Synthea First Prev - Dreams of a Young Child 4 - Dreams of a young child part 3 - Dreams of a young child part 2 - Dreams of a Young Child - Page 206 - Page something something - Page 202 - The Walls Has Eyes! - Activate stuff - Page 199! - Poetry - He will defeat you...WITH WORDS! - Little Friends - OH ZAAP! - Out from the Shadows - Meanwhile... - Dat Train! - Oh Shiny - OMINOUS SHADOW - Milllkshaaake - Twirly - Battle Toads was cool - NO MORE TALKIE! OH AND NUMBA 200! - Getting Her Act Back Together - Milking the Joke - HAMMER TAIL!!! - Don't let the Queen get me! - TEXT! - FRAGGLE - Go Go Super Head! - She's chanting shit! - Subnormality Now is still the shizz-nit - Time for Punchin! - Ooooh snap! - DOUBLE WHAMMEY - A Reflective Moment - Now Lets Not Lose Our Heads Here...oh wait...daaamn - Another Comic no way! - OH YA! - Ghastly Gears! - Oh snap... - Outnumbered - Let's Get Ready to Rumble! BIATCHS! - Voltron Makes Armpit Noises! - Voltron Makes Armpit Noises! - Voltron Makes Armpit Noises! - Problems - Get a move on, duh duh duh - Reeeeeeecoola - OMG - YES! - Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk - Talk Talk Talk - HEY LISTEN - Oh no not this again - JACK - JACK TIME!!! - Smash - Punny - Blow the house down! - INVOKE IT! - BONG! - Even more build up - Prelude to Awesome? - Super Cock Roach Ninja Spell - Wooo Banter! - Here Comes Dah ROACH here comes Dah ROACH! - Blue Super Part 3 - Blue Super Part 2 - Blue super part 1 - Blue Super - Inside! - Just try N' Relax Homie! - Cant' get a grip on it - Some One Smashed the Lights! - GO GO SUPER TRI POWER - Surrounded! - Sweet Monkey Jesus - Whatever works! - Half Price Synthea - ROBO COPS - Hallucinations? - Whaaaa? - Synthea 124 cause I couldn't come up with a decent title! - GO SYNTHEA GO! - Ooooh Boy, Here we go - Don't Look Down - Pretty Pretty Princess Synthea - Cheaply short - Back to the dark - ACTION ACTION ACTION - TOOODALAMATOOODALOOOLLLAMAM - CAN YOU SAY PLUG!?!?!?!? - Dragons fury - - FIRE DRAGON TIME - Ninja beaver continues - Ninja Beaver part 2 - Ninja Beaver part 2 - GO NINJA BEAVER part 1 - Blurp - Slice but don't kill - Decapitation BAM! - Just a Slime Wound! - RECAP *fixed* - U-SAGI!!! - The advantage of heiniously cheap back grounds - Smashy Smashy - NOW! - Goth kids - So...much...text O.O - The End? - Redundant - SNATCH - eyes of death de-ignited - Pretty eyes - Pretty eyes - Enter the Beaver - ZOMG WHOS THAT!?!?! - FILLAH!!!! - THE DANGER APPROACHES!!! - Inside jokes - yeah...this is where it gets awesome - Hamtaro....dooom - sweet cheese cake indeed - Big Sword - Disposing of bodies - erm... - How to Get Rid of what can not be get rid of...O__O - Insectofobia - Betrayl - from the shadows - Teenage Mutant Ninja Cockroaches - Cockroach ninjas...yeah - Fun CockRoach facts - The cockroach - Cockroach Ninjas Origins - Cock Roach ninja's- being lesson - SO IT BEGINS!!! - Page 82 - ERm....that last page. Weird - Cartoon Line up - B33B's!!! - SAVED!?! - YOU SHALL PERISH1!!!! - The Mayor - its a..BIG FRAME!!!! - Risky Buisness - saving the world - THE BFG!!! - yay futuristic rec rooms! - Big screens are so 1995 - Good person - A rude Awakening - Of Snot and Vermin - Spooky - RANTING!!! - can you see kitty? - I don't get it either - woooo That sucks - mmmm... melting. - The Super Heal Solution...of DOOM!!!! - Synthea....all fleshie - M is for Mutation! - Wow...a diagram! - Dat's a big tower - Text is fun - ZOMG! - What else can you teach us Dr. Stacatto? - no more sonic 3...oooooh - I'am STACCATO!!! - Wiggin out! - Who needs permission? - Physics of Slime...mutants that is. - Brians arugment...rages on - something is wrong - Robot's feel pain? - weeeeeee Ninjas....and pain! - He has eyes? - WEll Boo hooo hoooo - Tears... - 40th page...yet still no comments.....*taps foot* - mmmmm rats - Well Rats... - woooo Human Synthea - Still in the Dark - Ninja's - heh heh... - Yep Cleanor's a drama queen - Darkness - Messy in da Hood - INTIMIDATION - 28 - Woooo Squishy - 27 - 26 - 25 - page 24...because I say so - Meet the Stacatto's - Yes game references are sorta our thing - Futility! - Frantic - Thinking - ZOMG! Cleanor's Dead?!? - Dude... I know that feeling... - ALien - ? - TIME SAVING PANELS - THe voices are back - Verbal Abuse - The Vacum of truth.... and that other thing - Viewtuf joe style....janitor edition - Enter....the CLEANOR!!!! - uh ick... - SHAZAM - AN EASY PAGE TO MAKE - ZOMG GAME REFERENCES - DAMN STRAIGHT!!! - SAY WHA!!?! - ZOMG! - She AWAKENS! Next Last First Prev - Dreams of a Young Child 4 - Dreams of a young child part 3 - Dreams of a young child part 2 - Dreams of a Young Child - Page 206 - Page something something - Page 202 - The Walls Has Eyes! - Activate stuff - Page 199! - Poetry - He will defeat you...WITH WORDS! - Little Friends - OH ZAAP! - Out from the Shadows - Meanwhile... - Dat Train! - Oh Shiny - OMINOUS SHADOW - Milllkshaaake - Twirly - Battle Toads was cool - NO MORE TALKIE! OH AND NUMBA 200! - Getting Her Act Back Together - Milking the Joke - HAMMER TAIL!!! - Don't let the Queen get me! - TEXT! - FRAGGLE - Go Go Super Head! - She's chanting shit! - Subnormality Now is still the shizz-nit - Time for Punchin! - Ooooh snap! - DOUBLE WHAMMEY - A Reflective Moment - Now Lets Not Lose Our Heads Here...oh wait...daaamn - Another Comic no way! - OH YA! - Ghastly Gears! - Oh snap... - Outnumbered - Let's Get Ready to Rumble! BIATCHS! - Voltron Makes Armpit Noises! - Voltron Makes Armpit Noises! - Voltron Makes Armpit Noises! - Problems - Get a move on, duh duh duh - Reeeeeeecoola - OMG - YES! - Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk - Talk Talk Talk - HEY LISTEN - Oh no not this again - JACK - JACK TIME!!! - Smash - Punny - Blow the house down! - INVOKE IT! - BONG! - Even more build up - Prelude to Awesome? - Super Cock Roach Ninja Spell - Wooo Banter! - Here Comes Dah ROACH here comes Dah ROACH! - Blue Super Part 3 - Blue Super Part 2 - Blue super part 1 - Blue Super - Inside! - Just try N' Relax Homie! - Cant' get a grip on it - Some One Smashed the Lights! - GO GO SUPER TRI POWER - Surrounded! - Sweet Monkey Jesus - Whatever works! - Half Price Synthea - ROBO COPS - Hallucinations? - Whaaaa? - Synthea 124 cause I couldn't come up with a decent title! - GO SYNTHEA GO! - Ooooh Boy, Here we go - Don't Look Down - Pretty Pretty Princess Synthea - Cheaply short - Back to the dark - ACTION ACTION ACTION - TOOODALAMATOOODALOOOLLLAMAM - CAN YOU SAY PLUG!?!?!?!? - Dragons fury - - FIRE DRAGON TIME - Ninja beaver continues - Ninja Beaver part 2 - Ninja Beaver part 2 - GO NINJA BEAVER part 1 - Blurp - Slice but don't kill - Decapitation BAM! - Just a Slime Wound! - RECAP *fixed* - U-SAGI!!! - The advantage of heiniously cheap back grounds - Smashy Smashy - NOW! - Goth kids - So...much...text O.O - The End? - Redundant - SNATCH - eyes of death de-ignited - Pretty eyes - Pretty eyes - Enter the Beaver - ZOMG WHOS THAT!?!?! - FILLAH!!!! - THE DANGER APPROACHES!!! - Inside jokes - yeah...this is where it gets awesome - Hamtaro....dooom - sweet cheese cake indeed - Big Sword - Disposing of bodies - erm... - How to Get Rid of what can not be get rid of...O__O - Insectofobia - Betrayl - from the shadows - Teenage Mutant Ninja Cockroaches - Cockroach ninjas...yeah - Fun CockRoach facts - The cockroach - Cockroach Ninjas Origins - Cock Roach ninja's- being lesson - SO IT BEGINS!!! - Page 82 - ERm....that last page. Weird - Cartoon Line up - B33B's!!! - SAVED!?! - YOU SHALL PERISH1!!!! - The Mayor - its a..BIG FRAME!!!! - Risky Buisness - saving the world - THE BFG!!! - yay futuristic rec rooms! - Big screens are so 1995 - Good person - A rude Awakening - Of Snot and Vermin - Spooky - RANTING!!! - can you see kitty? - I don't get it either - woooo That sucks - mmmm... melting. - The Super Heal Solution...of DOOM!!!! - Synthea....all fleshie - M is for Mutation! - Wow...a diagram! - Dat's a big tower - Text is fun - ZOMG! - What else can you teach us Dr. Stacatto? - no more sonic 3...oooooh - I'am STACCATO!!! - Wiggin out! - Who needs permission? - Physics of Slime...mutants that is. - Brians arugment...rages on - something is wrong - Robot's feel pain? - weeeeeee Ninjas....and pain! - He has eyes? - WEll Boo hooo hoooo - Tears... - 40th page...yet still no comments.....*taps foot* - mmmmm rats - Well Rats... - woooo Human Synthea - Still in the Dark - Ninja's - heh heh... - Yep Cleanor's a drama queen - Darkness - Messy in da Hood - INTIMIDATION - 28 - Woooo Squishy - 27 - 26 - 25 - page 24...because I say so - Meet the Stacatto's - Yes game references are sorta our thing - Futility! - Frantic - Thinking - ZOMG! Cleanor's Dead?!? - Dude... I know that feeling... - ALien - ? - TIME SAVING PANELS - THe voices are back - Verbal Abuse - The Vacum of truth.... and that other thing - Viewtuf joe style....janitor edition - Enter....the CLEANOR!!!! - uh ick... - SHAZAM - AN EASY PAGE TO MAKE - ZOMG GAME REFERENCES - DAMN STRAIGHT!!! - SAY WHA!!?! - ZOMG! - She AWAKENS! Next Last Author notes THe voices are back captaintomx on Feb. 16, 2006 remember the last time I heard voices…and killed my gold fish…..they were ebil I tell ya EBIL!!! Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register filibuster at 08 May, 2007, 04:56 PM Running through the comics again is neat. whiteninja at 07 May, 2006, 10:15 PM The day robots start hearing voices in their heads is the day the Matrix comes true. Which was 23 centuries ago.
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Login or Registerfilibuster at
Running through the comics again is neat.
whiteninja at
The day robots start hearing voices in their heads is the day the Matrix comes true. Which was 23 centuries ago.