Super Smash Bros Clash

Author notes

zero20xd6 onWell here's my new comic and this time it's not a generic ZX comic. There's a whole shit load of things I have to sprite before I get this thing moving so I PQ me if you wanna help.
Credit to
King Reaper for the Ice Climbers
Me For Samus and Kirby and
GregarLink10 for Link
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Good good.
ZetaZero at
Link seems outrageously big. And don't the characters usually fly diagonally?
Good start.
Netsaver exe at
Acually there has been an SSB comic. It was just all about fighting. No story or anything, but some of them have dialouge and a well planned out story. I hope this one isn't all about fighting.
novacrash at
Wow, I was wondering when someone would make an SSB comic..though I'm curious of how the stories gunna work..
Lexxorodius at
Those samus sprites are quite good!