has the most legible lower case letters. I like Arial for things like TV and radio speech, but not so much for characters, but I dislike having a bunch of fonts floating around on the page.
Short version: expect occasional font changes.
Dragonrider's questions will not go unanswered. All in due time.
Another page will be up on the 22nd. I know because it's already done and woot. And I will be working on a stack of pages just for you guys. Yep.
Oh, and I'm sorry if you have to scroll to read this one. For proper momentum these pages needed to be together.
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