Took quite long to get another page done. There are numerous reasons behind that beginning with the fact that I have been quite many weekends away from home. Weekends is the best time for me to work on the pages.
Well, to make sure I did not get two pages done as I had planned I ended up being sick. Likely a virus. Anyway, I have been resting for the whole week. I slowly worked on this page when I started to get better.
This night scene takes a lot more time to paint that when you work on lighter pages. I make two layers of shadows and very often end up doing a third or even a fourth layer. I tried out that new set of watercolors with this page and the night scene ended up to be easier to paint. I'm also quite happy with the outcome of this page.
Also, I haven't been keeping up with reading your comics or those others I have in my list of favourites. I'm sorry for that. Really, not many excuses other than I haven't been much on by home computer and work comp is for work ^^'
Kathara: Thank you very much! I hope you continue liking it.
Mina_Lunga: First of, I did realize I had drawn the sword on the wrong side for the soldier holding the torch in his fighting hand. I could have easily changed it, but in the end I desided against it thinking that his sloppyness gives him a bit of character even thought he hasn't much of a role. So I let it be as it is.
Why aren't they shouting? Because they are idiots and so am I who didn't think about it ^^' And yes, it's a multi-racial outing ^_^ It's nothing uncommon, especially when they are all ordinary soldiers. It's really only the high positions in the army and among guards that rarely are given to humans. Otherwise they are pretty egual in the army.
And very many thanks and hugs for all those compliments you gave me. They mean a lot to me especially since you have been following the comic pretty much from the beginning. ^_^
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