Tales of Kenah

007: Over Your Toes

Author notes

007: Over Your Toes


Ack! So much text! I could barely fit it in. I really like the design of this page, but it didn't turn out as I wanted. I blame the text. It doesn’t always fit with the expressions in the panel. And I just realized this page is completely devoid of background. Wow.
Heh, you gotta feel sorry for them. All of them. Dragon number 1 is confused enough without a destiny. Dragon number 2 has absolutely no idea what’s going on. The Maker is just trying to help, goshdarnit.
Since I'm just starting off, you'll notice pages differ in style slightly. That will get better with time.
I shrunk it and it didn't go pixely! Hooray! Among other computery things. I figured a bunch of stuff out last night. But my computer was so slow! The program I use does that. I shaketh my fist at it.
Oh, and when I say I update Wednesdays, I mean in the afternoon or evening.
- XeaRi


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