Stupidity in Magic First Prev - Less Politics More Pie 2023 - Less Politics More Pie - Less Politics More Pie - Less Politics More Pie 2020 - Less Politics More Pie; I'm just trying to stay sane here - Feeling Defeated by the Year? Eat Pie. - Less Politics More Pies to the Face - Less Politics More History - Pie Theory - Politics as Described by Pie - Less Politics More Pie - Keeping her - Trust in me - Dependable, Depending - Same old, Same Old - Aw he's so cute - Unfavorable Conparison - In a Calm and Lucid Manor - Quite the Trip - And that's Coming from someone Who'd know - Not so Much, No. - Less Politics, More Pie - Pan shot - On to the reception - Octavia's Vows - Larry's Vows - Life in Color - Wedding Portrait - Not exactly Bridezilla - We've secretly replaced... - The time has come - That's what She Said Indeed - Ready for What, is the question - Signs Of Trouble - Feeling Stupid - Well better than nothing - Like, a monster. - Didn't she watch 'Legend'? - Stamp of Aproval - Negotiations - First impressions - The Fun Part of the Apocolypse - Rapture is Coming - Not-so-random-art - Booty. - Shame - Kawanza - Sock Monkeys - The Men of the Insitute - A long way to go. - Of course Besides that - Sneak Attack! - Larry- confusing people's Gaydar since 2003 - Shopping for a tux - Last Dress - Victorian style - Wedding Mini-dress - A pretty Pretty princess - Wedding Kimono - Belly Button - Plans are better bacchanal - Less Politics, More Pie - Not a Romantic Comedy - - Loo's Planning - Bridesmaid's dresses - Lily - White wedding - Secular American - Family Holidays - Parents - Plans interupted - I don't know enough about other cultures - Which isn't too far distant - Hi There - Lily - Just a question - Well he did ask - Just not funny. - A good point - Talking about romance - Smears - Getting to Know you - A very short history of Lily - Threats - It's Lily! - A new roomate - Now that's Scary - Warning them off - Because she's serious - She's okay - *thump* - Salt Circle - Trained professional - logic Check - Oh that's alight then - Wait a moment - Oh that. - Road Trip Redux - Visual Aides - Gratuitous Ghostbusters refrence - Related to the Internet - Energizer Curse - Trust your gut - Who'd expect it? - Ken's Past - Comic for 9-14-9 - But I don't belive in any of those things - Can we go? - Release - Nothing like That - Why do I bother with funny angles - Hand puppets? - Speeding things up - Spot the Plot point - Ambulance Monkeys - Little crosses on the hillside - What, Again? - No, i'm Clean - A Week ago Evening Officer - No Magical Adventure - Kind of Stupid Yeah - Are you a good witch or a bad witch? - Keep Telling yourself that - Annoying kid is annoying - No one thinks that their family is rich - The horse's name is Butter - Ah, parents - He didn't really forget - Relitive - Octavia's Parents - Logicaly speaking - Ring around the Rosy - Nostalgia - Happy Birthday Dan - Wedding squee - According to Willow - Overdramatic Much? - It Makes sense in Willow's Head - Who are you Going to Call on? - It doesn't make sense - Vocabulary - Logical Expantion - Yep, that's all the explantion you get - But I'm not Gay - Reach out and Ask Someone - Don't I wish - Broken Again - Evidence of Entropy - A Friendly Ear - Tir Reappears - A not so sublte Diss - Consolation Prize - Goth Tir - Religon Vs Identity - He's kind of Surpised she knows the word. - Shock and Awww - Talking to herself? - Rash - What's Best - Acceptance Requirements - Like She's not There - What are we going to do about Tir? - Overreacting - Inconcevible - Tir's confession - Bad Joke - In training to be a crazy cat lady - Responcible - Funny Bones - Cold - Looking on the Bright Side - Like Real Adults - No Words - Answer - uncertainty - Editor - Making fun of twilight - Creepy Toiliet - Inablitity to commit - Sudden Switch - The Question - Not the Reason - Less Politics, More Pie - Explaination - Reaction - A study in the wrong things to say when you find out your girlfriend is pregnant - Probably not whathe was going to say, - Sholder... chibi - Thinking about it - Yeah, that's what caused the problem. - not the best time - Sneak sneak - Weighty Matter - Consiter - Snowday - True Story - Everyone is a little bit racist - You're a Card - Larry's Plans - Grr,. Argh - Clear the Air - Dan Blackout Filler - naughty Karma - I mean really, who gave him the power? - Think about it - Thumpity thump thump - Kind of Creepy Actualy - Carols - Black Out - And talking - Yeah, she's still talking - Jesus's Mom - Mnn. Chicken - Deep Thought - Conspiracy! - Bra Quest! FAIL! - Extreme reaction - Toilet Humor - Minoritys - American President - Everyone's a little bit racist - Return to me - Haiatus - What Ken Learned Today - Cthullu PUNCH! - Leaving the Institute - A friend in Jesus - Not Surprised - No, Really - Men Say it too - You remind me - No. - Facinating - Something like that. - Not so Subtle - Fair Filler - He liked Octavia - The Spook Squad - comic for September 22nd - comic for September 19th - what comes out of your mouth - Friendship - Scare tactics - It Is a Silly Place - Welcome, bienvenue, welcome - Can I have the Ghost back? - Loo Ellen, Bimbo at Large - She kinda was - Intresting Choice of words - one of us - Agreement - Realization - nothing as scary as that - Common Practice - Nerves - You know the rest - Ken's Story - I think so - Commit this ghost to memory - A point - Actualy now that you mention it... - Tale of Two Graveyards - Around here - Quite good - Irony? - Don't Ask - Bone Yard - Nothing like In jokes you don't get - History Lesson - A thick file - Job Security - Is that All? - ken Knows - Marginly amusing filler - Emo Corner - You Mock Me - To protect our supernatural heritige - The P-Word - Creepy - What about ghosts? - They Deal with Ghosts alot - A natural enough question - He just doesn't like ghosts - Which Witch? - Not Even Close - Teachers - Those who Can't Teach - The Institue is... - Who are you people? - Who's missing cues here? - Previous investigations - What, more? - Storage vault - Ugly and Dangerous - Deeper into storage - Troubleshooting - Communication problem - Nyoro - Deep thought - Stalling - Red vs Blue? - Kenneth Dawson - Witholding information - More than occasonaly. - The issue here is - Hichhikeing ghost - A pile of evidence - In my Car - A ghost! - At it again? - Taken - What you take away - Don't call wIllow a Liar - Psycic? - Ooops - Sulking - Probably Not - Walking away - No - A little support here?? - Stay here - For entertainment Purposes Only - The wrong idea - It's not a school Emma - A small interuption - So much shoveling - Please Stand by - Knowing is Half the battle - How to Make Imbolc-cicles - Imbolc-cicles - Less Politics, More Pie - You're giving me chocolate? - Chtullu's Chocolate - Chocolate Rage - Mmm. Chocolate angst - Banannas - Little Problem - Aincent? - One More Break Five Years! - The Pagan on The Street - Pagan on the Street - Pagan-On-The-Street - Aproaching magic - Aproaching Magic - Aproaching Magic - Cthulhu Theft - Cthullu sulks a lot - Vote Elder Party - She's been spending alot of time there - Eating Habits - Depression usually hurts my butt - Keep Telling yourself that. - Gift Soap - Don't Drink and Fly - Such a Little Thing - Santa's Lap - Confidence is One thing... - Precautions - Bothers me - Wait a moment - It's a sign - An Open Mind - Sweet Zombie Jesus - In the End, That's all that really matters - Happy Man - Not So Bad - Geez, Eliot - Grampa Godwin - Just a suggestion - Step Forward, Step Back - The First Step - Good Bye - Nine Years ago - Fifteen Years ago (2) - Fifteen Years Ago - Birth and Death - There are things betterthan candy - It Explains a lot, actualy - This Halloween Thing - Halloween> Christmas - Halloween Song - A little jumpy - Bat-nel - Carry permit - How Weird was it - Misery Filler - All together now - Noises in the Dark - Going down - Cthullu's warning - Understand? - Flying tackle - Where someone had aparently gone before - Disturbing - What do you mean was? - Infamos more like - Off to location - Carter's Map - Try Again - A lot more beliveable - A blind Spot, for sure - Gone through the records - Too X-Files - 8x10 glossies - The Statement - A little Help? - Mistakes - In the Rain - Handbook - Travel - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Go Dan -Type Filler - Voodoo dolls of the author are never a good idea. - The Dummies Series Covers everything - Midnight. Tonight. Your local Bookstore. - A Funny Phrase, that. - Get a room - Holy (Water) Wars - tha'ts a big cavity - Tech? No. - Cooking at the Institute - Cooking at the Institute - Octavia Pinup - Cooking at the Institute - The festival Experience - The Festival Experience - The festival Experience - The Festival Experience - The Festival Experience - The Festival Experience - All the small things - Shoe Shopping - What the heck? - Care Free? - not so beautiful mind - Two Lawyers: Shook Hands - Not like anywhere else. - Guess Who that is? - Verdict - A simple defence - Closing Statment - It has goneon a bit, hasn't it? - A breif interlude with Stewart Bliss - Wishing for Recess - They need a reason? - Voice over - Come get some - Oh that - The Witness - new Witness - Hardly the Worst thing he's been called - Typewriter Lady - No Other Reason - Dance Dance - Wait a Moment - Growl - Question and Answer - Terms of Adress - The Fear - The Problem - Back to Reality - I wish - Staying Calm - Mark Says... - Carl Says - Joe Says - This happens to me sometimes - Mark's first name is Harry. He Never uses it. - Question - revised opinion - Courtroom Rules - Day in Court - A good Speaker - Defending Choices - Seriously - A burgandy, Silver pinstriped one - Awkward Much? - Can't think of anyone - Inital Conseltaion - Meet the Family - Less Politics More Pie - Larry's Dad - That's Love - I loose more Lawyers that way - A Bang Up solution - Skipped Explaination - Lullaby - Well, really what would she see? - Sign here, and here, and here in red ink - I don't take Lip from fictonal charctes - What if? - Money can't buy happyness, and the rental terms are shit. - Just imagine - No, really, I kinda did. - It's not abnormal, Either - Scene Change - Absolute worst case - What kind of person I am. - Willow on Lawyers - Willows a Little Depressed - Cross Consitution. You've got to be kidding! - Songstress Willow - Odd, That. - Happy Birthday - Party - Lots of Latkes - I guess she has - It's collectable - A not so likely story - Willow's Got Back - Legal Tackle - Family Fun - Want Some Pie? - not the problem - More about Family - I normaly do use the computer - Family means rigged bets - Grace With Style - I can take you out - And She didn't ask, either. - Too Many Weirdos - I'm sure it's in the bible Somewhere - Intoductions - now I do. - Thanksgiving plans - Who's Surprised? It's Always something - Happy Halloween - The End? - Salted, Sealed, Delivered - A distraction - Anime Refrences - Flying butter - An excelent point - The question becomes... - Fan girl Attack - Morning Apologies - Not A lot more - Feeling of Rising Stupidity - Maybe Nothing - Bloody Mary - In the Dark of the Night - Mirror weirdness - Not so pointless fan service - What Happened? - Wouldn't Stand for it - Putting it back - Taking a Stand - Now that's going too far! - You all know what a node is, right? - Oh is that all? - Now how much would you cleanse? - Spiritual cleaning Woman - Likely Cause - Enough already - Any of you guys know how to Madison? - Signs point to random association comics - Unwilling to talk - Failure to Communicate - Tarot Reading Can't sleep, Comics Will eat me 3 Can't Sleep, Comics Will eat me 2 Can't Sleep, Comics will eat me 1 - Larry Saw it coming - The Fabric of Reality - Crazy Fan-girl - it's the author's birthday, be nice. - Search and Find - Says the man in the 'Spider-man' shirt - Convenient - Hey, a cat's gotta eat - But she's taken it before... - how did you do that? - Saving Sister and Cat - Movement - Evil Aura - Chicken Dance - Lily Likes Cats - Something Wrong - Larry and Tybalt have a bonding moment - Upside Down - Just an excuse - Nope, not her fault. - That'll do - Larry Does his Ghostbuster thing - praticaly professionals - There's a possiblity of that - If you call that normal - the animator's Ghetto - Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my... number? - yaoi=mansex - Sneak Attack Slumber party - Sleepover? - Happy Memorial Day - Open mouth, insert foot. - Speaking of that - Coming over - Sisterhood of the Stripy Socks - Another Visitor - A visitor 'Sisters' Pinup - They are pretty generic - Never Trust a Fairy in a bodice. - Who wants some Jesus - a quick message - leaving messes in his wake - Goosebumps - Video store - A reasonable arguement - the goth question - Well, it isn't. - Internet Debate - Someone forgot his meds - whos Stupid now? - I gave blood :D - Media Bashing - Hey Torquemoda, Whatda say? - It's probably a herasy - Wiccan Duty - Benign Delusion - Smart People do stupid things - Tasty! - No Really - Voting booth - Town Elections - Full on 'the comic is real' mode - Seasonal Activity - Contagious Insanity - Aw.... - Censorship reproached (loudly) - Willow: Loco Artist - Phrase of the Day - Happy Black History Month (late) - Jesus with Teeth - Fighting over the clicker - A familar plot device (takes 2 AA) - Happy Presidents Day - Duck incoming sterotypes - Has it occured to you? - Wasted on the Streight - Lily ninja-cheats - Striking fear into their hearts - A normal day in the Stibbons household. - Cthullu Head - Good 'Cuz I'm gonna kill you! - Yeah, I'm Alive - Three Years! - Who told Cuthullu about water balloons? - Yeah, they're looking at you. - Sadly, Willow was closer - Well, almost anything - At the sound of the tone - Kidnapping! - Siblings. Can't live with 'em... - Ninja Attack - Tech Support - Pie Comes Later - 500 comics. HOLY MOLY! - Family moment - In coming therapy. - Holiday pet peeves - He knows where you are sleeping... - A bit of a surprise - Meeting of the Never Minds - Dear Santa - announcement - Your Picture with Jesus - Twitch Twitch - Cue Funeral March - Needing to talk. - Get up already - The Return of Jesus Does standup - use 982 - Cameo time - Damnit, I'm drawing cars again! - ain't misbehavin' - Escape - When in doubt, improvise. - Cat carrier - Kill Will - And you were there, and you and you... - Always a good question - Keep your thoughts orginzed - How long did you think she'd play it streight? - Having a ball? - a whole lot of swords - I'd go a long way for Sushi... - a hitch in the plans - Worst Cameo ever - WTF? - a little angst - Yeah, you had better run. - I must have missed that part - Unexpected consequences - But I can Show you - Cut to the Hospital - Jesus Has a Mean Streak - On the Way - a little help - Some Fight Left - The Fight - Spastic Kali Dance Kung Fu! - Trouble Starts - Karma, Small scale - Smart People do stupid things - Ladies Night - Complements - In honor of Talk like a pirate day - What's your sign? - That's Cold - Shot Down - Phobias are funny! - Weight Loss Spell - Happy Labor Day - Lobster Trap - To everyone this has happened too. - Driving Rage - Octavia finds something at Pennsic to Enjoy - Sidetracked - Profile Filler: Willow - Profile Filler: Jesus - Profile Filler: Cuthullu - Profile Filler: Tir - Profile Filler: Loo Ellen - Profile Filler: Larry - Profile Filler:Octavia - More or Less the End - He's getting graded on this. - For a good grade, I mean. - It would, Wouldn't it? - Getting Kind of creepy - Sepia Past - You saw this coming, right? - Filler - Hold off that smack down - Something Wrong - Séance Overview - Survival Rate - Slasher movie - A Fall - Is that your final answer? - Her Harshest Critic - The Reason - Steep Cliff - Dream and Disaster - Traditional clothing - Oh like you've never seen a cheap gag before - Foreground/Backround - Dinner's on - Unseen - Kitchen Ghost - Nancy Drew - The lights are on - The obvious explanation - Dignity's no fun - Some Plan - Well, Duh - Unexpected nastiness - Dark Shadows - One Small difference - Lyon Cape - Mice Knocker - The Mighty Ghost Hunters - Travel Montage - Fuming - Oooh... she said it. - Anger - Unexpected Passenger - Adventuring Party - Oh that's okay then. - Flippy Phone - Spring, when a young man's thoughts turn to finals - Jesus Live - Jesus Live - Jesus Live - Grounded - God Tossing for Fun and Profit - thump - Just this once - a confession - A mess - You were hoping I'd say April Fools - Been Right so many times before - Cannot Tell a lie - Or can she? - Bright Lights - Theif of Love - Some 'Splaining to Do - The Drinking of the Green - Forgiveness - Get a Clue - Failure - It Didn't work - Anger rises - it is kind of surprising - Racist - Bruising - Bet that felt good! - A lot more Pie - Kahn! - quiet thinking - The Kiss part two - The 'I hate Loo Ellen' club is now open. - Sudden Departure - feeling badly? - Shocking Thought - Bad Dream - Love - We celebrate two years [part 3] - We celebrate two years [part 2] - We celebrate two years (pt 1) - Check out Wild Ravens on the Web! - Sage Advice - Not Intrested - That kind of weirdo - Time Zone - Fripples - All hail the internet - That Song - Happy New Year - Piñata - Plush is similar to plump - The great Devourer - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - Worship in many flavors - The Difference - Aren't you glad you asked? - Lore whores - Yes it is. - Asatru Standards - What does it mean?! - Way to listen, Oken - Things Coming up - See you next spring - Big Mistake - Hunting With Herne - Red sox joke - not really a point - SEX!! - Sign - Mope - what a drama queen - if you get my meaning - Well, she tried - They Missed her too. - Who Else? - I am so sick of drawing chibis - This message is interupted to bring you this message - The Green Party: Not just for Hippies any more - This is not the Sedation you're looking for. - Opinionated Much - Freedom of Speech - Any Religon - not everyone knows this stuff. - Voting Powers - CHIBI! - Who's In Charge here? - Disclaimer - OMG! a Joke! - realitive problems - Larry Gets 'good boyfreind' points - In case you wondered what she was wearing - Visitation Complication - Silent Arguement - First Mistake - My Life now - Shock - Sound effects - Oh -really- - More nudity - Long Years - Worse than burning. - Strange Normality - Minerva Raven - Uh, no... - The Flashback begins - Photo - Separation - Relationship Talk - Talk - Knowledge is Power - Did you know that? - oooh. Plot stuff - Bubbles - Missed Something - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Omake Filler - Omake Filler - Unplesant realization - Wize god - Tourist trap - Can't Wait - no you can't - The Trip that Doesn't End - Jesus' Licence - Needing Direction? - None too swift - Where did he get it? - Car Pool - Packing - Paid for by Cuthullu for president - Third Party - Running Mate - And it's already Hard - Revelations - Makes me Sick - Tons of Tracts - Has-Mat - Shock Value - Uh... Right - see, it wasn't just Octavia - Dance, Willow, Dance - They're on a subway - She means happy, in this case - Sneak Sneak - It's a dark secret - Two nations dvided by a single language - TV - Artist Indicator - Another shirt Joke - an agitator - Platonic Love Club - Jesus Christ, Movie Star - What's bugging her? - Last Beltane Comic - Comic awareness day - He's back - Nothing at All? - May Showers - Well it's true - Enemies - Finding Jesus: Turnabout - Finding Jesus - Finding Jesus:Willow - Finding Jesus: Larry - Finding Jesus: Octavia - Finding Jesus: Brigit - A good Question - Heh, Boffing. - Introducing Pippin! - Missed something - APRIL FOOLS! - Oh that was Low, Octavia - Repeat - Mega Man - Lowest Common denomonater - The principle of the thing - Ninjas - Mescatonic Magical Girl - Pointless Panty shot - Being Over Dramatic - A really universal remote - Innocent until proven stupid - Taking the heat - Lunch - no reason - a sudden realization - terrorist religions - Bargain Bin - Gads, I'm cold - Thank you Oken, for putting it in persective - Imbolc Comic: late but still funny - Happy President's Day - aww- so cute - That's Oken, incidently - Larry's Cabinet - Most campaign speeches sound like this to me. - he's running on the 'unrepentant evil' ticket, you know vs. GWB - Why vote for the lesser of two evils - We celebrate one year - Just the End - The end of Agent eyebrows - another cheap shot - Sexual tention - Bullet Time - Welcome to Rivendell... Mr. Anderson - Groovy - Who believes? - When Agents attack - The Oracle Visit - Know-believe- want - Fight - Fight - Cheat Codes - Now that's a fast download - The Jump - Bouncy - and she didn't even ask for questions - self image issues - Because That's what's really important - What a pill - the Question - Stupidity in the Matrix Pinup - Don't just know ,Believe - Computer Help? - Yuck! - X-Mass Blues again - The Light - People have thought so for years - Grinchy Jesus - Memory Problems - X-Mas blues - Oooh.. that could hurt - It's a fun word to say - Indoor play - If only she'd listen all the way through the lecture - Ah, Holiday listening - Black Friday was ... interesting - Giving Thanks - Yet Another Phase - Accepting the Crone - Oooh, house of the dead - Getting A Grip - One Evening in the mall - Oh, threats! - Say the magic word - Remember him? - WEll it sure seems that way to me - But that is her Hobby - Once Again, Missing the point - I thought Samhain was a religous holiday... - Maybe as an Extra... - What do they mean by that - No, this doesn't make sence - Could be Milton Bradly - Parker Brothers I think - I will not mess in the realm of god... - +5 potion of revitalization - Bwahah ah ha indeed - We believe you,. Larry - Also, he's Asian. - Larry Potter - WAFF-y ending - Wrong Answer, Right Reasons - Mixed Signals - Stupid technicalityes - Fifty---- seven! - Wet thinking - We celebrate 100 Comics - Overshared - It does you know - Depression or Suicide Attempt - Expecting too much from my readers again - Ugly Doll? - Yeah, but neither of them play tournament rules - Gaming Night - Monogomous or Something - Willow is being unreasonably cute - Day Dreams of A college student - This was funner in my head - Stay away from dark roads there. - Too Late to Cast - Let us Pray - Tentacle Lovin' - Probable Cause - And Yet Willow Failed french - Tap two black and a Green to summon - Not as funny to anyone who doesn't live there.... - It's not the size that counts... oh who are we kidding? - Some people pay good money to see that. - Let's see, how many do I take again? - Ooooh.... Ahhhhh... Impressive.... - Now, where, precisely did Willow get the bail money? - Tir Starts thinking - One Day in the Reading room (2) - One Day in the Reading Room - It's from Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost - Worshiper's Choice - Damn those four letter words. - Sushi good - If that's what it takes. - What, you don't scream at your computer? - Bell, I-book and candle - Get that camera out of my face - Yeah, Probably. - Movie Night - Willow the Ent? - The real meaning - Whoever do you mean - Un- I mean, adressing an issue. - My... precious... - A matter of perspective. - Hobbit Anatomy - A glowing recomendation - No, Really - Finding Jesus - Driving Instruction - Pratical Magic - What a Pain - And by Loo Ellen, too - Yeah, but does it pay well - Banking on it. - Well some people would like it - Not Again - Lent me your ear - you should see my day job - ...and I'm not goingto take it anymore - A more firm grounding - Things are not goingas planned - Always Keep your mind on what you're doing. - Ooops. I guess there's one more. - right, all the idots have gone home; to work! - Who you gonna call? - Translator, please? - Monosybillic words are insufficent - Yeah. Crud. - No Willows Were harmed in the making of this strip - Stupid Phone - What do you call yourself? - Causing trouble - Who's your favorite god? - Who were you in a past life? - Nothing Says Love like dismembered dolls. - Kitty Quip - Colorist Issues - Play Outside - Anubis Speaks - No, not good at all. - Gods are Tenatious like that - Based on a True Story - Me? Self Rightous? Only because I'm right. - Oh, that's real mature. - What About you, you been persecuted? - Most Widly published book of crime, smut and murder in the world. - Learning the Hard Way - loosing one's temper; a new kind of fun. - He Wants to Do what? - And Wouldn't that class be fun... - What did I Just say? - Do not Taunt Happy Fun DCYS - Presidents Day 03 - It's right before 'Mother.' - Never Ask That - Bad jokes are just part of the game - A Good Point - Stop Protesting! - Being Guilty Religously. - Paterized, Homoginized, Sanitised... - Give me Strength - Only the Begining Next Last First Prev - Less Politics More Pie 2023 - Less Politics More Pie - Less Politics More Pie - Less Politics More Pie 2020 - Less Politics More Pie; I'm just trying to stay sane here - Feeling Defeated by the Year? Eat Pie. - Less Politics More Pies to the Face - Less Politics More History - Pie Theory - Politics as Described by Pie - Less Politics More Pie - Keeping her - Trust in me - Dependable, Depending - Same old, Same Old - Aw he's so cute - Unfavorable Conparison - In a Calm and Lucid Manor - Quite the Trip - And that's Coming from someone Who'd know - Not so Much, No. - Less Politics, More Pie - Pan shot - On to the reception - Octavia's Vows - Larry's Vows - Life in Color - Wedding Portrait - Not exactly Bridezilla - We've secretly replaced... - The time has come - That's what She Said Indeed - Ready for What, is the question - Signs Of Trouble - Feeling Stupid - Well better than nothing - Like, a monster. - Didn't she watch 'Legend'? - Stamp of Aproval - Negotiations - First impressions - The Fun Part of the Apocolypse - Rapture is Coming - Not-so-random-art - Booty. - Shame - Kawanza - Sock Monkeys - The Men of the Insitute - A long way to go. - Of course Besides that - Sneak Attack! - Larry- confusing people's Gaydar since 2003 - Shopping for a tux - Last Dress - Victorian style - Wedding Mini-dress - A pretty Pretty princess - Wedding Kimono - Belly Button - Plans are better bacchanal - Less Politics, More Pie - Not a Romantic Comedy - - Loo's Planning - Bridesmaid's dresses - Lily - White wedding - Secular American - Family Holidays - Parents - Plans interupted - I don't know enough about other cultures - Which isn't too far distant - Hi There - Lily - Just a question - Well he did ask - Just not funny. - A good point - Talking about romance - Smears - Getting to Know you - A very short history of Lily - Threats - It's Lily! - A new roomate - Now that's Scary - Warning them off - Because she's serious - She's okay - *thump* - Salt Circle - Trained professional - logic Check - Oh that's alight then - Wait a moment - Oh that. - Road Trip Redux - Visual Aides - Gratuitous Ghostbusters refrence - Related to the Internet - Energizer Curse - Trust your gut - Who'd expect it? - Ken's Past - Comic for 9-14-9 - But I don't belive in any of those things - Can we go? - Release - Nothing like That - Why do I bother with funny angles - Hand puppets? - Speeding things up - Spot the Plot point - Ambulance Monkeys - Little crosses on the hillside - What, Again? - No, i'm Clean - A Week ago Evening Officer - No Magical Adventure - Kind of Stupid Yeah - Are you a good witch or a bad witch? - Keep Telling yourself that - Annoying kid is annoying - No one thinks that their family is rich - The horse's name is Butter - Ah, parents - He didn't really forget - Relitive - Octavia's Parents - Logicaly speaking - Ring around the Rosy - Nostalgia - Happy Birthday Dan - Wedding squee - According to Willow - Overdramatic Much? - It Makes sense in Willow's Head - Who are you Going to Call on? - It doesn't make sense - Vocabulary - Logical Expantion - Yep, that's all the explantion you get - But I'm not Gay - Reach out and Ask Someone - Don't I wish - Broken Again - Evidence of Entropy - A Friendly Ear - Tir Reappears - A not so sublte Diss - Consolation Prize - Goth Tir - Religon Vs Identity - He's kind of Surpised she knows the word. - Shock and Awww - Talking to herself? - Rash - What's Best - Acceptance Requirements - Like She's not There - What are we going to do about Tir? - Overreacting - Inconcevible - Tir's confession - Bad Joke - In training to be a crazy cat lady - Responcible - Funny Bones - Cold - Looking on the Bright Side - Like Real Adults - No Words - Answer - uncertainty - Editor - Making fun of twilight - Creepy Toiliet - Inablitity to commit - Sudden Switch - The Question - Not the Reason - Less Politics, More Pie - Explaination - Reaction - A study in the wrong things to say when you find out your girlfriend is pregnant - Probably not whathe was going to say, - Sholder... chibi - Thinking about it - Yeah, that's what caused the problem. - not the best time - Sneak sneak - Weighty Matter - Consiter - Snowday - True Story - Everyone is a little bit racist - You're a Card - Larry's Plans - Grr,. Argh - Clear the Air - Dan Blackout Filler - naughty Karma - I mean really, who gave him the power? - Think about it - Thumpity thump thump - Kind of Creepy Actualy - Carols - Black Out - And talking - Yeah, she's still talking - Jesus's Mom - Mnn. Chicken - Deep Thought - Conspiracy! - Bra Quest! FAIL! - Extreme reaction - Toilet Humor - Minoritys - American President - Everyone's a little bit racist - Return to me - Haiatus - What Ken Learned Today - Cthullu PUNCH! - Leaving the Institute - A friend in Jesus - Not Surprised - No, Really - Men Say it too - You remind me - No. - Facinating - Something like that. - Not so Subtle - Fair Filler - He liked Octavia - The Spook Squad - comic for September 22nd - comic for September 19th - what comes out of your mouth - Friendship - Scare tactics - It Is a Silly Place - Welcome, bienvenue, welcome - Can I have the Ghost back? - Loo Ellen, Bimbo at Large - She kinda was - Intresting Choice of words - one of us - Agreement - Realization - nothing as scary as that - Common Practice - Nerves - You know the rest - Ken's Story - I think so - Commit this ghost to memory - A point - Actualy now that you mention it... - Tale of Two Graveyards - Around here - Quite good - Irony? - Don't Ask - Bone Yard - Nothing like In jokes you don't get - History Lesson - A thick file - Job Security - Is that All? - ken Knows - Marginly amusing filler - Emo Corner - You Mock Me - To protect our supernatural heritige - The P-Word - Creepy - What about ghosts? - They Deal with Ghosts alot - A natural enough question - He just doesn't like ghosts - Which Witch? - Not Even Close - Teachers - Those who Can't Teach - The Institue is... - Who are you people? - Who's missing cues here? - Previous investigations - What, more? - Storage vault - Ugly and Dangerous - Deeper into storage - Troubleshooting - Communication problem - Nyoro - Deep thought - Stalling - Red vs Blue? - Kenneth Dawson - Witholding information - More than occasonaly. - The issue here is - Hichhikeing ghost - A pile of evidence - In my Car - A ghost! - At it again? - Taken - What you take away - Don't call wIllow a Liar - Psycic? - Ooops - Sulking - Probably Not - Walking away - No - A little support here?? - Stay here - For entertainment Purposes Only - The wrong idea - It's not a school Emma - A small interuption - So much shoveling - Please Stand by - Knowing is Half the battle - How to Make Imbolc-cicles - Imbolc-cicles - Less Politics, More Pie - You're giving me chocolate? - Chtullu's Chocolate - Chocolate Rage - Mmm. Chocolate angst - Banannas - Little Problem - Aincent? - One More Break Five Years! - The Pagan on The Street - Pagan on the Street - Pagan-On-The-Street - Aproaching magic - Aproaching Magic - Aproaching Magic - Cthulhu Theft - Cthullu sulks a lot - Vote Elder Party - She's been spending alot of time there - Eating Habits - Depression usually hurts my butt - Keep Telling yourself that. - Gift Soap - Don't Drink and Fly - Such a Little Thing - Santa's Lap - Confidence is One thing... - Precautions - Bothers me - Wait a moment - It's a sign - An Open Mind - Sweet Zombie Jesus - In the End, That's all that really matters - Happy Man - Not So Bad - Geez, Eliot - Grampa Godwin - Just a suggestion - Step Forward, Step Back - The First Step - Good Bye - Nine Years ago - Fifteen Years ago (2) - Fifteen Years Ago - Birth and Death - There are things betterthan candy - It Explains a lot, actualy - This Halloween Thing - Halloween> Christmas - Halloween Song - A little jumpy - Bat-nel - Carry permit - How Weird was it - Misery Filler - All together now - Noises in the Dark - Going down - Cthullu's warning - Understand? - Flying tackle - Where someone had aparently gone before - Disturbing - What do you mean was? - Infamos more like - Off to location - Carter's Map - Try Again - A lot more beliveable - A blind Spot, for sure - Gone through the records - Too X-Files - 8x10 glossies - The Statement - A little Help? - Mistakes - In the Rain - Handbook - Travel - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Dan Style Filler - Go Dan -Type Filler - Voodoo dolls of the author are never a good idea. - The Dummies Series Covers everything - Midnight. Tonight. Your local Bookstore. - A Funny Phrase, that. - Get a room - Holy (Water) Wars - tha'ts a big cavity - Tech? No. - Cooking at the Institute - Cooking at the Institute - Octavia Pinup - Cooking at the Institute - The festival Experience - The Festival Experience - The festival Experience - The Festival Experience - The Festival Experience - The Festival Experience - All the small things - Shoe Shopping - What the heck? - Care Free? - not so beautiful mind - Two Lawyers: Shook Hands - Not like anywhere else. - Guess Who that is? - Verdict - A simple defence - Closing Statment - It has goneon a bit, hasn't it? - A breif interlude with Stewart Bliss - Wishing for Recess - They need a reason? - Voice over - Come get some - Oh that - The Witness - new Witness - Hardly the Worst thing he's been called - Typewriter Lady - No Other Reason - Dance Dance - Wait a Moment - Growl - Question and Answer - Terms of Adress - The Fear - The Problem - Back to Reality - I wish - Staying Calm - Mark Says... - Carl Says - Joe Says - This happens to me sometimes - Mark's first name is Harry. He Never uses it. - Question - revised opinion - Courtroom Rules - Day in Court - A good Speaker - Defending Choices - Seriously - A burgandy, Silver pinstriped one - Awkward Much? - Can't think of anyone - Inital Conseltaion - Meet the Family - Less Politics More Pie - Larry's Dad - That's Love - I loose more Lawyers that way - A Bang Up solution - Skipped Explaination - Lullaby - Well, really what would she see? - Sign here, and here, and here in red ink - I don't take Lip from fictonal charctes - What if? - Money can't buy happyness, and the rental terms are shit. - Just imagine - No, really, I kinda did. - It's not abnormal, Either - Scene Change - Absolute worst case - What kind of person I am. - Willow on Lawyers - Willows a Little Depressed - Cross Consitution. You've got to be kidding! - Songstress Willow - Odd, That. - Happy Birthday - Party - Lots of Latkes - I guess she has - It's collectable - A not so likely story - Willow's Got Back - Legal Tackle - Family Fun - Want Some Pie? - not the problem - More about Family - I normaly do use the computer - Family means rigged bets - Grace With Style - I can take you out - And She didn't ask, either. - Too Many Weirdos - I'm sure it's in the bible Somewhere - Intoductions - now I do. - Thanksgiving plans - Who's Surprised? It's Always something - Happy Halloween - The End? - Salted, Sealed, Delivered - A distraction - Anime Refrences - Flying butter - An excelent point - The question becomes... - Fan girl Attack - Morning Apologies - Not A lot more - Feeling of Rising Stupidity - Maybe Nothing - Bloody Mary - In the Dark of the Night - Mirror weirdness - Not so pointless fan service - What Happened? - Wouldn't Stand for it - Putting it back - Taking a Stand - Now that's going too far! - You all know what a node is, right? - Oh is that all? - Now how much would you cleanse? - Spiritual cleaning Woman - Likely Cause - Enough already - Any of you guys know how to Madison? - Signs point to random association comics - Unwilling to talk - Failure to Communicate - Tarot Reading Can't sleep, Comics Will eat me 3 Can't Sleep, Comics Will eat me 2 Can't Sleep, Comics will eat me 1 - Larry Saw it coming - The Fabric of Reality - Crazy Fan-girl - it's the author's birthday, be nice. - Search and Find - Says the man in the 'Spider-man' shirt - Convenient - Hey, a cat's gotta eat - But she's taken it before... - how did you do that? - Saving Sister and Cat - Movement - Evil Aura - Chicken Dance - Lily Likes Cats - Something Wrong - Larry and Tybalt have a bonding moment - Upside Down - Just an excuse - Nope, not her fault. - That'll do - Larry Does his Ghostbuster thing - praticaly professionals - There's a possiblity of that - If you call that normal - the animator's Ghetto - Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my... number? - yaoi=mansex - Sneak Attack Slumber party - Sleepover? - Happy Memorial Day - Open mouth, insert foot. - Speaking of that - Coming over - Sisterhood of the Stripy Socks - Another Visitor - A visitor 'Sisters' Pinup - They are pretty generic - Never Trust a Fairy in a bodice. - Who wants some Jesus - a quick message - leaving messes in his wake - Goosebumps - Video store - A reasonable arguement - the goth question - Well, it isn't. - Internet Debate - Someone forgot his meds - whos Stupid now? - I gave blood :D - Media Bashing - Hey Torquemoda, Whatda say? - It's probably a herasy - Wiccan Duty - Benign Delusion - Smart People do stupid things - Tasty! - No Really - Voting booth - Town Elections - Full on 'the comic is real' mode - Seasonal Activity - Contagious Insanity - Aw.... - Censorship reproached (loudly) - Willow: Loco Artist - Phrase of the Day - Happy Black History Month (late) - Jesus with Teeth - Fighting over the clicker - A familar plot device (takes 2 AA) - Happy Presidents Day - Duck incoming sterotypes - Has it occured to you? - Wasted on the Streight - Lily ninja-cheats - Striking fear into their hearts - A normal day in the Stibbons household. - Cthullu Head - Good 'Cuz I'm gonna kill you! - Yeah, I'm Alive - Three Years! - Who told Cuthullu about water balloons? - Yeah, they're looking at you. - Sadly, Willow was closer - Well, almost anything - At the sound of the tone - Kidnapping! - Siblings. Can't live with 'em... - Ninja Attack - Tech Support - Pie Comes Later - 500 comics. HOLY MOLY! - Family moment - In coming therapy. - Holiday pet peeves - He knows where you are sleeping... - A bit of a surprise - Meeting of the Never Minds - Dear Santa - announcement - Your Picture with Jesus - Twitch Twitch - Cue Funeral March - Needing to talk. - Get up already - The Return of Jesus Does standup - use 982 - Cameo time - Damnit, I'm drawing cars again! - ain't misbehavin' - Escape - When in doubt, improvise. - Cat carrier - Kill Will - And you were there, and you and you... - Always a good question - Keep your thoughts orginzed - How long did you think she'd play it streight? - Having a ball? - a whole lot of swords - I'd go a long way for Sushi... - a hitch in the plans - Worst Cameo ever - WTF? - a little angst - Yeah, you had better run. - I must have missed that part - Unexpected consequences - But I can Show you - Cut to the Hospital - Jesus Has a Mean Streak - On the Way - a little help - Some Fight Left - The Fight - Spastic Kali Dance Kung Fu! - Trouble Starts - Karma, Small scale - Smart People do stupid things - Ladies Night - Complements - In honor of Talk like a pirate day - What's your sign? - That's Cold - Shot Down - Phobias are funny! - Weight Loss Spell - Happy Labor Day - Lobster Trap - To everyone this has happened too. - Driving Rage - Octavia finds something at Pennsic to Enjoy - Sidetracked - Profile Filler: Willow - Profile Filler: Jesus - Profile Filler: Cuthullu - Profile Filler: Tir - Profile Filler: Loo Ellen - Profile Filler: Larry - Profile Filler:Octavia - More or Less the End - He's getting graded on this. - For a good grade, I mean. - It would, Wouldn't it? - Getting Kind of creepy - Sepia Past - You saw this coming, right? - Filler - Hold off that smack down - Something Wrong - Séance Overview - Survival Rate - Slasher movie - A Fall - Is that your final answer? - Her Harshest Critic - The Reason - Steep Cliff - Dream and Disaster - Traditional clothing - Oh like you've never seen a cheap gag before - Foreground/Backround - Dinner's on - Unseen - Kitchen Ghost - Nancy Drew - The lights are on - The obvious explanation - Dignity's no fun - Some Plan - Well, Duh - Unexpected nastiness - Dark Shadows - One Small difference - Lyon Cape - Mice Knocker - The Mighty Ghost Hunters - Travel Montage - Fuming - Oooh... she said it. - Anger - Unexpected Passenger - Adventuring Party - Oh that's okay then. - Flippy Phone - Spring, when a young man's thoughts turn to finals - Jesus Live - Jesus Live - Jesus Live - Grounded - God Tossing for Fun and Profit - thump - Just this once - a confession - A mess - You were hoping I'd say April Fools - Been Right so many times before - Cannot Tell a lie - Or can she? - Bright Lights - Theif of Love - Some 'Splaining to Do - The Drinking of the Green - Forgiveness - Get a Clue - Failure - It Didn't work - Anger rises - it is kind of surprising - Racist - Bruising - Bet that felt good! - A lot more Pie - Kahn! - quiet thinking - The Kiss part two - The 'I hate Loo Ellen' club is now open. - Sudden Departure - feeling badly? - Shocking Thought - Bad Dream - Love - We celebrate two years [part 3] - We celebrate two years [part 2] - We celebrate two years (pt 1) - Check out Wild Ravens on the Web! - Sage Advice - Not Intrested - That kind of weirdo - Time Zone - Fripples - All hail the internet - That Song - Happy New Year - Piñata - Plush is similar to plump - The great Devourer - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - The Night before Solstice - Worship in many flavors - The Difference - Aren't you glad you asked? - Lore whores - Yes it is. - Asatru Standards - What does it mean?! - Way to listen, Oken - Things Coming up - See you next spring - Big Mistake - Hunting With Herne - Red sox joke - not really a point - SEX!! - Sign - Mope - what a drama queen - if you get my meaning - Well, she tried - They Missed her too. - Who Else? - I am so sick of drawing chibis - This message is interupted to bring you this message - The Green Party: Not just for Hippies any more - This is not the Sedation you're looking for. - Opinionated Much - Freedom of Speech - Any Religon - not everyone knows this stuff. - Voting Powers - CHIBI! - Who's In Charge here? - Disclaimer - OMG! a Joke! - realitive problems - Larry Gets 'good boyfreind' points - In case you wondered what she was wearing - Visitation Complication - Silent Arguement - First Mistake - My Life now - Shock - Sound effects - Oh -really- - More nudity - Long Years - Worse than burning. - Strange Normality - Minerva Raven - Uh, no... - The Flashback begins - Photo - Separation - Relationship Talk - Talk - Knowledge is Power - Did you know that? - oooh. Plot stuff - Bubbles - Missed Something - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Guest Strips - Omake Filler - Omake Filler - Unplesant realization - Wize god - Tourist trap - Can't Wait - no you can't - The Trip that Doesn't End - Jesus' Licence - Needing Direction? - None too swift - Where did he get it? - Car Pool - Packing - Paid for by Cuthullu for president - Third Party - Running Mate - And it's already Hard - Revelations - Makes me Sick - Tons of Tracts - Has-Mat - Shock Value - Uh... Right - see, it wasn't just Octavia - Dance, Willow, Dance - They're on a subway - She means happy, in this case - Sneak Sneak - It's a dark secret - Two nations dvided by a single language - TV - Artist Indicator - Another shirt Joke - an agitator - Platonic Love Club - Jesus Christ, Movie Star - What's bugging her? - Last Beltane Comic - Comic awareness day - He's back - Nothing at All? - May Showers - Well it's true - Enemies - Finding Jesus: Turnabout - Finding Jesus - Finding Jesus:Willow - Finding Jesus: Larry - Finding Jesus: Octavia - Finding Jesus: Brigit - A good Question - Heh, Boffing. - Introducing Pippin! - Missed something - APRIL FOOLS! - Oh that was Low, Octavia - Repeat - Mega Man - Lowest Common denomonater - The principle of the thing - Ninjas - Mescatonic Magical Girl - Pointless Panty shot - Being Over Dramatic - A really universal remote - Innocent until proven stupid - Taking the heat - Lunch - no reason - a sudden realization - terrorist religions - Bargain Bin - Gads, I'm cold - Thank you Oken, for putting it in persective - Imbolc Comic: late but still funny - Happy President's Day - aww- so cute - That's Oken, incidently - Larry's Cabinet - Most campaign speeches sound like this to me. - he's running on the 'unrepentant evil' ticket, you know vs. GWB - Why vote for the lesser of two evils - We celebrate one year - Just the End - The end of Agent eyebrows - another cheap shot - Sexual tention - Bullet Time - Welcome to Rivendell... Mr. Anderson - Groovy - Who believes? - When Agents attack - The Oracle Visit - Know-believe- want - Fight - Fight - Cheat Codes - Now that's a fast download - The Jump - Bouncy - and she didn't even ask for questions - self image issues - Because That's what's really important - What a pill - the Question - Stupidity in the Matrix Pinup - Don't just know ,Believe - Computer Help? - Yuck! - X-Mass Blues again - The Light - People have thought so for years - Grinchy Jesus - Memory Problems - X-Mas blues - Oooh.. that could hurt - It's a fun word to say - Indoor play - If only she'd listen all the way through the lecture - Ah, Holiday listening - Black Friday was ... interesting - Giving Thanks - Yet Another Phase - Accepting the Crone - Oooh, house of the dead - Getting A Grip - One Evening in the mall - Oh, threats! - Say the magic word - Remember him? - WEll it sure seems that way to me - But that is her Hobby - Once Again, Missing the point - I thought Samhain was a religous holiday... - Maybe as an Extra... - What do they mean by that - No, this doesn't make sence - Could be Milton Bradly - Parker Brothers I think - I will not mess in the realm of god... - +5 potion of revitalization - Bwahah ah ha indeed - We believe you,. Larry - Also, he's Asian. - Larry Potter - WAFF-y ending - Wrong Answer, Right Reasons - Mixed Signals - Stupid technicalityes - Fifty---- seven! - Wet thinking - We celebrate 100 Comics - Overshared - It does you know - Depression or Suicide Attempt - Expecting too much from my readers again - Ugly Doll? - Yeah, but neither of them play tournament rules - Gaming Night - Monogomous or Something - Willow is being unreasonably cute - Day Dreams of A college student - This was funner in my head - Stay away from dark roads there. - Too Late to Cast - Let us Pray - Tentacle Lovin' - Probable Cause - And Yet Willow Failed french - Tap two black and a Green to summon - Not as funny to anyone who doesn't live there.... - It's not the size that counts... oh who are we kidding? - Some people pay good money to see that. - Let's see, how many do I take again? - Ooooh.... Ahhhhh... Impressive.... - Now, where, precisely did Willow get the bail money? - Tir Starts thinking - One Day in the Reading room (2) - One Day in the Reading Room - It's from Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost - Worshiper's Choice - Damn those four letter words. - Sushi good - If that's what it takes. - What, you don't scream at your computer? - Bell, I-book and candle - Get that camera out of my face - Yeah, Probably. - Movie Night - Willow the Ent? - The real meaning - Whoever do you mean - Un- I mean, adressing an issue. - My... precious... - A matter of perspective. - Hobbit Anatomy - A glowing recomendation - No, Really - Finding Jesus - Driving Instruction - Pratical Magic - What a Pain - And by Loo Ellen, too - Yeah, but does it pay well - Banking on it. - Well some people would like it - Not Again - Lent me your ear - you should see my day job - ...and I'm not goingto take it anymore - A more firm grounding - Things are not goingas planned - Always Keep your mind on what you're doing. - Ooops. I guess there's one more. - right, all the idots have gone home; to work! - Who you gonna call? - Translator, please? - Monosybillic words are insufficent - Yeah. Crud. - No Willows Were harmed in the making of this strip - Stupid Phone - What do you call yourself? - Causing trouble - Who's your favorite god? - Who were you in a past life? - Nothing Says Love like dismembered dolls. - Kitty Quip - Colorist Issues - Play Outside - Anubis Speaks - No, not good at all. - Gods are Tenatious like that - Based on a True Story - Me? Self Rightous? Only because I'm right. - Oh, that's real mature. - What About you, you been persecuted? - Most Widly published book of crime, smut and murder in the world. - Learning the Hard Way - loosing one's temper; a new kind of fun. - He Wants to Do what? - And Wouldn't that class be fun... - What did I Just say? - Do not Taunt Happy Fun DCYS - Presidents Day 03 - It's right before 'Mother.' - Never Ask That - Bad jokes are just part of the game - A Good Point - Stop Protesting! - Being Guilty Religously. - Paterized, Homoginized, Sanitised... - Give me Strength - Only the Begining Next Last Author notes Unfavorable Conparison Willowanderer on March 14, 2012 Come by The Stupidity in Magic Tumblr! Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register ${ }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete Reply ${ }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete «previous set of pages «previous set of pages page ${ page.number }} ... next set of pages» next set of pages»
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