Synthea First Prev - Dreams of a Young Child 4 - Dreams of a young child part 3 - Dreams of a young child part 2 - Dreams of a Young Child - Page 206 - Page something something - Page 202 - The Walls Has Eyes! - Activate stuff - Page 199! - Poetry - He will defeat you...WITH WORDS! - Little Friends - OH ZAAP! - Out from the Shadows - Meanwhile... - Dat Train! - Oh Shiny - OMINOUS SHADOW - Milllkshaaake - Twirly - Battle Toads was cool - NO MORE TALKIE! OH AND NUMBA 200! - Getting Her Act Back Together - Milking the Joke - HAMMER TAIL!!! - Don't let the Queen get me! - TEXT! - FRAGGLE - Go Go Super Head! - She's chanting shit! - Subnormality Now is still the shizz-nit - Time for Punchin! - Ooooh snap! - DOUBLE WHAMMEY - A Reflective Moment - Now Lets Not Lose Our Heads Here...oh wait...daaamn - Another Comic no way! - OH YA! - Ghastly Gears! - Oh snap... - Outnumbered - Let's Get Ready to Rumble! BIATCHS! - Voltron Makes Armpit Noises! - Voltron Makes Armpit Noises! - Voltron Makes Armpit Noises! - Problems - Get a move on, duh duh duh - Reeeeeeecoola - OMG - YES! - Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk - Talk Talk Talk - HEY LISTEN - Oh no not this again - JACK - JACK TIME!!! - Smash - Punny - Blow the house down! - INVOKE IT! - BONG! - Even more build up - Prelude to Awesome? - Super Cock Roach Ninja Spell - Wooo Banter! - Here Comes Dah ROACH here comes Dah ROACH! - Blue Super Part 3 - Blue Super Part 2 - Blue super part 1 - Blue Super - Inside! - Just try N' Relax Homie! - Cant' get a grip on it - Some One Smashed the Lights! - GO GO SUPER TRI POWER - Surrounded! - Sweet Monkey Jesus - Whatever works! - Half Price Synthea - ROBO COPS - Hallucinations? - Whaaaa? - Synthea 124 cause I couldn't come up with a decent title! - GO SYNTHEA GO! - Ooooh Boy, Here we go - Don't Look Down - Pretty Pretty Princess Synthea - Cheaply short - Back to the dark - ACTION ACTION ACTION - TOOODALAMATOOODALOOOLLLAMAM - CAN YOU SAY PLUG!?!?!?!? - Dragons fury - - FIRE DRAGON TIME - Ninja beaver continues - Ninja Beaver part 2 - Ninja Beaver part 2 - GO NINJA BEAVER part 1 - Blurp - Slice but don't kill - Decapitation BAM! - Just a Slime Wound! - RECAP *fixed* - U-SAGI!!! - The advantage of heiniously cheap back grounds - Smashy Smashy - NOW! - Goth kids - So...much...text O.O - The End? - Redundant - SNATCH - eyes of death de-ignited - Pretty eyes - Pretty eyes - Enter the Beaver - ZOMG WHOS THAT!?!?! - FILLAH!!!! - THE DANGER APPROACHES!!! - Inside jokes - yeah...this is where it gets awesome - Hamtaro....dooom - sweet cheese cake indeed - Big Sword - Disposing of bodies - erm... - How to Get Rid of what can not be get rid of...O__O - Insectofobia - Betrayl - from the shadows - Teenage Mutant Ninja Cockroaches - Cockroach ninjas...yeah - Fun CockRoach facts - The cockroach - Cockroach Ninjas Origins - Cock Roach ninja's- being lesson - SO IT BEGINS!!! - Page 82 - ERm....that last page. Weird - Cartoon Line up - B33B's!!! - SAVED!?! - YOU SHALL PERISH1!!!! - The Mayor - its a..BIG FRAME!!!! - Risky Buisness - saving the world - THE BFG!!! - yay futuristic rec rooms! - Big screens are so 1995 - Good person - A rude Awakening - Of Snot and Vermin - Spooky - RANTING!!! - can you see kitty? - I don't get it either - woooo That sucks - mmmm... melting. - The Super Heal Solution...of DOOM!!!! - Synthea....all fleshie - M is for Mutation! - Wow...a diagram! - Dat's a big tower - Text is fun - ZOMG! - What else can you teach us Dr. Stacatto? - no more sonic 3...oooooh - I'am STACCATO!!! - Wiggin out! - Who needs permission? - Physics of Slime...mutants that is. - Brians arugment...rages on - something is wrong - Robot's feel pain? - weeeeeee Ninjas....and pain! - He has eyes? - WEll Boo hooo hoooo - Tears... - 40th page...yet still no comments.....*taps foot* - mmmmm rats - Well Rats... - woooo Human Synthea - Still in the Dark - Ninja's - heh heh... - Yep Cleanor's a drama queen - Darkness - Messy in da Hood - INTIMIDATION - 28 - Woooo Squishy - 27 - 26 - 25 - page 24...because I say so - Meet the Stacatto's - Yes game references are sorta our thing - Futility! - Frantic - Thinking - ZOMG! Cleanor's Dead?!? - Dude... I know that feeling... - ALien - ? - TIME SAVING PANELS - THe voices are back - Verbal Abuse - The Vacum of truth.... and that other thing - Viewtuf joe style....janitor edition - Enter....the CLEANOR!!!! - uh ick... - SHAZAM - AN EASY PAGE TO MAKE - ZOMG GAME REFERENCES - DAMN STRAIGHT!!! - SAY WHA!!?! - ZOMG! - She AWAKENS! Next Last First Prev - Dreams of a Young Child 4 - Dreams of a young child part 3 - Dreams of a young child part 2 - Dreams of a Young Child - Page 206 - Page something something - Page 202 - The Walls Has Eyes! - Activate stuff - Page 199! - Poetry - He will defeat you...WITH WORDS! - Little Friends - OH ZAAP! - Out from the Shadows - Meanwhile... - Dat Train! - Oh Shiny - OMINOUS SHADOW - Milllkshaaake - Twirly - Battle Toads was cool - NO MORE TALKIE! OH AND NUMBA 200! - Getting Her Act Back Together - Milking the Joke - HAMMER TAIL!!! - Don't let the Queen get me! - TEXT! - FRAGGLE - Go Go Super Head! - She's chanting shit! - Subnormality Now is still the shizz-nit - Time for Punchin! - Ooooh snap! - DOUBLE WHAMMEY - A Reflective Moment - Now Lets Not Lose Our Heads Here...oh wait...daaamn - Another Comic no way! - OH YA! - Ghastly Gears! - Oh snap... - Outnumbered - Let's Get Ready to Rumble! BIATCHS! - Voltron Makes Armpit Noises! - Voltron Makes Armpit Noises! - Voltron Makes Armpit Noises! - Problems - Get a move on, duh duh duh - Reeeeeeecoola - OMG - YES! - Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk - Talk Talk Talk - HEY LISTEN - Oh no not this again - JACK - JACK TIME!!! - Smash - Punny - Blow the house down! - INVOKE IT! - BONG! - Even more build up - Prelude to Awesome? - Super Cock Roach Ninja Spell - Wooo Banter! - Here Comes Dah ROACH here comes Dah ROACH! - Blue Super Part 3 - Blue Super Part 2 - Blue super part 1 - Blue Super - Inside! - Just try N' Relax Homie! - Cant' get a grip on it - Some One Smashed the Lights! - GO GO SUPER TRI POWER - Surrounded! - Sweet Monkey Jesus - Whatever works! - Half Price Synthea - ROBO COPS - Hallucinations? - Whaaaa? - Synthea 124 cause I couldn't come up with a decent title! - GO SYNTHEA GO! - Ooooh Boy, Here we go - Don't Look Down - Pretty Pretty Princess Synthea - Cheaply short - Back to the dark - ACTION ACTION ACTION - TOOODALAMATOOODALOOOLLLAMAM - CAN YOU SAY PLUG!?!?!?!? - Dragons fury - - FIRE DRAGON TIME - Ninja beaver continues - Ninja Beaver part 2 - Ninja Beaver part 2 - GO NINJA BEAVER part 1 - Blurp - Slice but don't kill - Decapitation BAM! - Just a Slime Wound! - RECAP *fixed* - U-SAGI!!! - The advantage of heiniously cheap back grounds - Smashy Smashy - NOW! - Goth kids - So...much...text O.O - The End? - Redundant - SNATCH - eyes of death de-ignited - Pretty eyes - Pretty eyes - Enter the Beaver - ZOMG WHOS THAT!?!?! - FILLAH!!!! - THE DANGER APPROACHES!!! - Inside jokes - yeah...this is where it gets awesome - Hamtaro....dooom - sweet cheese cake indeed - Big Sword - Disposing of bodies - erm... - How to Get Rid of what can not be get rid of...O__O - Insectofobia - Betrayl - from the shadows - Teenage Mutant Ninja Cockroaches - Cockroach ninjas...yeah - Fun CockRoach facts - The cockroach - Cockroach Ninjas Origins - Cock Roach ninja's- being lesson - SO IT BEGINS!!! - Page 82 - ERm....that last page. Weird - Cartoon Line up - B33B's!!! - SAVED!?! - YOU SHALL PERISH1!!!! - The Mayor - its a..BIG FRAME!!!! - Risky Buisness - saving the world - THE BFG!!! - yay futuristic rec rooms! - Big screens are so 1995 - Good person - A rude Awakening - Of Snot and Vermin - Spooky - RANTING!!! - can you see kitty? - I don't get it either - woooo That sucks - mmmm... melting. - The Super Heal Solution...of DOOM!!!! - Synthea....all fleshie - M is for Mutation! - Wow...a diagram! - Dat's a big tower - Text is fun - ZOMG! - What else can you teach us Dr. Stacatto? - no more sonic 3...oooooh - I'am STACCATO!!! - Wiggin out! - Who needs permission? - Physics of Slime...mutants that is. - Brians arugment...rages on - something is wrong - Robot's feel pain? - weeeeeee Ninjas....and pain! - He has eyes? - WEll Boo hooo hoooo - Tears... - 40th page...yet still no comments.....*taps foot* - mmmmm rats - Well Rats... - woooo Human Synthea - Still in the Dark - Ninja's - heh heh... - Yep Cleanor's a drama queen - Darkness - Messy in da Hood - INTIMIDATION - 28 - Woooo Squishy - 27 - 26 - 25 - page 24...because I say so - Meet the Stacatto's - Yes game references are sorta our thing - Futility! - Frantic - Thinking - ZOMG! Cleanor's Dead?!? - Dude... I know that feeling... - ALien - ? - TIME SAVING PANELS - THe voices are back - Verbal Abuse - The Vacum of truth.... and that other thing - Viewtuf joe style....janitor edition - Enter....the CLEANOR!!!! - uh ick... - SHAZAM - AN EASY PAGE TO MAKE - ZOMG GAME REFERENCES - DAMN STRAIGHT!!! - SAY WHA!!?! - ZOMG! - She AWAKENS! Next Last Author notes ? captaintomx on Feb. 18, 2006 yep I still don't get this one Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register filibuster at 08 May, 2007, 05:33 PM Reminds me of the Mega Man Zero series.
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Reminds me of the Mega Man Zero series.