It's completely different from the pages before. I did this page in the means of showing you how I used to do most of my black and white art. I might even consider doing the future pages a bit like this. Tell me what you think.
In the last panel there has appeared two more guards. Well, I thought it to be natural when someonw liek out main character appears that there will come more guards in the picture. So, here's the backup.
Now some snwers to comments I have reaceived.
Mina_lunga: Well, I think the previous page was too dark because I got the feel of evening. But we might really consider dark and light differently. I really didn't get your comment about the emperor's clother, but I thought I could explain some of them. First of the emperor is dressing pretty commonly in this chapter. He's dressed into a tunic as is the way of men, but he has a bit more of patterns than the common people. Anyway, this is no official meating and since the castle isn't really open just to anyone (Saturnin just had his fingers in this) and because of that the emperor doesn't always bother to dress up during his 'freetime' like in official meetings. The empress however has a lot of jewellery, not because she's the empress but because she's a woman (and women often have a lot of jewellery if they can afford it). Thanks for your comment and pointing the things out you liked in the precious page.
IronWolf: thanks for the comment ^_^
What_a_life: Thanks for pointing out the things you would have done differently. Those things would have had a good effect in the page. I have to keep it in mind when planning on the next chapter. And thanks for pointing the things out you liked in the page. And don't worry about giving advice. I take them in gladly. ^_^
Ninja_jette: thanks for commenting the previous page and the filler art which is now deleted. And even thought the five you would have given is no where recorded I remember it and am happy about it ^_^
And now I gotta continue on doing work. But really tell me is it out of question to do the pages like this.
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