Alright, first of I'll tell you that it's very unlikely that I'll be able to update next monday. I'll have a busy weekend and I usually do my pages on weekend. Especially since I have been very tired lately.
About this page. It was a pain to do. It's because my hands are just getting worde and worse. Anyway, I'm not very satisfied with the lineart in some parts. I worked on the lineart on different days with different moods and etc. I painted it on Sunday, but it wasn't very easy with my hurting hand. I even ate painkillers just to see if they help and they did nothing. :/ There are many things I don't like on this page. I even drew Kati on the fifth panel four time before just deciding it's good enough (still not satisfied with it thought). However, instead of getting more to the things I don't like I'm gonna say something rare.
I LOVE the last panel!! Viator turned out better than I hoped. I had planned a slightly different expression for him, but this works many times better. I'm glad I redid that panel so it ended up like this. That expression just fits him perfectly. While painting I also feared that the shadows became too dark, but luckily they aren't. Viator worked out pretty well in second panel as well, and he's not too pad in the fourth either. Thought he was better before I inked the fourth panel.
Unlike Kati, Viator worked very well with me in this page :D
Well, my situtation with these stupid hands. Bloodtests showed nothing, but I was still sent to a specialiced doctor (I don't have the words in English to explain any better). However I'm losing hope with this whole thing. I have already started to wish that I had the worst possible reasons for this problem just so that at least it would be found and I would not need to just sit and wonder. After I got back to work from my doctors appointment last time I just told myself that, if this next doctor I'm going to see on Thursday doesn't find anything, I'm just going to give up. However… I still feel like that, but there are people kicking me to keep on trying. I don't know what to do, but I have no hope that this next doctor would help me any more than the others. Likely my friends and family need to kick me a bit harder ^^'
Well, on next monday I will update either with a page or filler (of wich the latter is more likely) and tell you how it went with the other doctor.
Well, I'll leave you here wondering what ever you are wondering after this page XP See ya!
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