That whole "indefinite hiatus" means "never" thing has been simmering in the back of my mind for quite some time.
Especially since the news post seemed aimed right at this comic. It was way too close.
But indefinite means undefined as in "I don't know how long it'll take me to get back to this". There were some definite production problems. It just couldn't go on the way it was.
There were a couple of experimental stories by Usedbooks and Kimluster that were done as illustrated prose rather than sequential panels. I played around with it and mulled it over for months while I worked on other projects. And I started sketching to just pass the time. I wanted to see how well the pictures of the figures would translate into drawings.
I've always loved free pencil sketching. I'm decent at intuiting shapes so I don't often need a lot of basic sketching. Though there are always some proportional problems. These days they don't bother me as it just feels good to put pencil to paper.
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