First Prev - Epilogues: Mr. Evil - Epilogues: Skiv - Epilogues: Hydromancer - Epilogues: Jenny the Cat part Two - Epilogues: Jenny the Cat part One - Epilogues: Skull Girl Part Two - Epilogues: Skull Girl Part One - End of Caper - Jenny's Realization - Nyaaaaa ha ha haaaaa FOOLS! - You called that drop? - Everyone Hates Armageddon - Crunch. - Hey, remember that Armageddon got involved way back in "More to a 3 Way than Meets the Eye"? - So what now? - Get Dunked On. - Bad. Ass. - Jenny Learned this from Skully - Psychadelchick makes a miscalculation. - WIP Continues - Work In Progress - Skully Makes a Miscalculation - Recovery Project #2 - Recovery Project - My Muse Has Passed - Lights Out - Hydro and Cursive's Special Team-Up - Honestly, It Would Look Cool - Showdown at the Docks - Secret Santa 2013 - If I Reboot, You'll See a Bit More of Red - I'm Not Dead Update - Strategic Planning as Seen by Skull Girl and Jenny the Kat. - Still Alive. - Safehouses Brought to You by Super Temps - Planning and Preparation 1 - Update March 11, 2013 - Another Partial "Still Alive" Update - Note about the Lack of Updates - Pyscha's Colour Change - Another "Still Alive" Update - Good Meets Up with Evil at a Neutral Location - Filler to Show I'm Still ALive and Posting - Late Night with Skullator: Why Psycha Hated the 3 Way Brawl - Meanwhile at Psycha's hideout... - Thanks for Nominating Super Temps! - Super Temps Filler: Skully as Scout - More to a 3 Way than Meets the Eye - Super Temps Resumes - Skully's Counter - Notice about my Dad. - ST Bonus: Supers Respond to Questions About Armageddon Pt4 - ST Bonus: Supers Respond to Questions About Armageddon Pt3 - ST Bonus: Supers Respond to Questions About Armageddon Pt2 - ST Bonus: Supers Respond to Questions About Armageddon Pt1 - Molly reveals an unfortunate fact about the education system. - Skully Freaks Out to Skiv - Late again, sorry. :( - The Heroes At a Loss - ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 7 - ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 6 - ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 5 - ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 4 - Meanwhile, Pyscha's Been Busy - ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 3 - ST Bonus: Mr. Evil Responds to Comments - Skully Vs. Cursive 6 - ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 2 - ST Bonus: Skully Reponds to Comments - Skully Vs. Cursive 5 - Late notice (again, sorry) - Stop SOPA/PIPA - Skully Vs. Cursive 4 - Happy New Year! - Drunk Duck Secret Santa DBW 2011: Chernobog's Nell from Arachnid Goddess - Drunk Duck Secret Santa: InstaDinner - Super Temps Christmas 2011 Gift #1 - Super Temps Christmas Special 2011 Announcement - DD Awards: Best Bad Girl - Skully Vs. Cursive 3 - Skully Vs. Cursive 2 - Halloween 2011 Quickie - Lateness, Filler and Announcement - Super Temps Book Sketch (Filler Oct 10 2010) - Skully Nominated for Best Bad Girl - Skully Vs. Cursive 1 - It's Like Tangled Except Darker - eBook Preview 1 - Yoink! - ST Late This Week - Announcement Aug 25, 2011 - Iron And Cursive Tap Out - Temp Update - Skully's Cape - Cursive Vs. Jackie, Take One - Super Temps Vs. The Internet #4 - Super Temps Vs. The Internet #3 - Skully Has a Mental Rambling Problem Too - Psycha Rolls Out, Skully Puts on her Game Face - I'm not ready for this!! - Super Temps Vs. The Internet #2 - Super Temps Experimental Comic #1 - Super Slash Fiction - Heroes Hate Mercy - Comic Delay - Double BLAM! - Google It, Suckers! - Warehouse Tactics 2 - Warehouse Tactics - The Heroes Arrive at the Toy Warehouse - What is Skully up to? - Skull Girl's Invitation - AKA A Sporting Chance - Kat and Mouse? - James Bondage - Cursive will be Quiet - Retcon -- Unforgivable Sin by Supers Standards - Coffee Run! - Meanwhile with Iron & Cursive... - Actually Jenny's dream is to be Goku, but Wolverine will do - Doing it Wrong Is Right, Right? - A look into the girl's minds - The Girl's Realization - More filler -- comic progress - Skully Protests Jenny's Feminine Wiles - So Jenny Has Feminine Wiles #2 - Go Figure. - Little Molly Christmas Sketch - Late due to moving - Jenny Attempts Feminine Wiles Part Two - Jenny Attemps Feminine Wiles - Filler -- ST will be a little late this week - Iron's firing a Non-Compensating Blaster at a lesbian and she likes it. - Happy Birthday Maxie! - Well, SOMEONE isn't being mature. - Cursive Never Read Comics - Fan Art: Hydromancer by Mina_Lunga - No comic this week - It's my wedding anniversary - Voltage Never Stays Down Long - Happy Halloween 2010 - Jenny Escapes - Skully's Never Corrupted Anyone Before - Concept Sketch Feedback Day #2 - Concept Sketch Feedback Day - Fan Art by Zac Crockett - 4-Way Meanwhile... - Skully Knows What You're Thinking - Late due to my being sick - Translations - Skully's Deathtrap #1 - All Grown Up... almost. - Jenny Thinks. No, seriously. - Jenny is Foiled Again - Iron is tired of the game. - A special word from The SuperFogeys - Psycha's Winning Conditions - Skull Girl's winning conditions - Jenny's Winning Conditions - Kim Lays it Down - Psycha Sees Something in Molly 2 - Fan art from Zaymac of Bear Vs. Zombies - Psycha Sees Something in Molly 1 - One Day Prior - Evil is Lazy - Jenny Owie - Ya Gotta Maintain Appearences - Fan Art from meemjar - Oops? - More Fan Art! - Yes, they've set up an A.P.B. System for JUST such an occasion. - Fan Art Bonus by Amy of Charby the Vampirate - Actually more like a 3-hit combo - Jenny Math - Skull Girl in an Ad for "Mr. J's White Wash" - Skully Can Be Evil - Hydro Does Fan Service for the Girls - Bonus Artwork: Spygal of the Superfogeys - Skiv Enlightens Hydro - Dirty Fighting #2 - Featured on Drunk Duck YAY page! - Dirty Fighting - Happy Easter! - Nice Going - Retcon THAT, Snarf. - Skiv's Priorities - Late Filler March 14 - Skully Yoink! - Jenny's Secret Power? - We Interrupt for this Awesome Announcement - Does Skull Girl Have the Diamond? (Part Two) - Does Skull Girl Have the Diamond? (Part One) - Jenny's Appears - Planned Vs. Actual Part Three - Planned Vs. Actual Part Two - Expected Vs. Actual Part One - Back to hopefully normal posting! Skully and Dev - Skull Girl's Winter Costume 2010 - Almost done voting - Jenny's Costume Choice #2 - Jenny's Costume Choice #1 - Super Temps Costume Choice (Skull Girl Costume #2) - Super Temps Costume Choice! - Technical Difficulties but Merry Christmas! - Still Tech Problems, Skiv & Kim's Christmas Part Two - Tech Difficulties Skiv and Kim's Christmas - My Drunk Duck Secret Santa Gift (Not My Work, Thank-You GhostRunner!) - Technical Issues... - Sometimes you need a friend to tell you you're being a butt. - A sudden chill - Hydro & Psycha (TMI) - Psycha & Hydro Part Two - Nope, things aren't gonna get done. ;) - Psycha and Hydro - Psycha Preps - The B.S.P.'s Brew - Meanwhile with Hydro & Iron Pants... - Kim's Confession, Part #3 - Filler: Inked Winter Costume #1 for Skull Girl - Kim's Confession: Part Two - Kim's Confession, Part One - Her Daddy is a Ninja - When it's time to improvise - Break Out The Cookies - Explaining Psycha - Filler... again... sorry... :( - The Economy of Super Battles - A quick request - The Early Professoinal Evil Industry - History of Super Temps: War - We're back to Regular Updates! - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page 7 - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page 6 - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page 5 - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page 4 - Iron Does Urb Ads - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1 Page Three - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page Two - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page One - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Cover - Gah, filler... :( - Exposition Yourself! - A new alliance... - Sorry, bit behind this week... - Introducing the B.S.P. - Iron lays it out (or did Psycha?) - Well, that was a bit mean... - And we're back! - Boston Vacation Pictures April 09 - So I'm on Vacation Again... - A "Jenny the Kat" Moment - Psycha Indirectly Questions Jenny's Value - Skull Girl Costume Concept Fan Art by Christine Vandeven - She's Psychadelchick! - A little hint... - Psycha Makes Her Entrance - Kim 1, Katrina 0, and Concept #2 - Kim Vs Katrina and Concept #1 - Alterations and Registrations - The B**** is Back! - Happy Valentine's Day, Maxie! - "Uh-huh." - EEEP! 2009 - Why Kim thinks blue people are gay - Oh crap. - Living Dangerously? - Super Temps PAGE FORMAT - Happy New Year's! - Christmas Special 2008 Part Four - Christmas Special 2008 Part Three - Christmas Special 2008 Part Two - Gonna be a bit late... - Christmas Special '08 Part One - Awesome Relief - Oblameration! - Super Peer Pressure - Temp Page - He's that awesome. - The Return of Liquid Awesome - And so it begins... - Grading Time - Filler: Character Height Sketch #1 - Moved. Not the strip -- ME. - ST Will Return Later - Meanwhile, at Psychadelchick's Place... - Devious - Molly accepts the Best Superhero Award for 2008 - Consequence of Failure - Pounce of Justice? - Troll Hair - Protocol - Cat Fight: Heroic Violence - Catfight! Scene One - Pretty! - "Blood Loss". You know what I mean. And we're back! - Still filler! - Vacation Pic #2 - Vacation Pic #1 On Vacation! - Selective Concentration Loss - That's not part of the script. - Jenny Vs. Hydro - End Boss Must Get Really Bored - Molly Still Has Fangs - On Fighting Thugs - Silent Shock 200th on Drunk Duck! - Rookie Improv #1 - Fan Filled Strip #1 Make Your Own ST Comic! - Traps and Tribulations - How to Make Hydro Happy - Standard Procedure Returns! - Psychadelchick Refill time! - Filler! Filler Time! - Oh Hydro... - Meanwhile back at HQ... - "Do we still do that?" - Ad Libbing - Blam? - Holy World Explanation Batman! - How to Quick-Load a Truck The Heroes Arrive - Get Jiggly With It - Happy New Year - Christmas Special 4 of 4 - Christmas Special #3 of 4 - Christmas Special #2 of 4 - A short Super Temps Christmas story 1 of 4 - Bank Robbery, Skull Girl Style - Wayback Ref. - On "Nice" Girls - Jackie and Jenny had a crazy dream... - Meanwhile... - How to Keep an Idiot Amused... - Armageddon is Inevitable - And we're back. - More Crayon Waxiness! - Crayon Time! - Zap - Super Real Estate - On Work Ethic - Conservative Self-Destruction - Improvements - It's not bad editing. - Even in the future, nothing works. - Guess what the button does? - Next time, escape thingie! Neeeeeeext tiiiiiiiiiiime!! - One last flashback? A story that only took three years to tell... - Good... Bad... Kim's the one with the brick. - Back with Armageddon... - Meanwhile, and Skull Girl's latest interview... - Sometimes the union's rules rock. - They're familiar with her. - Dude, where's my death trap? - Oh Crap. The Power is in My Pants - Too Early for Jenny to Tackle - The Lesser of Two Evils - Armageddon can't eat pizza. - Probably why Armageddon only has ONE henchling. - Did I mention I hate Dragon Ball Z and all its incarnations? - Sucks to be the rookie. - Psychic Pizza Rules! - Ssssh, it's a secret. - If Armageddon had hair, it would be pointy - Evil is as evil does. - That's EEEEEVIL delivery girl, you little snot! Introducing Armageddon - Super Temping Origin of the Comic's Name - Meet Molly's Parents - The Darkside - EEP, Again! - EEP! - Regrets - Lazy Strip - We're not cops. - No blood, no foul The Return of Iron Pants! - What happens when punches are not pulled. - BRICK FU! - Freddie is rather resilant, isn't he? - Don't try this at home. - The French have Weird Insults - Subconcious but Blatant McNinja Rip Molly Vs. LeFrenchie 1 - Kim's Plan Continues... - (Yoink) Robbit Robbit!! - Robbit Robbit - The Glare of Death - Playing With Your Food - Remember the talking food of the 80's? - Kim and the Super's Union II - Kim and the Super's Union I - Robbits - Enter the Dragon Lady - Frenchie Fried Burgers - "Based on a true story" - Mental Health Hazard - The course needs to be updated. - More on "Cute" - What's wrong with Molly? - Employee Notice - Truly Epic Battles - Puppy Eyes of Evil - Nemesis - More Molly Logic - More Molly Mentality - Truth in Business - Truth in Advertising - Back to Skull Girl's backstory - Spanking - Additional Rules - Union Rules - No Kaboomies - Extreme Issues. - Still ranting. - Issues. - Hydromancer Rantomancing - Mutha Frick'n Saskatoooooooooon!! - Frick'n Saskatoooooooooon! - Different Schools of Heroics - Supers in P.E.I. - Aquaguy? - How to Defeat Skull Girl - On Kinds of Cute Some Hydromancer Background - On Corporate Evil - Molly Can't Handle the Truth - Cute Isn't Evil - Coffeeshop Aftermath - Covering Your Bases - On Heroics - Shrinking - Smashing - Villain's Code of Misconduct - PR - Without Coffee there can be No Conciousness - Indecision Enter the Hydromancer - A Public Service Message from Mr. Evil Part Two A Public Service Message from Mr. Evil Part One - How Not to Pick Up a Car - How not to improvise a weapon. - Freak'n BLAM! - She-Barristor? - Coffee Shop Rumble! - Origin of Standard Procedure - Standard Procedure - Always Fresh - Coffee and a Floor Show - Unprepared for Molly Logic - All in the Attitude - It doesn't take much to make Molly happy. - Job Hunting Advice - Know your prospect's corporate mission. - Showing Off Looking for more evil work. - Ow, my innocence... - Actually Darwin's probably more annoyed you're still alive. - Slow Learning Curve - Part Two of Two-Part Gag - Part One of Two Part Gag - Priority Problems - Oops - What to Remember when Imitating Villains - Customer Service - Being Nice - Retail Evils #2 - Retail Evils #1 - Evil Vs. Customer Service B.L.A.M. - Good Bad Exposure - Kaptain Kreem! - Evil Industries - Super Temps Funtime Comix - Wait a sec... - I said BLAM, Bub! - Costume Considerations - Nice Costume - What not to do at a job interview. - Blam, Bub! - Common Interview Rejections Employment Cold Calling Tips - What Kind of Heroics is That? Yay High Voltage! - Silly Drunk - Union Only! - The Rules - Failure to Communicate IRON PANTS! - The Skull Girl Motif - Pounce of Justice! - Pounce of Justice - Pre-Emptive Justice - Name-calling is legal evil. - What do you need? Jenny the Kat - Graduation - Career Choices - Gratuitous Panty Shot - Second Strip First Strip Next Last First Prev - Epilogues: Mr. Evil - Epilogues: Skiv - Epilogues: Hydromancer - Epilogues: Jenny the Cat part Two - Epilogues: Jenny the Cat part One - Epilogues: Skull Girl Part Two - Epilogues: Skull Girl Part One - End of Caper - Jenny's Realization - Nyaaaaa ha ha haaaaa FOOLS! - You called that drop? - Everyone Hates Armageddon - Crunch. - Hey, remember that Armageddon got involved way back in "More to a 3 Way than Meets the Eye"? - So what now? - Get Dunked On. - Bad. Ass. - Jenny Learned this from Skully - Psychadelchick makes a miscalculation. - WIP Continues - Work In Progress - Skully Makes a Miscalculation - Recovery Project #2 - Recovery Project - My Muse Has Passed - Lights Out - Hydro and Cursive's Special Team-Up - Honestly, It Would Look Cool - Showdown at the Docks - Secret Santa 2013 - If I Reboot, You'll See a Bit More of Red - I'm Not Dead Update - Strategic Planning as Seen by Skull Girl and Jenny the Kat. - Still Alive. - Safehouses Brought to You by Super Temps - Planning and Preparation 1 - Update March 11, 2013 - Another Partial "Still Alive" Update - Note about the Lack of Updates - Pyscha's Colour Change - Another "Still Alive" Update - Good Meets Up with Evil at a Neutral Location - Filler to Show I'm Still ALive and Posting - Late Night with Skullator: Why Psycha Hated the 3 Way Brawl - Meanwhile at Psycha's hideout... - Thanks for Nominating Super Temps! - Super Temps Filler: Skully as Scout - More to a 3 Way than Meets the Eye - Super Temps Resumes - Skully's Counter - Notice about my Dad. - ST Bonus: Supers Respond to Questions About Armageddon Pt4 - ST Bonus: Supers Respond to Questions About Armageddon Pt3 - ST Bonus: Supers Respond to Questions About Armageddon Pt2 - ST Bonus: Supers Respond to Questions About Armageddon Pt1 - Molly reveals an unfortunate fact about the education system. - Skully Freaks Out to Skiv - Late again, sorry. :( - The Heroes At a Loss - ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 7 - ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 6 - ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 5 - ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 4 - Meanwhile, Pyscha's Been Busy - ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 3 - ST Bonus: Mr. Evil Responds to Comments - Skully Vs. Cursive 6 - ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 2 - ST Bonus: Skully Reponds to Comments - Skully Vs. Cursive 5 - Late notice (again, sorry) - Stop SOPA/PIPA - Skully Vs. Cursive 4 - Happy New Year! - Drunk Duck Secret Santa DBW 2011: Chernobog's Nell from Arachnid Goddess - Drunk Duck Secret Santa: InstaDinner - Super Temps Christmas 2011 Gift #1 - Super Temps Christmas Special 2011 Announcement - DD Awards: Best Bad Girl - Skully Vs. Cursive 3 - Skully Vs. Cursive 2 - Halloween 2011 Quickie - Lateness, Filler and Announcement - Super Temps Book Sketch (Filler Oct 10 2010) - Skully Nominated for Best Bad Girl - Skully Vs. Cursive 1 - It's Like Tangled Except Darker - eBook Preview 1 - Yoink! - ST Late This Week - Announcement Aug 25, 2011 - Iron And Cursive Tap Out - Temp Update - Skully's Cape - Cursive Vs. Jackie, Take One - Super Temps Vs. The Internet #4 - Super Temps Vs. The Internet #3 - Skully Has a Mental Rambling Problem Too - Psycha Rolls Out, Skully Puts on her Game Face - I'm not ready for this!! - Super Temps Vs. The Internet #2 - Super Temps Experimental Comic #1 - Super Slash Fiction - Heroes Hate Mercy - Comic Delay - Double BLAM! - Google It, Suckers! - Warehouse Tactics 2 - Warehouse Tactics - The Heroes Arrive at the Toy Warehouse - What is Skully up to? - Skull Girl's Invitation - AKA A Sporting Chance - Kat and Mouse? - James Bondage - Cursive will be Quiet - Retcon -- Unforgivable Sin by Supers Standards - Coffee Run! - Meanwhile with Iron & Cursive... - Actually Jenny's dream is to be Goku, but Wolverine will do - Doing it Wrong Is Right, Right? - A look into the girl's minds - The Girl's Realization - More filler -- comic progress - Skully Protests Jenny's Feminine Wiles - So Jenny Has Feminine Wiles #2 - Go Figure. - Little Molly Christmas Sketch - Late due to moving - Jenny Attempts Feminine Wiles Part Two - Jenny Attemps Feminine Wiles - Filler -- ST will be a little late this week - Iron's firing a Non-Compensating Blaster at a lesbian and she likes it. - Happy Birthday Maxie! - Well, SOMEONE isn't being mature. - Cursive Never Read Comics - Fan Art: Hydromancer by Mina_Lunga - No comic this week - It's my wedding anniversary - Voltage Never Stays Down Long - Happy Halloween 2010 - Jenny Escapes - Skully's Never Corrupted Anyone Before - Concept Sketch Feedback Day #2 - Concept Sketch Feedback Day - Fan Art by Zac Crockett - 4-Way Meanwhile... - Skully Knows What You're Thinking - Late due to my being sick - Translations - Skully's Deathtrap #1 - All Grown Up... almost. - Jenny Thinks. No, seriously. - Jenny is Foiled Again - Iron is tired of the game. - A special word from The SuperFogeys - Psycha's Winning Conditions - Skull Girl's winning conditions - Jenny's Winning Conditions - Kim Lays it Down - Psycha Sees Something in Molly 2 - Fan art from Zaymac of Bear Vs. Zombies - Psycha Sees Something in Molly 1 - One Day Prior - Evil is Lazy - Jenny Owie - Ya Gotta Maintain Appearences - Fan Art from meemjar - Oops? - More Fan Art! - Yes, they've set up an A.P.B. System for JUST such an occasion. - Fan Art Bonus by Amy of Charby the Vampirate - Actually more like a 3-hit combo - Jenny Math - Skull Girl in an Ad for "Mr. J's White Wash" - Skully Can Be Evil - Hydro Does Fan Service for the Girls - Bonus Artwork: Spygal of the Superfogeys - Skiv Enlightens Hydro - Dirty Fighting #2 - Featured on Drunk Duck YAY page! - Dirty Fighting - Happy Easter! - Nice Going - Retcon THAT, Snarf. - Skiv's Priorities - Late Filler March 14 - Skully Yoink! - Jenny's Secret Power? - We Interrupt for this Awesome Announcement - Does Skull Girl Have the Diamond? (Part Two) - Does Skull Girl Have the Diamond? (Part One) - Jenny's Appears - Planned Vs. Actual Part Three - Planned Vs. Actual Part Two - Expected Vs. Actual Part One - Back to hopefully normal posting! Skully and Dev - Skull Girl's Winter Costume 2010 - Almost done voting - Jenny's Costume Choice #2 - Jenny's Costume Choice #1 - Super Temps Costume Choice (Skull Girl Costume #2) - Super Temps Costume Choice! - Technical Difficulties but Merry Christmas! - Still Tech Problems, Skiv & Kim's Christmas Part Two - Tech Difficulties Skiv and Kim's Christmas - My Drunk Duck Secret Santa Gift (Not My Work, Thank-You GhostRunner!) - Technical Issues... - Sometimes you need a friend to tell you you're being a butt. - A sudden chill - Hydro & Psycha (TMI) - Psycha & Hydro Part Two - Nope, things aren't gonna get done. ;) - Psycha and Hydro - Psycha Preps - The B.S.P.'s Brew - Meanwhile with Hydro & Iron Pants... - Kim's Confession, Part #3 - Filler: Inked Winter Costume #1 for Skull Girl - Kim's Confession: Part Two - Kim's Confession, Part One - Her Daddy is a Ninja - When it's time to improvise - Break Out The Cookies - Explaining Psycha - Filler... again... sorry... :( - The Economy of Super Battles - A quick request - The Early Professoinal Evil Industry - History of Super Temps: War - We're back to Regular Updates! - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page 7 - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page 6 - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page 5 - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page 4 - Iron Does Urb Ads - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1 Page Three - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page Two - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page One - Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Cover - Gah, filler... :( - Exposition Yourself! - A new alliance... - Sorry, bit behind this week... - Introducing the B.S.P. - Iron lays it out (or did Psycha?) - Well, that was a bit mean... - And we're back! - Boston Vacation Pictures April 09 - So I'm on Vacation Again... - A "Jenny the Kat" Moment - Psycha Indirectly Questions Jenny's Value - Skull Girl Costume Concept Fan Art by Christine Vandeven - She's Psychadelchick! - A little hint... - Psycha Makes Her Entrance - Kim 1, Katrina 0, and Concept #2 - Kim Vs Katrina and Concept #1 - Alterations and Registrations - The B**** is Back! - Happy Valentine's Day, Maxie! - "Uh-huh." - EEEP! 2009 - Why Kim thinks blue people are gay - Oh crap. - Living Dangerously? - Super Temps PAGE FORMAT - Happy New Year's! - Christmas Special 2008 Part Four - Christmas Special 2008 Part Three - Christmas Special 2008 Part Two - Gonna be a bit late... - Christmas Special '08 Part One - Awesome Relief - Oblameration! - Super Peer Pressure - Temp Page - He's that awesome. - The Return of Liquid Awesome - And so it begins... - Grading Time - Filler: Character Height Sketch #1 - Moved. Not the strip -- ME. - ST Will Return Later - Meanwhile, at Psychadelchick's Place... - Devious - Molly accepts the Best Superhero Award for 2008 - Consequence of Failure - Pounce of Justice? - Troll Hair - Protocol - Cat Fight: Heroic Violence - Catfight! Scene One - Pretty! - "Blood Loss". You know what I mean. And we're back! - Still filler! - Vacation Pic #2 - Vacation Pic #1 On Vacation! - Selective Concentration Loss - That's not part of the script. - Jenny Vs. Hydro - End Boss Must Get Really Bored - Molly Still Has Fangs - On Fighting Thugs - Silent Shock 200th on Drunk Duck! - Rookie Improv #1 - Fan Filled Strip #1 Make Your Own ST Comic! - Traps and Tribulations - How to Make Hydro Happy - Standard Procedure Returns! - Psychadelchick Refill time! - Filler! Filler Time! - Oh Hydro... - Meanwhile back at HQ... - "Do we still do that?" - Ad Libbing - Blam? - Holy World Explanation Batman! - How to Quick-Load a Truck The Heroes Arrive - Get Jiggly With It - Happy New Year - Christmas Special 4 of 4 - Christmas Special #3 of 4 - Christmas Special #2 of 4 - A short Super Temps Christmas story 1 of 4 - Bank Robbery, Skull Girl Style - Wayback Ref. - On "Nice" Girls - Jackie and Jenny had a crazy dream... - Meanwhile... - How to Keep an Idiot Amused... - Armageddon is Inevitable - And we're back. - More Crayon Waxiness! - Crayon Time! - Zap - Super Real Estate - On Work Ethic - Conservative Self-Destruction - Improvements - It's not bad editing. - Even in the future, nothing works. - Guess what the button does? - Next time, escape thingie! Neeeeeeext tiiiiiiiiiiime!! - One last flashback? A story that only took three years to tell... - Good... Bad... Kim's the one with the brick. - Back with Armageddon... - Meanwhile, and Skull Girl's latest interview... - Sometimes the union's rules rock. - They're familiar with her. - Dude, where's my death trap? - Oh Crap. The Power is in My Pants - Too Early for Jenny to Tackle - The Lesser of Two Evils - Armageddon can't eat pizza. - Probably why Armageddon only has ONE henchling. - Did I mention I hate Dragon Ball Z and all its incarnations? - Sucks to be the rookie. - Psychic Pizza Rules! - Ssssh, it's a secret. - If Armageddon had hair, it would be pointy - Evil is as evil does. - That's EEEEEVIL delivery girl, you little snot! Introducing Armageddon - Super Temping Origin of the Comic's Name - Meet Molly's Parents - The Darkside - EEP, Again! - EEP! - Regrets - Lazy Strip - We're not cops. - No blood, no foul The Return of Iron Pants! - What happens when punches are not pulled. - BRICK FU! - Freddie is rather resilant, isn't he? - Don't try this at home. - The French have Weird Insults - Subconcious but Blatant McNinja Rip Molly Vs. LeFrenchie 1 - Kim's Plan Continues... - (Yoink) Robbit Robbit!! - Robbit Robbit - The Glare of Death - Playing With Your Food - Remember the talking food of the 80's? - Kim and the Super's Union II - Kim and the Super's Union I - Robbits - Enter the Dragon Lady - Frenchie Fried Burgers - "Based on a true story" - Mental Health Hazard - The course needs to be updated. - More on "Cute" - What's wrong with Molly? - Employee Notice - Truly Epic Battles - Puppy Eyes of Evil - Nemesis - More Molly Logic - More Molly Mentality - Truth in Business - Truth in Advertising - Back to Skull Girl's backstory - Spanking - Additional Rules - Union Rules - No Kaboomies - Extreme Issues. - Still ranting. - Issues. - Hydromancer Rantomancing - Mutha Frick'n Saskatoooooooooon!! - Frick'n Saskatoooooooooon! - Different Schools of Heroics - Supers in P.E.I. - Aquaguy? - How to Defeat Skull Girl - On Kinds of Cute Some Hydromancer Background - On Corporate Evil - Molly Can't Handle the Truth - Cute Isn't Evil - Coffeeshop Aftermath - Covering Your Bases - On Heroics - Shrinking - Smashing - Villain's Code of Misconduct - PR - Without Coffee there can be No Conciousness - Indecision Enter the Hydromancer - A Public Service Message from Mr. Evil Part Two A Public Service Message from Mr. Evil Part One - How Not to Pick Up a Car - How not to improvise a weapon. - Freak'n BLAM! - She-Barristor? - Coffee Shop Rumble! - Origin of Standard Procedure - Standard Procedure - Always Fresh - Coffee and a Floor Show - Unprepared for Molly Logic - All in the Attitude - It doesn't take much to make Molly happy. - Job Hunting Advice - Know your prospect's corporate mission. - Showing Off Looking for more evil work. - Ow, my innocence... - Actually Darwin's probably more annoyed you're still alive. - Slow Learning Curve - Part Two of Two-Part Gag - Part One of Two Part Gag - Priority Problems - Oops - What to Remember when Imitating Villains - Customer Service - Being Nice - Retail Evils #2 - Retail Evils #1 - Evil Vs. Customer Service B.L.A.M. - Good Bad Exposure - Kaptain Kreem! - Evil Industries - Super Temps Funtime Comix - Wait a sec... - I said BLAM, Bub! - Costume Considerations - Nice Costume - What not to do at a job interview. - Blam, Bub! - Common Interview Rejections Employment Cold Calling Tips - What Kind of Heroics is That? Yay High Voltage! - Silly Drunk - Union Only! - The Rules - Failure to Communicate IRON PANTS! - The Skull Girl Motif - Pounce of Justice! - Pounce of Justice - Pre-Emptive Justice - Name-calling is legal evil. - What do you need? Jenny the Kat - Graduation - Career Choices - Gratuitous Panty Shot - Second Strip First Strip Next Last Author notes ST Bonus: Supers Respond to Questions About Armageddon Pt1 smkinoshita on May 1, 2012 For this question about Armageddon, we're going to need more than one page and it involves crayon. Comments Please login to comment. 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