Yes, dragons can cry. Just like they have eyelashes. They're capable of many human emotional… capabilities. This is partly because I want them to seem more like intelligent beings and less like ruthless beasts. And no, she's not actually setting the forest on fire. The fire is symbolic, so the forest isn't burning, and the fire isn't casting any fancy lighting on her. I'd totally screw the shading up if that were the case.
I love this page. The second (or is it the second half of the first?) panel is my favourite. I really wanted to make this page good, but I don't think I quite did the whole thing justice. I redid the aforementioned panel several times and still didn't get exactly what I was looking for. Might redo this one sometime… a long time later.
There are a number of random spurts of emotion like this one throughout the story. I think it's the emotion part that I like. Emotions like these are too big for words. I can't even think of anything decent to write. (I feel so cheesy for writing this!) It's scenes like these that need pictures, hence the comic. :)
Like I said last time, the second dragon is clueless. :D I feel sorry for him. Have you ever had anyone rant at you about how their life sucked? You can tell they're upset, and you want to help them, but you don't know the whole story and it's not really your business and you don't want to just hurt them more… what are you supposed to do? "Sorry" doesn't really cut it. Again, words don't work. It's even harder in an instant messaging conversation for obvious reasons. Then again there's always the hug emoticon. ^^ - XeaRi
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