Tales of SIG
The medium reaction.

Author notes

The medium reaction.


It was stolen. Pure and simple. This is the "medium" page. The first one was really cruel. Jenny referred to Your Choice as "that crayon, safety scissors and cut-out comic" the looked like "grade school project a proud parent would put on her refrigerator" Aura as a parent took great exception to that coming from the non-parent Jenny. This one is toned down a bit.  

Go back a few pages to the "How I do it" fillers and try to tell me that "your Chioce" is better use of medium. Actually it is. Vinomas better uses his medium than I use mine. I've barely scrapped the surface of what it is possible to do here. I rely too heavily on filters to hide my mistakes of which there are many and I'm often careless with some of the effects and shadows. Sometimes the scale varies from panel to panel and let's face it… my speech balloons are pathetic.

Once I got over the intial hurt and sting and cried in the corner for a while after throwing some books around, yes Your Choice deserves the award not this hastily put together piece of trash. Who's being self-deprecating? Who won the award says it all as well as the admittedly lame and somewhat non-committal remarks of the judges.  Almost like they were embarrassed to pick some grade school art over a finely polished piece of PS work that even the presenter said was fabulous. 

Daweirdhaddy is the alternate world from "Your Choice." I might also do a page with my version of Princess January gloating with some vampire buddies like Darth Theda from Battle of the Robofemoids, Bob from Attack… and Lon.


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