Surfboards and RayGuns

Chapter 2 Pg. 6

Author notes

Chapter 2 Pg. 6



I hope everyone is doing well. As for me?
I've been training on a new software at work, and trying to get up to speed on a new position. Believe me learning Maya will make anyones head spin.
Luckily I only have to learn a small part of the software, for now.

I have'nt had a lot of time to read or comment on my favs latley.
For that I'm sorry, but as soon as I get settled with work I will be on the Duck a lot more often.

As for the page, well Den-Arria's not sure if she can trust the guys, in the same way they're not sure about her.
But Den-Arria has her ways.

I hope you dig.


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