Stupid Users

Jorge - Hero Shot

Author notes

Jorge - Hero Shot


Jorge is a Gunslinger at heart, this illustration will make more sense after you read the first official Stupid Users Strips! Which will be launching Halloween and I'll start updating 2-3 times a week, maybe more.

Adam Hicks has been doing a great job pumping out the art for me, and I hope you guys enjoy.

I like to give the artists I work with a lot of creative freedom on a project. As you saw in the comic pages, most of the craziness of the pages came from the mind of John Armanini, none of that was in the script. I only gave him simple panel descriptions and let him go to town. Which he did, and I thought it added something great and unique, each page to me was a piece of art in itself.

This is also true for Adam, even though his art is obvisouly different, he's added a bit of his own creativity to the strips as well. I think his art also brings out the humor of the strips.

Oh and aside from this Halloween special, the strips will mostly take place at AllThings (before the zombie outbreak), with some new characters, and of course…Jones. Though if you're into Zombies, don't worry, there will still be Zombies and plenty of other fun things…

See you tomorrow.


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