And here you have it. A colored page. Coloring was made with watercolors. I amd not too proud of it. Rushed with the page. But it works anyway.
The first chapter happened during the end of summer and this chapter takes place in autumn. That's why the colorful (lamely done) forest.
Those who haven't noticed there are some news in the the previous filler-update. I also suggest that you go back to bage 10 of the chapter to get the full meaning of the first line of text in this page.
I made the decision of making the people in this story call their parents the Swedish way. Meaning pappa is father and mamma is mother. After all this story takes place in the Finnish-Swedish border. Also, I myself call my parents the Swedish name so… yes. That's what I decided. And if you wonder why I call my parents the Swedish way and not the Finnish it's because I'm from a blingual (I hope that's the right word) family. We use both Swedish and Finnish in my family :)
Now… Because I will be quite a lot away from home during the summer there might not be any updates before the end of summer. If I get pages done I will update, but do not wait for it really.
And as to why it took so long since last update was mainly because of my allergy which took basically all my strenght. Now it's passing well, I don't need to rely on medicine anymore (thought it will be the same thing next year again). I won't be bothering you with the other reasons I had.
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