Tales of Kenah

004: Realization

Author notes

004: Realization


I actually finished this page a couple of days ago. Don’t ask me why I didn’t put it up then. I don’t know.
Our dragon seems a bit slow this morning, doesn't she? But of course, I wouldn't know how long it'd take to realize you'd been transformed. What with instinct and just waking up and all.
I've just realized that all but the first two panels are devoid of background. And considering it's a long page…
I particularly like the second-last panel. It came out almost exactly how I wanted it: expression, words, fullness. All of it. So yay for me. ^^
I was having trouble deciding if I would A) make page 5 shorter, or B) make page 4 longer. Eventually I came to a conclusion. You can obviously see what I decided.
I think I’m starting to get the hang of the computer part of comicking. I'm getting faster at it. That's always good.
- XeaRi


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