So I’ve reanimated. This is a good thing. Even when I’m knockin’ on Death’s door I’m able to do a bit. I’m still kinda down, but not completely out. Since I’m still quasi-poor I had to go with the generic Target-brand mucus relief pills as opposed to the tried-and-true Mucinex. Most OTC meds are a waste of my time and money because I burn them off so daggum fast, but I’ve never tried it and one of the guys at work gave it a glowing review.
It’s alright. It seems to work even better when I actually remember to take it every 4 hours as suggested. Thank God for cellphone alarms.
So I’ve made it through 2 weeks of consistent updates. Granted, some were late, but, as I said, that’s because I’ve been a bit down. I do have a bank of strips for T&Z, but I thought it’d be fun to put a bit of current events fun into them. And who doesn’t like to Stan Lee themself into their own comics when they can?
I wonder how many of youse guys would have caught the referrence if I had said Alfred Hitchcock instead of Stan Lee?
I wonder how many of youse guys even knew what I was talking about when I said Stan Lee.
I wonder how many of youse guys are even reading this anymore? heh he he…
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