- Epilogues: Mr. Evil
- Epilogues: Skiv
- Epilogues: Hydromancer
- Epilogues: Jenny the Cat part Two
- Epilogues: Jenny the Cat part One
- Epilogues: Skull Girl Part Two
- Epilogues: Skull Girl Part One
- End of Caper
- Jenny's Realization
- Nyaaaaa ha ha haaaaa FOOLS!
- You called that drop?
- Everyone Hates Armageddon
- Crunch.
- Hey, remember that Armageddon got involved way back in "More to a 3 Way than Meets the Eye"?
- So what now?
- Get Dunked On.
- Bad. Ass.
- Jenny Learned this from Skully
- Psychadelchick makes a miscalculation.
- WIP Continues
- Work In Progress
- Skully Makes a Miscalculation
- Recovery Project #2
- Recovery Project
- My Muse Has Passed
- Lights Out
- Hydro and Cursive's Special Team-Up
- Honestly, It Would Look Cool
- Showdown at the Docks
- Secret Santa 2013
- If I Reboot, You'll See a Bit More of Red
- I'm Not Dead Update
- Strategic Planning as Seen by Skull Girl and Jenny the Kat.
- Still Alive.
- Safehouses Brought to You by Super Temps
- Planning and Preparation 1
- Update March 11, 2013
- Another Partial "Still Alive" Update
- Note about the Lack of Updates
- Pyscha's Colour Change
- Another "Still Alive" Update
- Good Meets Up with Evil at a Neutral Location
- Filler to Show I'm Still ALive and Posting
- Late Night with Skullator: Why Psycha Hated the 3 Way Brawl
- Meanwhile at Psycha's hideout...
- Thanks for Nominating Super Temps!
- Super Temps Filler: Skully as Scout
- More to a 3 Way than Meets the Eye
- Super Temps Resumes - Skully's Counter
- Notice about my Dad.
- ST Bonus: Supers Respond to Questions About Armageddon Pt4
- ST Bonus: Supers Respond to Questions About Armageddon Pt3
- ST Bonus: Supers Respond to Questions About Armageddon Pt2
- ST Bonus: Supers Respond to Questions About Armageddon Pt1
- Molly reveals an unfortunate fact about the education system.
- Skully Freaks Out to Skiv
- Late again, sorry. :(
- The Heroes At a Loss
- ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 7
- ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 6
- ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 5
- ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 4
- Meanwhile, Pyscha's Been Busy
- ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 3
- ST Bonus: Mr. Evil Responds to Comments
- Skully Vs. Cursive 6
- ST Bonus: Skully Responds to Comments 2
- ST Bonus: Skully Reponds to Comments
- Skully Vs. Cursive 5
- Late notice (again, sorry)
- Skully Vs. Cursive 4
- Happy New Year!
- Drunk Duck Secret Santa DBW 2011: Chernobog's Nell from Arachnid Goddess
- Drunk Duck Secret Santa: InstaDinner
- Super Temps Christmas 2011 Gift #1
- Super Temps Christmas Special 2011 Announcement
- DD Awards: Best Bad Girl
- Skully Vs. Cursive 3
- Skully Vs. Cursive 2
- Halloween 2011 Quickie
- Lateness, Filler and Announcement
- Super Temps Book Sketch (Filler Oct 10 2010)
- Skully Nominated for Best Bad Girl
- Skully Vs. Cursive 1
- It's Like Tangled Except Darker
- eBook Preview 1
- Yoink!
- ST Late This Week
- Announcement Aug 25, 2011
- Iron And Cursive Tap Out
- Temp Update
- Skully's Cape
- Cursive Vs. Jackie, Take One
- Super Temps Vs. The Internet #4
- Super Temps Vs. The Internet #3
- Skully Has a Mental Rambling Problem Too
- Psycha Rolls Out, Skully Puts on her Game Face
- I'm not ready for this!!
- Super Temps Vs. The Internet #2
- Super Temps Experimental Comic #1
- Super Slash Fiction
- Heroes Hate Mercy
- Comic Delay
- Double BLAM!
- Google It, Suckers!
- Warehouse Tactics 2
- Warehouse Tactics
- The Heroes Arrive at the Toy Warehouse
- What is Skully up to?
- Skull Girl's Invitation
- AKA A Sporting Chance
- Kat and Mouse?
- James Bondage
- Cursive will be Quiet
- Retcon -- Unforgivable Sin by Supers Standards
- Coffee Run!
- Meanwhile with Iron & Cursive...
- Actually Jenny's dream is to be Goku, but Wolverine will do
- Doing it Wrong Is Right, Right?
- A look into the girl's minds
- The Girl's Realization
- More filler -- comic progress
- Skully Protests Jenny's Feminine Wiles
- So Jenny Has Feminine Wiles #2
- Go Figure.
- Little Molly Christmas Sketch
- Late due to moving
- Jenny Attempts Feminine Wiles Part Two
- Jenny Attemps Feminine Wiles
- Filler -- ST will be a little late this week
- Iron's firing a Non-Compensating Blaster at a lesbian and she likes it.
- Happy Birthday Maxie!
- Well, SOMEONE isn't being mature.
- Cursive Never Read Comics
- Fan Art: Hydromancer by Mina_Lunga
- No comic this week - It's my wedding anniversary
- Voltage Never Stays Down Long
- Happy Halloween 2010
- Jenny Escapes
- Skully's Never Corrupted Anyone Before
- Concept Sketch Feedback Day #2
- Concept Sketch Feedback Day
- Fan Art by Zac Crockett
- 4-Way Meanwhile...
- Skully Knows What You're Thinking
- Late due to my being sick
- Translations
- Skully's Deathtrap #1
- All Grown Up... almost.
- Jenny Thinks. No, seriously.
- Jenny is Foiled Again
- Iron is tired of the game.
- A special word from The SuperFogeys
- Psycha's Winning Conditions
- Skull Girl's winning conditions
- Jenny's Winning Conditions
- Kim Lays it Down
- Psycha Sees Something in Molly 2
- Fan art from Zaymac of Bear Vs. Zombies
- Psycha Sees Something in Molly 1
- One Day Prior
- Evil is Lazy
- Jenny Owie
- Ya Gotta Maintain Appearences
- Fan Art from meemjar
- Oops?
- More Fan Art!
- Yes, they've set up an A.P.B. System for JUST such an occasion.
- Fan Art Bonus by Amy of Charby the Vampirate
- Actually more like a 3-hit combo
- Jenny Math
- Skull Girl in an Ad for "Mr. J's White Wash"
- Skully Can Be Evil
- Hydro Does Fan Service for the Girls
- Bonus Artwork: Spygal of the Superfogeys
- Skiv Enlightens Hydro
- Dirty Fighting #2
- Featured on Drunk Duck YAY page!
- Dirty Fighting
- Happy Easter!
- Nice Going
- Retcon THAT, Snarf.
- Skiv's Priorities
- Late Filler March 14
- Skully Yoink!
- Jenny's Secret Power?
- We Interrupt for this Awesome Announcement
- Does Skull Girl Have the Diamond? (Part Two)
- Does Skull Girl Have the Diamond? (Part One)
- Jenny's Appears
- Planned Vs. Actual Part Three
- Planned Vs. Actual Part Two
- Expected Vs. Actual Part One
- Back to hopefully normal posting! Skully and Dev
- Skull Girl's Winter Costume 2010
- Almost done voting
- Jenny's Costume Choice #2
- Jenny's Costume Choice #1
- Super Temps Costume Choice (Skull Girl Costume #2)
- Super Temps Costume Choice!
- Technical Difficulties but Merry Christmas!
- Still Tech Problems, Skiv & Kim's Christmas Part Two
- Tech Difficulties Skiv and Kim's Christmas
- My Drunk Duck Secret Santa Gift (Not My Work, Thank-You GhostRunner!)
- Technical Issues...
- Sometimes you need a friend to tell you you're being a butt.
- A sudden chill
- Hydro & Psycha (TMI)
- Psycha & Hydro Part Two
- Nope, things aren't gonna get done. ;)
- Psycha and Hydro
- Psycha Preps
- The B.S.P.'s Brew
- Meanwhile with Hydro & Iron Pants...
- Kim's Confession, Part #3
- Filler: Inked Winter Costume #1 for Skull Girl
- Kim's Confession: Part Two
- Kim's Confession, Part One
- Her Daddy is a Ninja
- When it's time to improvise
- Break Out The Cookies
- Explaining Psycha
- Filler... again... sorry... :(
- The Economy of Super Battles
- A quick request
- The Early Professoinal Evil Industry
- History of Super Temps: War
- We're back to Regular Updates!
- Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page 7
- Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page 6
- Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page 5
- Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page 4
- Iron Does Urb Ads
- Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1 Page Three
- Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page Two
- Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Page One
- Guest Comic: Urbaniacs #1, Cover
- Gah, filler... :(
- Exposition Yourself!
- A new alliance...
- Sorry, bit behind this week...
- Introducing the B.S.P.
- Iron lays it out (or did Psycha?)
- Well, that was a bit mean...
- And we're back!
- Boston Vacation Pictures April 09
- So I'm on Vacation Again...
- A "Jenny the Kat" Moment
- Psycha Indirectly Questions Jenny's Value
- Skull Girl Costume Concept Fan Art by Christine Vandeven
- She's Psychadelchick!
- A little hint...
- Psycha Makes Her Entrance
- Kim 1, Katrina 0, and Concept #2
- Kim Vs Katrina and Concept #1
- Alterations and Registrations
- The B**** is Back!
- Happy Valentine's Day, Maxie!
- "Uh-huh."
- EEEP! 2009
- Why Kim thinks blue people are gay
- Oh crap.
- Living Dangerously?
- Super Temps PAGE FORMAT
- Happy New Year's!
- Christmas Special 2008 Part Four
- Christmas Special 2008 Part Three
- Christmas Special 2008 Part Two
- Gonna be a bit late...
- Christmas Special '08 Part One
- Awesome Relief
- Oblameration!
- Super Peer Pressure
- Temp Page
- He's that awesome.
- The Return of Liquid Awesome
- And so it begins...
- Grading Time
- Filler: Character Height Sketch #1
- Moved. Not the strip -- ME.
- ST Will Return Later
- Meanwhile, at Psychadelchick's Place...
- Devious
- Molly accepts the Best Superhero Award for 2008
- Consequence of Failure
- Pounce of Justice?
- Troll Hair
- Protocol
- Cat Fight: Heroic Violence
- Catfight! Scene One
- Pretty!
- "Blood Loss". You know what I mean.
And we're back!
- Still filler!
- Vacation Pic #2
- Vacation Pic #1
On Vacation!
- Selective Concentration Loss
- That's not part of the script.
- Jenny Vs. Hydro
- End Boss Must Get Really Bored
- Molly Still Has Fangs
- On Fighting Thugs
- Silent Shock
200th on Drunk Duck!
- Rookie Improv #1
- Fan Filled Strip #1
Make Your Own ST Comic!
- Traps and Tribulations
- How to Make Hydro Happy
- Standard Procedure Returns!
- Psychadelchick
Refill time!
- Filler! Filler Time!
- Oh Hydro...
- Meanwhile back at HQ...
- "Do we still do that?"
- Ad Libbing
- Blam?
- Holy World Explanation Batman!
- How to Quick-Load a Truck
The Heroes Arrive
- Get Jiggly With It
- Happy New Year
- Christmas Special 4 of 4
- Christmas Special #3 of 4
- Christmas Special #2 of 4
- A short Super Temps Christmas story 1 of 4
- Bank Robbery, Skull Girl Style
- Wayback Ref.
- On "Nice" Girls
- Jackie and Jenny had a crazy dream...
- Meanwhile...
- How to Keep an Idiot Amused...
- Armageddon is Inevitable
- And we're back.
- More Crayon Waxiness!
- Crayon Time!
- Zap
- Super Real Estate
- On Work Ethic
- Conservative Self-Destruction
- Improvements
- It's not bad editing.
- Even in the future, nothing works.
- Guess what the button does?
- Next time, escape thingie! Neeeeeeext tiiiiiiiiiiime!!
- One last flashback?
A story that only took three years to tell...
- Good... Bad... Kim's the one with the brick.
- Back with Armageddon...
- Meanwhile, and Skull Girl's latest interview...
- Sometimes the union's rules rock.
- They're familiar with her.
- Dude, where's my death trap?
- Oh Crap.
The Power is in My Pants
- Too Early for Jenny to Tackle
- The Lesser of Two Evils
- Armageddon can't eat pizza.
- Probably why Armageddon only has ONE henchling.
- Did I mention I hate Dragon Ball Z and all its incarnations?
- Sucks to be the rookie.
- Psychic Pizza Rules!
- Ssssh, it's a secret.
- If Armageddon had hair, it would be pointy
- Evil is as evil does.
- That's EEEEEVIL delivery girl, you little snot!
Introducing Armageddon
- Super Temping
Origin of the Comic's Name
- Meet Molly's Parents
- The Darkside
- EEP, Again!
- EEP!
- Regrets
- Lazy Strip
- We're not cops.
- No blood, no foul
The Return of Iron Pants!
- What happens when punches are not pulled.
- Freddie is rather resilant, isn't he?
- Don't try this at home.
- The French have Weird Insults
- Subconcious but Blatant McNinja Rip
Molly Vs. LeFrenchie 1
- Kim's Plan Continues...
- (Yoink) Robbit Robbit!!
- Robbit Robbit
- The Glare of Death
- Playing With Your Food
- Remember the talking food of the 80's?
- Kim and the Super's Union II
- Kim and the Super's Union I
- Robbits
- Enter the Dragon Lady
- Frenchie Fried Burgers
- "Based on a true story"
- Mental Health Hazard
- The course needs to be updated.
- More on "Cute"
- What's wrong with Molly?
- Employee Notice
- Truly Epic Battles
- Puppy Eyes of Evil
- Nemesis
- More Molly Logic
- More Molly Mentality
- Truth in Business
- Truth in Advertising
- Back to Skull Girl's backstory
- Spanking
- Additional Rules
- Union Rules
- No Kaboomies
- Extreme Issues.
- Still ranting.
- Issues.
- Hydromancer Rantomancing
- Mutha Frick'n Saskatoooooooooon!!
- Frick'n Saskatoooooooooon!
- Different Schools of Heroics
- Supers in P.E.I.
- Aquaguy?
- How to Defeat Skull Girl
- On Kinds of Cute
Some Hydromancer Background
- On Corporate Evil
- Molly Can't Handle the Truth
- Cute Isn't Evil
- Coffeeshop Aftermath
- Covering Your Bases
- On Heroics
- Shrinking
- Smashing
- Villain's Code of Misconduct
- PR
- Without Coffee there can be No Conciousness
- Indecision
Enter the Hydromancer
- A Public Service Message from Mr. Evil Part Two
A Public Service Message from Mr. Evil Part One
- How Not to Pick Up a Car
- How not to improvise a weapon.
- Freak'n BLAM!
- She-Barristor?
- Coffee Shop Rumble!
- Origin of Standard Procedure
- Standard Procedure
- Always Fresh
- Coffee and a Floor Show
- Unprepared for Molly Logic
- All in the Attitude
- It doesn't take much to make Molly happy.
- Job Hunting Advice
- Know your prospect's corporate mission.
- Showing Off
Looking for more evil work.
- Ow, my innocence...
- Actually Darwin's probably more annoyed you're still alive.
- Slow Learning Curve
- Part Two of Two-Part Gag
- Part One of Two Part Gag
- Priority Problems
- Oops
- What to Remember when Imitating Villains
- Customer Service
- Being Nice
- Retail Evils #2
- Retail Evils #1
- Evil Vs. Customer Service
- Good Bad Exposure
- Kaptain Kreem!
- Evil Industries
- Super Temps Funtime Comix
- Wait a sec...
- I said BLAM, Bub!
- Costume Considerations
- Nice Costume
- What not to do at a job interview.
- Blam, Bub!
- Common Interview Rejections
Employment Cold Calling Tips
- What Kind of Heroics is That?
Yay High Voltage!
- Silly Drunk
- Union Only!
- The Rules
- Failure to Communicate
- The Skull Girl Motif
- Pounce of Justice!
- Pounce of Justice
- Pre-Emptive Justice
- Name-calling is legal evil.
- What do you need?
Jenny the Kat
- Graduation
- Career Choices
- Gratuitous Panty Shot
- Second Strip
First Strip
Please login to comment.
Login or Registersmkinoshita at
@SoItBegins: You keep saying that but I feel if I go too slow you'll still forget… *** @Raska: Thanks. Things are still plenty complicated. *** Mina_Lunga: A chocolate covered magic pill. It makes it go down easier.
ghostrunner at
Mina_Lunga at
Just mostly dead? Time for a magic pill!
raska at
Glad to see it confirmed that ST's still going. We'll be here waiting when things de-complicate themselves, so don't worry about that.
SoItBegins at
Take as long as you need. Glad to know you're still going. :)
smkinoshita at
@EssayBee: It's probably because it's in B&W. *** @Mr Kaos/ddesbiens: Thanks!
EssayBee at
Your linework is really strong here. Not sure if it's because the page is B&W so the linework stands out more, but it looks great.
Mr Kaos at
cool indeed.
ddesbiens at