- Hiatus?
- Issue 45: Chapter 2 opening...and some power junkie
- Chapter 2: Space Station F2
- Issue 44: The begining of the end.
- Issue 43: Face off failure
- Issue 42: A slight disarm
- issue 41: Messy room complaints
- Issue 40: Cheese in a muddle
- The apeal type thing...
- I got up...
- Issue 39: A tale of 2 random events
- Office filler...and lots of author notes
- Issue 38: Sniper and Eco have a moment
- Issue 37: Ship chat
- drazi's birthday special
- Issue 36: We have lift off
- Drazi vs John...a Resolution
- Issue 35: in the ship...3 pannel
- Issue 34: Introductions and the ship
- issue 33: drazi and cheese change
- Issue 32: everyones getting changed!!
- Issue 31: The plan
- Issue 30: sorry cheese
- Issue 29: Ka trip
- More fanart...this time its drazi
- Issue 28: short power loss
- Issue 27: The end?
- Issue 26: Small pause in the game
- Kazefire Fanart
- Issue 25: Seemingly invincible
- Issue 24: fight part one
- Issue 23: Drazi's Healing
- Issue 22: Little chase scene
- issue 21: the persuit of revenge
- issue 20- Persistance.
- Issue 19: Yet another distraction
- Issue 18: Max has had it!
- Happy birthday sessy
- Issue 17: Hologram
- Issue 16: Incomming transmision
- Filler: minion of death...could have been...
- Issue 15: Death one Ed zero
- Issue 14: Death comes for Ed
- Issue 13: Minor vengence
- Internet down..Back later
- Issue 12: One hell of punch
- Issue 11 : James's occupation...
- Issue 10: Joe gave them the slip
- Issue 9: Sonku has left...for now
- Issue 8 : Sonku vs max
- Issue 7 : Whats that sound
- Issue 6 : Assisination Failure...
- Issue 5 : Late for the meeting
- Issue 4: Pointless argument
- Issue 3 : The new messenger
- Issue 2. Enter cheese
- Issue one: Simulation
- The introduction
- Front page
Author notes
Thats right folks…I'm comming back, out of hidding ;) I will be back as it says on the 31st…I will have a great set up for you, i swear to god that Tama'Krato will make it to at least my first story idea…which is about 3 chapters… I will round of this 1st chapter on the lead up to the 31st… ( And yes..this means i can be sociable again…I promise to comment and read everything I have missed… ) It feels jolly good to be back…well…preparing to come back..I'm not really back but you know….forget it
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