It's a sad day. Last night we lost a proponent for the advancement of free thinking. No, not a political dignitary or enlightened do-gooder or innercity tree hugger. George Carlin. One could not listen to more than 20 words from his mouth without thinking. Granted, you may think he's a dirty old man, but you thought for yourself! He died in Santa Monica, CA of heart failure at the age of 71. He will be missed.
If you're unfamiliar with his work you should look into his stand up comedy. You can find it all over YouTube. Just look for his name. Some of his funnier (albeit smaller) roles were actually in the Kevin Smith films Dogma and Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back.
So the boys just found out that Mr. Carlin has died. Again, priorities skewed, a decision has been made. Well, by Zed. And rarely has a decision been made by Zed that Ted didn't follow kicking and screaming. But Zed has it in his half-decayed mind that he needs to get to California and he needs to get there fast!
I leave you with this final nugget of joy. If you have virgin ears or are younger than 17, then please read no further. For I am about to pass on Mr. Carlin's wisdom: The Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television. And those words are:
Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits
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