The introduction of another main character; Halfdan. Halfdan is the creation of my best friend in college. He was envisioned as a Norse priest of Thor. He was supposed to be this big guy with a big fucking hammer, who would swing it onto the enemy yelling "FUCK YOU UP!" But he usually missed or the enemy ducked. He was a little comical in the beginning, but he became a force to be reckoned with. It was the whole class system in D&D. It straitjacketed him into the whole cleric can't fight but heal stereotype and that wasn't him. But once he go t up in levels and earned some magic items he would earn his nickname "Demonsmasher"
But before all that the player's girlfriend would call him "Half-assed Demonsmashed" It was college and we were drunk a lot of the time we were playing and it's hard not to love a bosomy redhead with an acerbic tongue (The girlfriend.) In putting him into a story I went for the legend and how he saw himself. He was supposed to be stubborn with poor interpersonal skills. A stoic guy's guy who doesn't talk much. Arnold Schwarzenegger would be the perfect actor to play him. So he is. Under the beard and helmet it is an Arnold Schwarzenegger figure.
And we can jump into his life here after he's past the whole awkward "can't hit anything swinging like Casey at bat" and move on to Halfdan Great hammer. Besides I never liked the whole class system in D&D anyway. Halfdan was really a fighter who just did a couple of priest things on the side. He's all about the hammer. Thor's hammer.
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