Tales of Kenah

Author notes

050: Family Influence
XeaRi on*EDIT* I did a bit of pestering (as usual) and got WafflesnToast to send me her coloured version of this page, even though it's not finished, even though it's the version in which I forgot Vark's hind legs in panel two (argh!). It's absolutely insane! It's really, REALLY pretty. The colours are so beautiful and rich, and then there's me… just stick in a colour, a shade, a screentone, and call it finished. Her backgrounds are so pretty. I thought my river was cool, but hers is SHINY among other things! I need to keep nagging her to 1) start working on the idea of a comic she has, 2) stop believing she sucks for goodness' sake!, and 3) be my colourist. xD But that sounds like a lot of work, and while I seriously would pay her to do it, I'm in no position to be dishing out money to anyone. So. Check it out.
*Original Post*
OMG We've hit page 50! I was gonna put a motivational rant here but figured I'd spare you. So, here's to 50 more! (Although that'd probably only take me to chapter six.)
I wanted to do something special for this page but I wasn't sure what. My friend suggested I colour it. I was waiting for WafflesnToast to send me her coloured version but the file is too big and thus she couldn't send me it; however I did it too because I wanted to. I've had a bit of colouring experience, but not nearly as much as this. I think it worked out pretty well. I was afraid of doing the backgrounds, but with the aid of some screentones they turned out okay. But good lord, the coloured, layered, unshrunk Photoshop file is half a megabyte. O.o This page is rather text-heavy, but luckily it doesn't cover anything important/pretty that I don't want covered.
Wet hair looks funny. I tried multiple times to make it look shiny but it didn't really work so I just left it like that because it's better than no white. I just realized I keep forgetting everyone's pack thingies on the sides of their pants. I fixed in this page, though. My favourite drawing on this page is Leanael in the second last panel. I like being able to do fancy poses well. :D
In panel four you get to see the faces of everyone in Vark's "nest," which means all his siblings. He has a colourful family, to say the least. You'll see them all again, but the top left and top middle ones will only be seen briefly in a flashback and the bottom left is sort of indirectly important. I think the only thing that's the same in all of them is that narrow-eye look, even if their personalities are different (like Lefeka and Vark).
- XeaRi
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