Surfboards and RayGuns

Chapter 2 Pg. 7

Author notes

Chapter 2 Pg. 7


The Hiatus is over.
I have been away far far to long, and let me just say that I miss
the cool comics on the Duck.
I was hoping to have some fan pics ready for some of my favorite
DD comics to coinside with this long overdue update. Unfortunately
they're not quite done just yet, so if you can, try to keep an eye out over the next couple weeks.

In other news I've taken Surfboards and Rayguns back off the shelf, dusted it off and remembered how much fun it is to draw these characters.
I'm very sorry for the long absence, but some priorities came up that had to be dealt with.
Then on top of that I re-drew this page a couple times before I was happy with it.
Just wanted to come back with a solid page.

Once again I apologize for the long overdue update.
I just hope it's better late then never.
All the best.
See ya in a week or so.


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