Tales of Kenah

006: Confusion

Author notes

006: Confusion


I had something to say, and I can't remember it anymore. Um… about the second dragon? He's shorter than the first dragon; you can't tell because I drew it badly. Heh. I think the fourth panel is the best drawing of him, even as bad as it is.
Yes, dragon 1 has teeth. All my dragons have teeth unless otherwise specified. I only draw her teeth when she shows an emotion like this one (anger etc.) because A) it would be too much to draw them all the time and B) it's harder to show emotions with only one eye and no eyebrows. Maybe I'll give my dragons eyebrows. The females have eyelashes; why not?
You see the writing behind the arrow that's not in a bubble in the last panel? That's my author's note. You might find those more and more as the story progresses. There's also a narrator although you won't hear from it (well, it is genderless after all) too often. It'll tell you what the time of day is, and what happened in a gap in the time, and basically things I can't portray in drawing (or just haven't).
My update schedule seems to be on Wednesdays and sometimes weekends. I don't know why, but that's how it goes. I'll try to update at least once a week. (Now I feel pressured because I've set myself a schedule. Ah, well.)
- XeaRi


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