Stupidity in Magic First Prev - Less Politics More Pie 2023 - Less Politics More Pie - Less Politics More Pie - Less Politics More Pie 2020 - Less Politics More Pie; I'm just trying to stay sane here - Feeling Defeated by the Year? Eat Pie. - Less Politics More Pies to the Face - Less Politics More History - Pie Theory - Politics as Described by Pie - Less Politics More Pie - Keeping her - Trust in me - Dependable, Depending - Same old, Same Old - Aw he's so cute - Unfavorable Conparison - In a Calm and Lucid Manor - Quite the Trip - And that's Coming from someone Who'd know - Not so Much, No. - Less Politics, More Pie - Pan shot - On to the reception - Octavia's Vows - Larry's Vows - Life in Color - Wedding Portrait - Not exactly Bridezilla - We've secretly replaced... - The time has come - That's what She Said Indeed - Ready for What, is the question - Signs Of Trouble - Feeling Stupid - Well better than nothing - Like, a monster. - Didn't she watch 'Legend'? - Stamp of Aproval - Negotiations - First impressions - The Fun Part of the Apocolypse - Rapture is Coming - Not-so-random-art - Booty. - Shame - Kawanza - Sock Monkeys - The Men of the Insitute - A long way to go. - Of course Besides that - Sneak Attack! - Larry- confusing people's Gaydar since 2003 - Shopping for a tux - Last Dress - Victorian style - Wedding Mini-dress - A pretty Pretty princess - Wedding Kimono - Belly Button - Plans are better bacchanal - Less Politics, More Pie - Not a Romantic Comedy - - Loo's Planning - Bridesmaid's dresses - Lily - White wedding - Secular American - Family Holidays - Parents - Plans interupted - I don't know enough about other cultures - Which isn't too far distant - Hi There - Lily - Just a question - Well he did ask - Just not funny. - A good point - Talking about romance - Smears - Getting to Know you - A very short history of Lily - Threats - It's Lily! - A new roomate - Now that's Scary - Warning them off - Because she's serious - She's okay - *thump* - Salt Circle - Trained professional - logic Check - Oh that's alight then - Wait a moment - Oh that. - Road Trip Redux - Visual Aides - Gratuitous Ghostbusters refrence - Related to the Internet - Energizer Curse - Trust your gut - Who'd expect it? - Ken's Past - Comic for 9-14-9 - But I don't belive in any of those things - Can we go? - Release - Nothing like That - Why do I bother with funny angles - Hand puppets? - Speeding things up - Spot the Plot point - Ambulance Monkeys - Little crosses on the hillside - What, Again? - No, i'm Clean - A Week ago Evening Officer - No Magical Adventure - Kind of Stupid Yeah - Are you a good witch or a bad witch? - Keep Telling yourself that - Annoying kid is annoying - No one thinks that their family is rich - The horse's name is Butter - Ah, parents - He didn't really forget - Relitive - Octavia's Parents - Logicaly speaking - Ring around the Rosy - Nostalgia - Happy Birthday Dan - Wedding squee - According to Willow - Overdramatic Much? - It Makes sense in Willow's Head - Who are you Going to Call on? - It doesn't make sense - Vocabulary - Logical Expantion - Yep, that's all the explantion you get - But I'm not Gay - Reach out and Ask Someone - Don't I wish - Broken Again - Evidence of Entropy - A Friendly Ear - Tir Reappears - A not so sublte Diss - Consolation Prize - Goth Tir - Religon Vs Identity - He's kind of Surpised she knows the word. - Shock and Awww - Talking to herself? - Rash - What's Best - Acceptance Requirements - Like She's not There - What are we going to do about Tir? - Overreacting - Inconcevible - Tir's confession - Bad Joke - In training to be a crazy cat lady - Responcible - Funny Bones - Cold - Looking on the Bright Side - Like Real Adults - No Words - Answer - uncertainty - Editor - Making fun of twilight - Creepy Toiliet - Inablitity to commit - Sudden Switch - The Question - Not the Reason - Less Politics, More Pie - Explaination - Reaction - A study in the wrong things to say when you find out your girlfriend is pregnant - Probably not whathe was going to say, - Sholder... chibi - Thinking about it - Yeah, that's what caused the problem. - not the best time - Sneak sneak - Weighty Matter - Consiter - Snowday - True Story - Everyone is a little bit racist - You're a Card - Larry's Plans - Grr,. Argh - Clear the Air - Dan Blackout Filler - naughty Karma - I mean really, who gave him the power? - Think about it - Thumpity thump thump - Kind of Creepy Actualy - Carols - Black Out - And talking - Yeah, she's still talking - Jesus's Mom - Mnn. Chicken - Deep Thought - Conspiracy! - Bra Quest! FAIL! - Extreme reaction - Toilet Humor - Minoritys - American President - Everyone's a little bit racist - Return to me - Haiatus - What Ken Learned Today - Cthullu PUNCH! - Leaving the Institute - A friend in Jesus - Not Surprised - No, Really - Men Say it too - You remind me - No. - Facinating - Something like that. - Not so Subtle - Fair Filler - He liked Octavia - The Spook Squad - comic for September 22nd - comic for September 19th - what comes out of your mouth - Friendship - Scare tactics - It Is a Silly Place - Welcome, bienvenue, welcome - Can I have the Ghost back? - Loo Ellen, Bimbo at Large - She kinda was - Intresting Choice of words - one of us - Agreement - Realization - nothing as scary as that - Common Practice - Nerves - You know the rest - Ken's Story - I think so - Commit this ghost to memory - A point - Actualy now that you mention it... - Tale of Two Graveyards - Around here - Quite good - Irony? - Don't Ask - Bone Yard - Nothing like In jokes you don't get - History Lesson - A thick file - Job Security - Is that All? - ken Knows - Marginly amusing filler - Emo Corner - You Mock Me - To protect our supernatural heritige - The P-Word - Creepy - What about ghosts? - They Deal with Ghosts alot - A natural enough question - He just doesn't like ghosts - Which Witch? - Not Even Close - Teachers - Those who Can't Teach - The Institue is... - Who are you people? - Who's missing cues here? - Previous investigations - What, more? - Storage vault - Ugly and Dangerous - Deeper into storage - Troubleshooting - Communication problem - Nyoro - Deep thought - Stalling - Red vs Blue? - Kenneth Dawson - Witholding information - More than occasonaly. - The issue here is - Hichhikeing ghost - A pile of evidence - In my Car - A ghost! - At it again? - Taken - What you take away - Don't call wIllow a Liar - Psycic? - Ooops - Sulking - Probably Not - Walking away - No - A little support here?? - Stay here - For entertainment Purposes Only - The wrong idea - It's not a school Emma - A small interuption - So much shoveling - Please Stand by - Knowing is Half the battle - How to Make Imbolc-cicles - Imbolc-cicles - Less Politics, More Pie - You're giving me chocolate? - Chtullu's Chocolate - Chocolate Rage - Mmm. Chocolate angst - Banannas - Little Problem - Aincent? - One More Break Five Years! - The Pagan on The Street - Pagan on the Street - Pagan-On-The-Street - Aproaching magic - Aproaching Magic - Aproaching Magic - Cthulhu Theft - Cthullu sulks a lot - Vote Elder Party - She's been spending alot of time there - Eating Habits - Depression usually hurts my butt - Keep Telling yourself that. - Gift Soap - Don't Drink and Fly - Such a Little Thing - Santa's Lap - Confidence is One thing... - Precautions - Bothers me - Wait a moment - It's a sign - An Open Mind - Sweet Zombie Jesus - In the End, That's all that really matters - Happy Man - Not So Bad - Geez, Eliot - Grampa Godwin - Just a suggestion - Step Forward, Step Back - The First Step - Good Bye - Nine Years ago - Fifteen Years ago (2) - Fifteen Years Ago - Birth and Death - There are things betterthan candy - It Explains a lot, actualy - This Halloween Thing - Halloween> Christmas - Halloween Song - A little jumpy - Bat-nel - Carry permit - How Weird was it - Misery Filler - All together now - Noises in the Dark - Going down - Cthullu's warning - Understand? - Flying tackle - Where someone had aparently gone before - Disturbing - What do you mean was? - Infamos more like - Off to location - Carter's Map - Try Again - A lot more beliveable - A blind Spot, for sure - Gone through the records - Too X-Files - 8x10 glossies - The Statement - A little Help? - Mistakes - In the Rain - Handbook - Travel - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Go Dan -Type Filler - Voodoo dolls of the author are never a good idea. - The Dummies Series Covers everything - Midnight. Tonight. Your local Bookstore. - A Funny Phrase, that. - Get a room - Holy (Water) Wars - tha'ts a big cavity - Tech? No. - Cooking at the Institute - Cooking at the Institute - Octavia Pinup - Cooking at the Institute - The festival Experience - The Festival Experience - The festival Experience - The Festival Experience - The Festival Experience - The Festival Experience - All the small things - Shoe Shopping - What the heck? - Care Free? - not so beautiful mind - Two Lawyers: Shook Hands - Not like anywhere else. - Guess Who that is? - Verdict - A simple defence - Closing Statment - It has goneon a bit, hasn't it? - A breif interlude with Stewart Bliss - Wishing for Recess - They need a reason? - Voice over - Come get some - Oh that - The Witness - new Witness - Hardly the Worst thing he's been called - Typewriter Lady - No Other Reason - Dance Dance - Wait a Moment - Growl - Question and Answer - Terms of Adress - The Fear - The Problem - Back to Reality - I wish - Staying Calm - Mark Says... - Carl Says - Joe Says - This happens to me sometimes - Mark's first name is Harry. He Never uses it. - Question - revised opinion - Courtroom Rules - Day in Court - A good Speaker - Defending Choices - Seriously - A burgandy, Silver pinstriped one - Awkward Much? - Can't think of anyone - Inital Conseltaion - Meet the Family - Less Politics More Pie - Larry's Dad - That's Love - I loose more Lawyers that way - A Bang Up solution - Skipped Explaination - Lullaby - Well, really what would she see? - Sign here, and here, and here in red ink - I don't take Lip from fictonal charctes - What if? - Money can't buy happyness, and the rental terms are shit. - Just imagine - No, really, I kinda did. - It's not abnormal, Either - Scene Change - Absolute worst case - What kind of person I am. - Willow on Lawyers - Willows a Little Depressed - Cross Consitution. You've got to be kidding! - Songstress Willow - Odd, That. - Happy Birthday - Party - Lots of Latkes - I guess she has - It's collectable - A not so likely story - Willow's Got Back - Legal Tackle - Family Fun - Want Some Pie? - not the problem - More about Family - I normaly do use the computer - Family means rigged bets - Grace With Style - I can take you out - And She didn't ask, either. - Too Many Weirdos - I'm sure it's in the bible Somewhere - Intoductions - now I do. - Thanksgiving plans - Who's Surprised? It's Always something - Happy Halloween - The End? - Salted, Sealed, Delivered - A distraction - Anime Refrences - Flying butter - An excelent point - The question becomes... - Fan girl Attack - Morning Apologies - Not A lot more - Feeling of Rising Stupidity - Maybe Nothing - Bloody Mary - In the Dark of the Night - Mirror weirdness - Not so pointless fan service - What Happened? - Wouldn't Stand for it - Putting it back - Taking a Stand - Now that's going too far! - You all know what a node is, right? - Oh is that all? - Now how much would you cleanse? - Spiritual cleaning Woman - Likely Cause - Enough already - Any of you guys know how to Madison? - Signs point to random association comics - Unwilling to talk - Failure to Communicate - Tarot Reading Can't sleep, Comics Will eat me 3 Can't Sleep, Comics Will eat me 2 Can't Sleep, Comics will eat me 1 - Larry Saw it coming - The Fabric of Reality - Crazy Fan-girl - it's the author's birthday, be nice. - Search and Find - Says the man in the 'Spider-man' shirt - Convenient - Hey, a cat's gotta eat - But she's taken it before... - how did you do that? - Saving Sister and Cat - Movement - Evil Aura - Chicken Dance - Lily Likes Cats - Something Wrong - Larry and Tybalt have a bonding moment - Upside Down - Just an excuse - Nope, not her fault. - That'll do - Larry Does his Ghostbuster thing - praticaly professionals - There's a possiblity of that - If you call that normal - the animator's Ghetto - Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my... number? - yaoi=mansex - Sneak Attack Slumber party - Sleepover? - Happy Memorial Day - Open mouth, insert foot. - Speaking of that - Coming over - Sisterhood of the Stripy Socks - Another Visitor - A visitor 'Sisters' Pinup - They are pretty generic - Never Trust a Fairy in a bodice. - Who wants some Jesus - a quick message - leaving messes in his wake - Goosebumps - Video store - A reasonable arguement - the goth question - Well, it isn't. - Internet Debate - Someone forgot his meds - whos Stupid now? - I gave blood :D - Media Bashing - Hey Torquemoda, Whatda say? - It's probably a herasy - Wiccan Duty - Benign Delusion - Smart People do stupid things - Tasty! - No Really - Voting booth - Town Elections - Full on 'the comic is real' mode - Seasonal Activity - Contagious Insanity - Aw.... - Censorship reproached (loudly) - Willow: Loco Artist - Phrase of the Day - Happy Black History Month (late) - Jesus with Teeth - Fighting over the clicker - A familar plot device (takes 2 AA) - Happy Presidents Day - Duck incoming sterotypes - Has it occured to you? - Wasted on the Streight - Lily ninja-cheats - Striking fear into their hearts - A normal day in the Stibbons household. - Cthullu Head - Good 'Cuz I'm gonna kill you! - Yeah, I'm Alive - Three Years! - Who told Cuthullu about water balloons? - Yeah, they're looking at you. - Sadly, Willow was closer - Well, almost anything - At the sound of the tone - Kidnapping! - Siblings. Can't live with 'em... - Ninja Attack - Tech Support - Pie Comes Later - 500 comics. HOLY MOLY! - Family moment - In coming therapy. - Holiday pet peeves - He knows where you are sleeping... - A bit of a surprise - Meeting of the Never Minds - Dear Santa - announcement - Your Picture with Jesus - Twitch Twitch - Cue Funeral March - Needing to talk. - Get up already - The Return of Jesus Does standup - use 982 - Cameo time - Damnit, I'm drawing cars again! - ain't misbehavin' - Escape - When in doubt, improvise. - Cat carrier - Kill Will - And you were there, and you and you... - Always a good question - Keep your thoughts orginzed - How long did you think she'd play it streight? - Having a ball? - a whole lot of swords - I'd go a long way for Sushi... - a hitch in the plans - Worst Cameo ever - WTF? - a little angst - Yeah, you had better run. - I must have missed that part - Unexpected consequences - But I can Show you - Cut to the Hospital - Jesus Has a Mean Streak - On the Way - a little help - Some Fight Left - The Fight - Spastic Kali Dance Kung Fu! - Trouble Starts - Karma, Small scale - Smart People do stupid things - Ladies Night - Complements - In honor of Talk like a pirate day - What's your sign? - That's Cold - Shot Down - Phobias are funny! - Weight Loss Spell - Happy Labor Day - Lobster Trap - To everyone this has happened too. - Driving Rage - Octavia finds something at Pennsic to Enjoy - Sidetracked - Profile Filler: Willow - Profile Filler: Jesus - Profile Filler: Cuthullu - Profile Filler: Tir - Profile Filler: Loo Ellen - Profile Filler: Larry - Profile Filler:Octavia - More or Less the End - He's getting graded on this. - For a good grade, I mean. - It would, Wouldn't it? - Getting Kind of creepy - Sepia Past - You saw this coming, right? - Filler - Hold off that smack down - Something Wrong - Séance Overview - Survival Rate - Slasher movie - A Fall - Is that your final answer? - Her Harshest Critic - The Reason - Steep Cliff - Dream and Disaster - Traditional clothing - Oh like you've never seen a cheap gag before - Foreground/Backround - Dinner's on - Unseen - Kitchen Ghost - Nancy Drew - The lights are on - The obvious explanation - Dignity's no fun - Some Plan - Well, Duh - Unexpected nastiness - Dark Shadows - One Small difference - Lyon Cape - Mice Knocker - The Mighty Ghost Hunters - Travel Montage - Fuming - Oooh... she said it. - Anger - Unexpected Passenger - Adventuring Party - Oh that's okay then. - Flippy Phone - Spring, when a young man's thoughts turn to finals - Jesus Live - Jesus Live - Jesus Live - Grounded - God Tossing for Fun and Profit - thump - Just this once - a confession - A mess - You were hoping I'd say April Fools - Been Right so many times before - Cannot Tell a lie - Or can she? - Bright Lights - Theif of Love - Some 'Splaining to Do - The Drinking of the Green - Forgiveness - Get a Clue - Failure - It Didn't work - Anger rises - it is kind of surprising - Racist - Bruising - Bet that felt good! - A lot more Pie - Kahn! - quiet thinking - The Kiss part two - The 'I hate Loo Ellen' club is now open. - Sudden Departure - feeling badly? - Shocking Thought - Bad Dream - Love - We celebrate two years [part 3] - We celebrate two years [part 2] - We celebrate two years (pt 1) - Check out Wild Ravens on the Web! - Sage Advice - Not Intrested - That kind of weirdo - Time Zone - Fripples - All hail the internet - That Song - Happy New Year - Piñata - Plush is similar to plump - The great Devourer - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - Worship in many flavors - The Difference - Aren't you glad you asked? - Lore whores - Yes it is. - Asatru Standards - What does it mean?! - Way to listen, Oken - Things Coming up - See you next spring - Big Mistake - Hunting With Herne - Red sox joke - not really a point - SEX!! - Sign - Mope - what a drama queen - if you get my meaning - Well, she tried - They Missed her too. - Who Else? - I am so sick of drawing chibis - This message is interupted to bring you this message - The Green Party: Not just for Hippies any more - This is not the Sedation you're looking for. - Opinionated Much - Freedom of Speech - Any Religon - not everyone knows this stuff. - Voting Powers - CHIBI! - Who's In Charge here? - Disclaimer - OMG! a Joke! - realitive problems - Larry Gets 'good boyfreind' points - In case you wondered what she was wearing - Visitation Complication - Silent Arguement - First Mistake - My Life now - Shock - Sound effects - Oh -really- - More nudity - Long Years - Worse than burning. - Strange Normality - Minerva Raven - Uh, no... - The Flashback begins - Photo - Separation - Relationship Talk - Talk - Knowledge is Power - Did you know that? - oooh. Plot stuff - Bubbles - Missed Something - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Omake Filler - Omake Filler - Unplesant realization - Wize god - Tourist trap - Can't Wait - no you can't - The Trip that Doesn't End - Jesus' Licence - Needing Direction? - None too swift - Where did he get it? - Car Pool - Packing - Paid for by Cuthullu for president - Third Party - Running Mate - And it's already Hard - Revelations - Makes me Sick - Tons of Tracts - Has-Mat - Shock Value - Uh... Right - see, it wasn't just Octavia - Dance, Willow, Dance - They're on a subway - She means happy, in this case - Sneak Sneak - It's a dark secret - Two nations dvided by a single language - TV - Artist Indicator - Another shirt Joke - an agitator - Platonic Love Club - Jesus Christ, Movie Star - What's bugging her? - Last Beltane Comic - Comic awareness day - He's back - Nothing at All? - May Showers - Well it's true - Enemies - Finding Jesus: Turnabout - Finding Jesus - Finding Jesus:Willow - Finding Jesus: Larry - Finding Jesus: Octavia - Finding Jesus: Brigit - A good Question - Heh, Boffing. - Introducing Pippin! - Missed something - APRIL FOOLS! - Oh that was Low, Octavia - Repeat - Mega Man - Lowest Common denomonater - The principle of the thing - Ninjas - Mescatonic Magical Girl - Pointless Panty shot - Being Over Dramatic - A really universal remote - Innocent until proven stupid - Taking the heat - Lunch - no reason - a sudden realization - terrorist religions - Bargain Bin - Gads, I'm cold - Thank you Oken, for putting it in persective - Imbolc Comic: late but still funny - Happy President's Day - aww- so cute - That's Oken, incidently - Larry's Cabinet - Most campaign speeches sound like this to me. - he's running on the 'unrepentant evil' ticket, you know vs. GWB - Why vote for the lesser of two evils - We celebrate one year - Just the End - The end of Agent eyebrows - another cheap shot - Sexual tention - Bullet Time - Welcome to Rivendell... Mr. Anderson - Groovy - Who believes? - When Agents attack - The Oracle Visit - Know-believe- want - Fight - Fight - Cheat Codes - Now that's a fast download - The Jump - Bouncy - and she didn't even ask for questions - self image issues - Because That's what's really important - What a pill - the Question - Stupidity in the Matrix Pinup - Don't just know ,Believe - Computer Help? - Yuck! - X-Mass Blues again - The Light - People have thought so for years - Grinchy Jesus - Memory Problems - X-Mas blues - Oooh.. that could hurt - It's a fun word to say - Indoor play - If only she'd listen all the way through the lecture - Ah, Holiday listening - Black Friday was ... interesting - Giving Thanks - Yet Another Phase - Accepting the Crone - Oooh, house of the dead - Getting A Grip - One Evening in the mall - Oh, threats! - Say the magic word - Remember him? - WEll it sure seems that way to me - But that is her Hobby - Once Again, Missing the point - I thought Samhain was a religous holiday... - Maybe as an Extra... - What do they mean by that - No, this doesn't make sence - Could be Milton Bradly - Parker Brothers I think - I will not mess in the realm of god... - +5 potion of revitalization - Bwahah ah ha indeed - We believe you,. Larry - Also, he's Asian. - Larry Potter - WAFF-y ending - Wrong Answer, Right Reasons - Mixed Signals - Stupid technicalityes - Fifty---- seven! - Wet thinking - We celebrate 100 Comics - Overshared - It does you know - Depression or Suicide Attempt - Expecting too much from my readers again - Ugly Doll? - Yeah, but neither of them play tournament rules - Gaming Night - Monogomous or Something - Willow is being unreasonably cute - Day Dreams of A college student - This was funner in my head - Stay away from dark roads there. - Too Late to Cast - Let us Pray - Tentacle Lovin' - Probable Cause - And Yet Willow Failed french - Tap two black and a Green to summon - Not as funny to anyone who doesn't live there.... - It's not the size that counts... oh who are we kidding? - Some people pay good money to see that. - Let's see, how many do I take again? - Ooooh.... Ahhhhh... Impressive.... - Now, where, precisely did Willow get the bail money? - Tir Starts thinking - One Day in the Reading room (2) - One Day in the Reading Room - It's from Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost - Worshiper's Choice - Damn those four letter words. - Sushi good - If that's what it takes. - What, you don't scream at your computer? - Bell, I-book and candle - Get that camera out of my face - Yeah, Probably. - Movie Night - Willow the Ent? - The real meaning - Whoever do you mean - Un- I mean, adressing an issue. - My... precious... - A matter of perspective. - Hobbit Anatomy - A glowing recomendation - No, Really - Finding Jesus - Driving Instruction - Pratical Magic - What a Pain - And by Loo Ellen, too - Yeah, but does it pay well - Banking on it. - Well some people would like it - Not Again - Lent me your ear - you should see my day job - ...and I'm not goingto take it anymore - A more firm grounding - Things are not goingas planned - Always Keep your mind on what you're doing. - Ooops. I guess there's one more. - right, all the idots have gone home; to work! - Who you gonna call? - Translator, please? - Monosybillic words are insufficent - Yeah. Crud. - No Willows Were harmed in the making of this strip - Stupid Phone - What do you call yourself? - Causing trouble - Who's your favorite god? - Who were you in a past life? - Nothing Says Love like dismembered dolls. - Kitty Quip - Colorist Issues - Play Outside - Anubis Speaks - No, not good at all. - Gods are Tenatious like that - Based on a True Story - Me? Self Rightous? Only because I'm right. - Oh, that's real mature. - What About you, you been persecuted? - Most Widly published book of crime, smut and murder in the world. - Learning the Hard Way - loosing one's temper; a new kind of fun. - He Wants to Do what? - And Wouldn't that class be fun... - What did I Just say? - Do not Taunt Happy Fun DCYS - Presidents Day 03 - It's right before 'Mother.' - Never Ask That - Bad jokes are just part of the game - A Good Point - Stop Protesting! - Being Guilty Religously. - Paterized, Homoginized, Sanitised... - Give me Strength - Only the Begining Next Last First Prev - Less Politics More Pie 2023 - Less Politics More Pie - Less Politics More Pie - Less Politics More Pie 2020 - Less Politics More Pie; I'm just trying to stay sane here - Feeling Defeated by the Year? Eat Pie. - Less Politics More Pies to the Face - Less Politics More History - Pie Theory - Politics as Described by Pie - Less Politics More Pie - Keeping her - Trust in me - Dependable, Depending - Same old, Same Old - Aw he's so cute - Unfavorable Conparison - In a Calm and Lucid Manor - Quite the Trip - And that's Coming from someone Who'd know - Not so Much, No. - Less Politics, More Pie - Pan shot - On to the reception - Octavia's Vows - Larry's Vows - Life in Color - Wedding Portrait - Not exactly Bridezilla - We've secretly replaced... - The time has come - That's what She Said Indeed - Ready for What, is the question - Signs Of Trouble - Feeling Stupid - Well better than nothing - Like, a monster. - Didn't she watch 'Legend'? - Stamp of Aproval - Negotiations - First impressions - The Fun Part of the Apocolypse - Rapture is Coming - Not-so-random-art - Booty. - Shame - Kawanza - Sock Monkeys - The Men of the Insitute - A long way to go. - Of course Besides that - Sneak Attack! - Larry- confusing people's Gaydar since 2003 - Shopping for a tux - Last Dress - Victorian style - Wedding Mini-dress - A pretty Pretty princess - Wedding Kimono - Belly Button - Plans are better bacchanal - Less Politics, More Pie - Not a Romantic Comedy - - Loo's Planning - Bridesmaid's dresses - Lily - White wedding - Secular American - Family Holidays - Parents - Plans interupted - I don't know enough about other cultures - Which isn't too far distant - Hi There - Lily - Just a question - Well he did ask - Just not funny. - A good point - Talking about romance - Smears - Getting to Know you - A very short history of Lily - Threats - It's Lily! - A new roomate - Now that's Scary - Warning them off - Because she's serious - She's okay - *thump* - Salt Circle - Trained professional - logic Check - Oh that's alight then - Wait a moment - Oh that. - Road Trip Redux - Visual Aides - Gratuitous Ghostbusters refrence - Related to the Internet - Energizer Curse - Trust your gut - Who'd expect it? - Ken's Past - Comic for 9-14-9 - But I don't belive in any of those things - Can we go? - Release - Nothing like That - Why do I bother with funny angles - Hand puppets? - Speeding things up - Spot the Plot point - Ambulance Monkeys - Little crosses on the hillside - What, Again? - No, i'm Clean - A Week ago Evening Officer - No Magical Adventure - Kind of Stupid Yeah - Are you a good witch or a bad witch? - Keep Telling yourself that - Annoying kid is annoying - No one thinks that their family is rich - The horse's name is Butter - Ah, parents - He didn't really forget - Relitive - Octavia's Parents - Logicaly speaking - Ring around the Rosy - Nostalgia - Happy Birthday Dan - Wedding squee - According to Willow - Overdramatic Much? - It Makes sense in Willow's Head - Who are you Going to Call on? - It doesn't make sense - Vocabulary - Logical Expantion - Yep, that's all the explantion you get - But I'm not Gay - Reach out and Ask Someone - Don't I wish - Broken Again - Evidence of Entropy - A Friendly Ear - Tir Reappears - A not so sublte Diss - Consolation Prize - Goth Tir - Religon Vs Identity - He's kind of Surpised she knows the word. - Shock and Awww - Talking to herself? - Rash - What's Best - Acceptance Requirements - Like She's not There - What are we going to do about Tir? - Overreacting - Inconcevible - Tir's confession - Bad Joke - In training to be a crazy cat lady - Responcible - Funny Bones - Cold - Looking on the Bright Side - Like Real Adults - No Words - Answer - uncertainty - Editor - Making fun of twilight - Creepy Toiliet - Inablitity to commit - Sudden Switch - The Question - Not the Reason - Less Politics, More Pie - Explaination - Reaction - A study in the wrong things to say when you find out your girlfriend is pregnant - Probably not whathe was going to say, - Sholder... chibi - Thinking about it - Yeah, that's what caused the problem. - not the best time - Sneak sneak - Weighty Matter - Consiter - Snowday - True Story - Everyone is a little bit racist - You're a Card - Larry's Plans - Grr,. Argh - Clear the Air - Dan Blackout Filler - naughty Karma - I mean really, who gave him the power? - Think about it - Thumpity thump thump - Kind of Creepy Actualy - Carols - Black Out - And talking - Yeah, she's still talking - Jesus's Mom - Mnn. Chicken - Deep Thought - Conspiracy! - Bra Quest! FAIL! - Extreme reaction - Toilet Humor - Minoritys - American President - Everyone's a little bit racist - Return to me - Haiatus - What Ken Learned Today - Cthullu PUNCH! - Leaving the Institute - A friend in Jesus - Not Surprised - No, Really - Men Say it too - You remind me - No. - Facinating - Something like that. - Not so Subtle - Fair Filler - He liked Octavia - The Spook Squad - comic for September 22nd - comic for September 19th - what comes out of your mouth - Friendship - Scare tactics - It Is a Silly Place - Welcome, bienvenue, welcome - Can I have the Ghost back? - Loo Ellen, Bimbo at Large - She kinda was - Intresting Choice of words - one of us - Agreement - Realization - nothing as scary as that - Common Practice - Nerves - You know the rest - Ken's Story - I think so - Commit this ghost to memory - A point - Actualy now that you mention it... - Tale of Two Graveyards - Around here - Quite good - Irony? - Don't Ask - Bone Yard - Nothing like In jokes you don't get - History Lesson - A thick file - Job Security - Is that All? - ken Knows - Marginly amusing filler - Emo Corner - You Mock Me - To protect our supernatural heritige - The P-Word - Creepy - What about ghosts? - They Deal with Ghosts alot - A natural enough question - He just doesn't like ghosts - Which Witch? - Not Even Close - Teachers - Those who Can't Teach - The Institue is... - Who are you people? - Who's missing cues here? - Previous investigations - What, more? - Storage vault - Ugly and Dangerous - Deeper into storage - Troubleshooting - Communication problem - Nyoro - Deep thought - Stalling - Red vs Blue? - Kenneth Dawson - Witholding information - More than occasonaly. - The issue here is - Hichhikeing ghost - A pile of evidence - In my Car - A ghost! - At it again? - Taken - What you take away - Don't call wIllow a Liar - Psycic? - Ooops - Sulking - Probably Not - Walking away - No - A little support here?? - Stay here - For entertainment Purposes Only - The wrong idea - It's not a school Emma - A small interuption - So much shoveling - Please Stand by - Knowing is Half the battle - How to Make Imbolc-cicles - Imbolc-cicles - Less Politics, More Pie - You're giving me chocolate? - Chtullu's Chocolate - Chocolate Rage - Mmm. Chocolate angst - Banannas - Little Problem - Aincent? - One More Break Five Years! - The Pagan on The Street - Pagan on the Street - Pagan-On-The-Street - Aproaching magic - Aproaching Magic - Aproaching Magic - Cthulhu Theft - Cthullu sulks a lot - Vote Elder Party - She's been spending alot of time there - Eating Habits - Depression usually hurts my butt - Keep Telling yourself that. - Gift Soap - Don't Drink and Fly - Such a Little Thing - Santa's Lap - Confidence is One thing... - Precautions - Bothers me - Wait a moment - It's a sign - An Open Mind - Sweet Zombie Jesus - In the End, That's all that really matters - Happy Man - Not So Bad - Geez, Eliot - Grampa Godwin - Just a suggestion - Step Forward, Step Back - The First Step - Good Bye - Nine Years ago - Fifteen Years ago (2) - Fifteen Years Ago - Birth and Death - There are things betterthan candy - It Explains a lot, actualy - This Halloween Thing - Halloween> Christmas - Halloween Song - A little jumpy - Bat-nel - Carry permit - How Weird was it - Misery Filler - All together now - Noises in the Dark - Going down - Cthullu's warning - Understand? - Flying tackle - Where someone had aparently gone before - Disturbing - What do you mean was? - Infamos more like - Off to location - Carter's Map - Try Again - A lot more beliveable - A blind Spot, for sure - Gone through the records - Too X-Files - 8x10 glossies - The Statement - A little Help? - Mistakes - In the Rain - Handbook - Travel - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Go Dan -Type Filler - Voodoo dolls of the author are never a good idea. - The Dummies Series Covers everything - Midnight. Tonight. Your local Bookstore. - A Funny Phrase, that. - Get a room - Holy (Water) Wars - tha'ts a big cavity - Tech? No. - Cooking at the Institute - Cooking at the Institute - Octavia Pinup - Cooking at the Institute - The festival Experience - The Festival Experience - The festival Experience - The Festival Experience - The Festival Experience - The Festival Experience - All the small things - Shoe Shopping - What the heck? - Care Free? - not so beautiful mind - Two Lawyers: Shook Hands - Not like anywhere else. - Guess Who that is? - Verdict - A simple defence - Closing Statment - It has goneon a bit, hasn't it? - A breif interlude with Stewart Bliss - Wishing for Recess - They need a reason? - Voice over - Come get some - Oh that - The Witness - new Witness - Hardly the Worst thing he's been called - Typewriter Lady - No Other Reason - Dance Dance - Wait a Moment - Growl - Question and Answer - Terms of Adress - The Fear - The Problem - Back to Reality - I wish - Staying Calm - Mark Says... - Carl Says - Joe Says - This happens to me sometimes - Mark's first name is Harry. He Never uses it. - Question - revised opinion - Courtroom Rules - Day in Court - A good Speaker - Defending Choices - Seriously - A burgandy, Silver pinstriped one - Awkward Much? - Can't think of anyone - Inital Conseltaion - Meet the Family - Less Politics More Pie - Larry's Dad - That's Love - I loose more Lawyers that way - A Bang Up solution - Skipped Explaination - Lullaby - Well, really what would she see? - Sign here, and here, and here in red ink - I don't take Lip from fictonal charctes - What if? - Money can't buy happyness, and the rental terms are shit. - Just imagine - No, really, I kinda did. - It's not abnormal, Either - Scene Change - Absolute worst case - What kind of person I am. - Willow on Lawyers - Willows a Little Depressed - Cross Consitution. You've got to be kidding! - Songstress Willow - Odd, That. - Happy Birthday - Party - Lots of Latkes - I guess she has - It's collectable - A not so likely story - Willow's Got Back - Legal Tackle - Family Fun - Want Some Pie? - not the problem - More about Family - I normaly do use the computer - Family means rigged bets - Grace With Style - I can take you out - And She didn't ask, either. - Too Many Weirdos - I'm sure it's in the bible Somewhere - Intoductions - now I do. - Thanksgiving plans - Who's Surprised? It's Always something - Happy Halloween - The End? - Salted, Sealed, Delivered - A distraction - Anime Refrences - Flying butter - An excelent point - The question becomes... - Fan girl Attack - Morning Apologies - Not A lot more - Feeling of Rising Stupidity - Maybe Nothing - Bloody Mary - In the Dark of the Night - Mirror weirdness - Not so pointless fan service - What Happened? - Wouldn't Stand for it - Putting it back - Taking a Stand - Now that's going too far! - You all know what a node is, right? - Oh is that all? - Now how much would you cleanse? - Spiritual cleaning Woman - Likely Cause - Enough already - Any of you guys know how to Madison? - Signs point to random association comics - Unwilling to talk - Failure to Communicate - Tarot Reading Can't sleep, Comics Will eat me 3 Can't Sleep, Comics Will eat me 2 Can't Sleep, Comics will eat me 1 - Larry Saw it coming - The Fabric of Reality - Crazy Fan-girl - it's the author's birthday, be nice. - Search and Find - Says the man in the 'Spider-man' shirt - Convenient - Hey, a cat's gotta eat - But she's taken it before... - how did you do that? - Saving Sister and Cat - Movement - Evil Aura - Chicken Dance - Lily Likes Cats - Something Wrong - Larry and Tybalt have a bonding moment - Upside Down - Just an excuse - Nope, not her fault. - That'll do - Larry Does his Ghostbuster thing - praticaly professionals - There's a possiblity of that - If you call that normal - the animator's Ghetto - Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my... number? - yaoi=mansex - Sneak Attack Slumber party - Sleepover? - Happy Memorial Day - Open mouth, insert foot. - Speaking of that - Coming over - Sisterhood of the Stripy Socks - Another Visitor - A visitor 'Sisters' Pinup - They are pretty generic - Never Trust a Fairy in a bodice. - Who wants some Jesus - a quick message - leaving messes in his wake - Goosebumps - Video store - A reasonable arguement - the goth question - Well, it isn't. - Internet Debate - Someone forgot his meds - whos Stupid now? - I gave blood :D - Media Bashing - Hey Torquemoda, Whatda say? - It's probably a herasy - Wiccan Duty - Benign Delusion - Smart People do stupid things - Tasty! - No Really - Voting booth - Town Elections - Full on 'the comic is real' mode - Seasonal Activity - Contagious Insanity - Aw.... - Censorship reproached (loudly) - Willow: Loco Artist - Phrase of the Day - Happy Black History Month (late) - Jesus with Teeth - Fighting over the clicker - A familar plot device (takes 2 AA) - Happy Presidents Day - Duck incoming sterotypes - Has it occured to you? - Wasted on the Streight - Lily ninja-cheats - Striking fear into their hearts - A normal day in the Stibbons household. - Cthullu Head - Good 'Cuz I'm gonna kill you! - Yeah, I'm Alive - Three Years! - Who told Cuthullu about water balloons? - Yeah, they're looking at you. - Sadly, Willow was closer - Well, almost anything - At the sound of the tone - Kidnapping! - Siblings. Can't live with 'em... - Ninja Attack - Tech Support - Pie Comes Later - 500 comics. HOLY MOLY! - Family moment - In coming therapy. - Holiday pet peeves - He knows where you are sleeping... - A bit of a surprise - Meeting of the Never Minds - Dear Santa - announcement - Your Picture with Jesus - Twitch Twitch - Cue Funeral March - Needing to talk. - Get up already - The Return of Jesus Does standup - use 982 - Cameo time - Damnit, I'm drawing cars again! - ain't misbehavin' - Escape - When in doubt, improvise. - Cat carrier - Kill Will - And you were there, and you and you... - Always a good question - Keep your thoughts orginzed - How long did you think she'd play it streight? - Having a ball? - a whole lot of swords - I'd go a long way for Sushi... - a hitch in the plans - Worst Cameo ever - WTF? - a little angst - Yeah, you had better run. - I must have missed that part - Unexpected consequences - But I can Show you - Cut to the Hospital - Jesus Has a Mean Streak - On the Way - a little help - Some Fight Left - The Fight - Spastic Kali Dance Kung Fu! - Trouble Starts - Karma, Small scale - Smart People do stupid things - Ladies Night - Complements - In honor of Talk like a pirate day - What's your sign? - That's Cold - Shot Down - Phobias are funny! - Weight Loss Spell - Happy Labor Day - Lobster Trap - To everyone this has happened too. - Driving Rage - Octavia finds something at Pennsic to Enjoy - Sidetracked - Profile Filler: Willow - Profile Filler: Jesus - Profile Filler: Cuthullu - Profile Filler: Tir - Profile Filler: Loo Ellen - Profile Filler: Larry - Profile Filler:Octavia - More or Less the End - He's getting graded on this. - For a good grade, I mean. - It would, Wouldn't it? - Getting Kind of creepy - Sepia Past - You saw this coming, right? - Filler - Hold off that smack down - Something Wrong - Séance Overview - Survival Rate - Slasher movie - A Fall - Is that your final answer? - Her Harshest Critic - The Reason - Steep Cliff - Dream and Disaster - Traditional clothing - Oh like you've never seen a cheap gag before - Foreground/Backround - Dinner's on - Unseen - Kitchen Ghost - Nancy Drew - The lights are on - The obvious explanation - Dignity's no fun - Some Plan - Well, Duh - Unexpected nastiness - Dark Shadows - One Small difference - Lyon Cape - Mice Knocker - The Mighty Ghost Hunters - Travel Montage - Fuming - Oooh... she said it. - Anger - Unexpected Passenger - Adventuring Party - Oh that's okay then. - Flippy Phone - Spring, when a young man's thoughts turn to finals - Jesus Live - Jesus Live - Jesus Live - Grounded - God Tossing for Fun and Profit - thump - Just this once - a confession - A mess - You were hoping I'd say April Fools - Been Right so many times before - Cannot Tell a lie - Or can she? - Bright Lights - Theif of Love - Some 'Splaining to Do - The Drinking of the Green - Forgiveness - Get a Clue - Failure - It Didn't work - Anger rises - it is kind of surprising - Racist - Bruising - Bet that felt good! - A lot more Pie - Kahn! - quiet thinking - The Kiss part two - The 'I hate Loo Ellen' club is now open. - Sudden Departure - feeling badly? - Shocking Thought - Bad Dream - Love - We celebrate two years [part 3] - We celebrate two years [part 2] - We celebrate two years (pt 1) - Check out Wild Ravens on the Web! - Sage Advice - Not Intrested - That kind of weirdo - Time Zone - Fripples - All hail the internet - That Song - Happy New Year - Piñata - Plush is similar to plump - The great Devourer - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - Worship in many flavors - The Difference - Aren't you glad you asked? - Lore whores - Yes it is. - Asatru Standards - What does it mean?! - Way to listen, Oken - Things Coming up - See you next spring - Big Mistake - Hunting With Herne - Red sox joke - not really a point - SEX!! - Sign - Mope - what a drama queen - if you get my meaning - Well, she tried - They Missed her too. - Who Else? - I am so sick of drawing chibis - This message is interupted to bring you this message - The Green Party: Not just for Hippies any more - This is not the Sedation you're looking for. - Opinionated Much - Freedom of Speech - Any Religon - not everyone knows this stuff. - Voting Powers - CHIBI! - Who's In Charge here? - Disclaimer - OMG! a Joke! - realitive problems - Larry Gets 'good boyfreind' points - In case you wondered what she was wearing - Visitation Complication - Silent Arguement - First Mistake - My Life now - Shock - Sound effects - Oh -really- - More nudity - Long Years - Worse than burning. - Strange Normality - Minerva Raven - Uh, no... - The Flashback begins - Photo - Separation - Relationship Talk - Talk - Knowledge is Power - Did you know that? - oooh. Plot stuff - Bubbles - Missed Something - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Omake Filler - Omake Filler - Unplesant realization - Wize god - Tourist trap - Can't Wait - no you can't - The Trip that Doesn't End - Jesus' Licence - Needing Direction? - None too swift - Where did he get it? - Car Pool - Packing - Paid for by Cuthullu for president - Third Party - Running Mate - And it's already Hard - Revelations - Makes me Sick - Tons of Tracts - Has-Mat - Shock Value - Uh... Right - see, it wasn't just Octavia - Dance, Willow, Dance - They're on a subway - She means happy, in this case - Sneak Sneak - It's a dark secret - Two nations dvided by a single language - TV - Artist Indicator - Another shirt Joke - an agitator - Platonic Love Club - Jesus Christ, Movie Star - What's bugging her? - Last Beltane Comic - Comic awareness day - He's back - Nothing at All? - May Showers - Well it's true - Enemies - Finding Jesus: Turnabout - Finding Jesus - Finding Jesus:Willow - Finding Jesus: Larry - Finding Jesus: Octavia - Finding Jesus: Brigit - A good Question - Heh, Boffing. - Introducing Pippin! - Missed something - APRIL FOOLS! - Oh that was Low, Octavia - Repeat - Mega Man - Lowest Common denomonater - The principle of the thing - Ninjas - Mescatonic Magical Girl - Pointless Panty shot - Being Over Dramatic - A really universal remote - Innocent until proven stupid - Taking the heat - Lunch - no reason - a sudden realization - terrorist religions - Bargain Bin - Gads, I'm cold - Thank you Oken, for putting it in persective - Imbolc Comic: late but still funny - Happy President's Day - aww- so cute - That's Oken, incidently - Larry's Cabinet - Most campaign speeches sound like this to me. - he's running on the 'unrepentant evil' ticket, you know vs. GWB - Why vote for the lesser of two evils - We celebrate one year - Just the End - The end of Agent eyebrows - another cheap shot - Sexual tention - Bullet Time - Welcome to Rivendell... Mr. Anderson - Groovy - Who believes? - When Agents attack - The Oracle Visit - Know-believe- want - Fight - Fight - Cheat Codes - Now that's a fast download - The Jump - Bouncy - and she didn't even ask for questions - self image issues - Because That's what's really important - What a pill - the Question - Stupidity in the Matrix Pinup - Don't just know ,Believe - Computer Help? - Yuck! - X-Mass Blues again - The Light - People have thought so for years - Grinchy Jesus - Memory Problems - X-Mas blues - Oooh.. that could hurt - It's a fun word to say - Indoor play - If only she'd listen all the way through the lecture - Ah, Holiday listening - Black Friday was ... interesting - Giving Thanks - Yet Another Phase - Accepting the Crone - Oooh, house of the dead - Getting A Grip - One Evening in the mall - Oh, threats! - Say the magic word - Remember him? - WEll it sure seems that way to me - But that is her Hobby - Once Again, Missing the point - I thought Samhain was a religous holiday... - Maybe as an Extra... - What do they mean by that - No, this doesn't make sence - Could be Milton Bradly - Parker Brothers I think - I will not mess in the realm of god... - +5 potion of revitalization - Bwahah ah ha indeed - We believe you,. Larry - Also, he's Asian. - Larry Potter - WAFF-y ending - Wrong Answer, Right Reasons - Mixed Signals - Stupid technicalityes - Fifty---- seven! - Wet thinking - We celebrate 100 Comics - Overshared - It does you know - Depression or Suicide Attempt - Expecting too much from my readers again - Ugly Doll? - Yeah, but neither of them play tournament rules - Gaming Night - Monogomous or Something - Willow is being unreasonably cute - Day Dreams of A college student - This was funner in my head - Stay away from dark roads there. - Too Late to Cast - Let us Pray - Tentacle Lovin' - Probable Cause - And Yet Willow Failed french - Tap two black and a Green to summon - Not as funny to anyone who doesn't live there.... - It's not the size that counts... oh who are we kidding? - Some people pay good money to see that. - Let's see, how many do I take again? - Ooooh.... Ahhhhh... Impressive.... - Now, where, precisely did Willow get the bail money? - Tir Starts thinking - One Day in the Reading room (2) - One Day in the Reading Room - It's from Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost - Worshiper's Choice - Damn those four letter words. - Sushi good - If that's what it takes. - What, you don't scream at your computer? - Bell, I-book and candle - Get that camera out of my face - Yeah, Probably. - Movie Night - Willow the Ent? - The real meaning - Whoever do you mean - Un- I mean, adressing an issue. - My... precious... - A matter of perspective. - Hobbit Anatomy - A glowing recomendation - No, Really - Finding Jesus - Driving Instruction - Pratical Magic - What a Pain - And by Loo Ellen, too - Yeah, but does it pay well - Banking on it. - Well some people would like it - Not Again - Lent me your ear - you should see my day job - ...and I'm not goingto take it anymore - A more firm grounding - Things are not goingas planned - Always Keep your mind on what you're doing. - Ooops. I guess there's one more. - right, all the idots have gone home; to work! - Who you gonna call? - Translator, please? - Monosybillic words are insufficent - Yeah. Crud. - No Willows Were harmed in the making of this strip - Stupid Phone - What do you call yourself? - Causing trouble - Who's your favorite god? - Who were you in a past life? - Nothing Says Love like dismembered dolls. - Kitty Quip - Colorist Issues - Play Outside - Anubis Speaks - No, not good at all. - Gods are Tenatious like that - Based on a True Story - Me? Self Rightous? Only because I'm right. - Oh, that's real mature. - What About you, you been persecuted? - Most Widly published book of crime, smut and murder in the world. - Learning the Hard Way - loosing one's temper; a new kind of fun. - He Wants to Do what? - And Wouldn't that class be fun... - What did I Just say? - Do not Taunt Happy Fun DCYS - Presidents Day 03 - It's right before 'Mother.' - Never Ask That - Bad jokes are just part of the game - A Good Point - Stop Protesting! - Being Guilty Religously. - Paterized, Homoginized, Sanitised... - Give me Strength - Only the Begining Next Last Author notes Wedding Portrait Willowanderer on June 21, 2011 This is late, so I'm posting it uncolored. I'll try to get the colored version up as soon as I can. Comments Please login to comment. 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