The Adventure of the Goat Chin Pirates First Prev - Flying Ninjas - Explosive Entrances - The Bustle Bomb - BOOM chica-BOOM - True Love - And Assist From Below - Emphasis - The Help - Didn't See the Little Fella' There - Psst, We Are Also Masters of Disguise - And Now Some High Society Types - Killing Hope - Examining the Goods - The 'Orrible Truth - Last Man Standing - Gone Pirtating Back Soon - A Terrible Offer - A Generous Offer - Dark Memories. - A Pleasant Chat - Spare The Rod - The Human Broker - Venice - Prisoner of the Mind - Always End on a Strong Joke - The Blame Game - NOM NOM - The MAW - Bait and Switch - Bokar N'chul - As Long as I've Got My Imaginary Friends - Storming Out - I Get Resurected For This Grief - Right About Now - Ivie's Story - Striking a Deal - Asbleening - Feeding the Dead - Reunited - He's Alive ALIVE! - The Ceremony 6 - The Ceremony 5 - The Cermony 4 - The Ceremony 3 - The Ceremony 2 - The Ceremony - Disoriented - Dropping Like Flies - Goodbyes - ...With a Smile. - I Think Everyone Would - Heavy Shoulders - Not Just a Nightmare - I'm "Flash-Back", Baby! - Shanty 7 He Doesn't - Wishful Thinking - Worries - Stutters - Party Time - Inspired - ACTION - Too Bad He Didn't Fire During the Gutting. - Finally Someone Stopped a Monolouge. - Finally Standing Up - We've Landed With More Graphic Gore. - Graphic Gore Ahoy. - Keep Your Eye on the Enemy - It's Not Gay It's Metro - Crushed Ideas. - Bringing Down the House - SAW-SWORD - James V.S. Armondo - The Cost of Victory - Too Fast Too Furious - A Noble Sacrifice. - A Plan Forms - Thinking With Brain Cells - A Lesson in Sniping - A Shot From the Hill. - Ready Fight! - Throwing the Gauntlet - Strength in Numbers - Back Lash - Pain - Counters - Good Advice - Bomber Girl - Face Off - Sending Out the Muscle - Captains Always Keep Their Cool - Imaginary Friends Always Have Your Back - Superior Odds - The Welcoming Commitee - "El Gran Protector" - The Pirates are Coming The Pirates are Coming - Making Amends - Legacy of Death - Gaurded - A Death in the Familia - Happy Halloween - A Tough Choice - Can't Judge a Book - Diagnosis - Freaking White People - Now That's How You Lie - Between A Rock and a Hard Place - Why Does That Never Get Old? - Lost in Translation - It is Delicious. - This is Why The Didn't Have Boat Ambulances. - Shanty 6- The Magnificent 7 - Heavy Answer - Big Decisions - Good Advice - Perforated. - That's What You Get For Calling People Old. - Hey Some Backstory. - Swashing a Buckle - Aw He Went There - Telling Off Our Betters Since 1602 - Ladies and Gentlemen the Spanish Seadog - More Foreshadowing - No! Not HIM! - Trouble on the Horizon - inFamous - Shanty 5 Over Shadowed - Paddy Doyle - And You Thought Bard Was a Stupid Job - Fight Fight Fight - What To Do What To Do. - And You Thought You Were Short - A Clean Getaway - Getting the Drop on the Man - Well That was Fast - Oh No he's Been Made - Why do your Fantasies Always Fall Short. - Hey No Means No. - In the Navy - Why Doesn't Anyone Invest in a Silent Alarm - It's Called Foreshadowing - And Now a Song - Because I Thought it was Important - Never Ask the Man Questions. - That's How You Take Care of an Idiot. - Ship Space - Lowering Expectations Since 1690 - Captain Long John page 2 - Captain Long John page 1 - Captain Long John Book 5 Coming Abroad - Shanty 4 Fantasy - When Life Gives you Lemons - Yeah Clothes are that Important - OOOOH She Took Off his Shirt - Foggy Memories - The Big Mermaid - Wonder if this is going to be a Running Gag. - You Think he Planned that? - Defeated - Shanked - Nick the Knife - It's Better Then Daytime T.V. - Can't Do That Joke Again....or Can I? - Never Stop in in the Way of Love. - Ashleigh Macnamera - He'll Need to Wash That With Warm Water. - Good to Know They Have Some Hope. - Drowning - Falling - Perfect Storm - How Did Everyone Miss That? - Shanty 3 Clothes Make the Pirate - Another Joins the Band Ship - Bombshell - Food Brings Everyone Together - Hey No PDA. - Didn't See That Did Ya? - Pirate V.S. Pirates - Da-Dunn - Pain - Oh Noes - Round 3 James V.S. ELENA - He Got Done Quick - Hopeless - All Alone - Just Add Art. - Bull Jumping. - Never Thought about that Did Ya? - Anticipation - Death of a Caricature - Intrigue. - Art Comes Alive - RETCH - Round Two: Shaughn and Annie V.S. Sora - DUNN DUNN DUNN! - Never Laugh and Kill - How 'bout them gams. - Onomatopoeia - How Does She do it? - Face Kicked - Knife Fight - Christmas Brought to you by Jesus - Round 1 Ari V.S. Nik-ol - Alright gang split up. - ...and Cue Impressive Baddies - Nice Tub - Curse you Ancient Ninja Wit - KA-BOOM!! - Quickly to the Ship! - La Diabla - Don't you love those suddegn breaks mid- - Fun with Foriegn Words - Even ninja's can make mistakes - Dramtic Fight Scene 1 - Witty Dialogue - For those who havn't guessed it, he's demoted - I don't think we're in Europe any more. - My world is pain - Shanty 2 PIrate V Ninja - Captain James Wants You - Double Feature 2 - Double Feature 1 - Filler 1 - Witch! Witch! - Imaginary Hoo-Haw - Let's Ride the Train to Painville. - AWWW Snap - well that was anti climatic - What's he so worried about? - Well that was Easy - How does she pick her nose? - Do Not attempt this at home - Oh Noes - Yo ship's so fat.... - Where's her curly red hair? - How did they not notice this? - Our First Flop - Well that was easy - Over here - It Can Fit - Crushing Dreams - Shanty 1 Advent of Piracy Next Last First Prev - Flying Ninjas - Explosive Entrances - The Bustle Bomb - BOOM chica-BOOM - True Love - And Assist From Below - Emphasis - The Help - Didn't See the Little Fella' There - Psst, We Are Also Masters of Disguise - And Now Some High Society Types - Killing Hope - Examining the Goods - The 'Orrible Truth - Last Man Standing - Gone Pirtating Back Soon - A Terrible Offer - A Generous Offer - Dark Memories. - A Pleasant Chat - Spare The Rod - The Human Broker - Venice - Prisoner of the Mind - Always End on a Strong Joke - The Blame Game - NOM NOM - The MAW - Bait and Switch - Bokar N'chul - As Long as I've Got My Imaginary Friends - Storming Out - I Get Resurected For This Grief - Right About Now - Ivie's Story - Striking a Deal - Asbleening - Feeding the Dead - Reunited - He's Alive ALIVE! - The Ceremony 6 - The Ceremony 5 - The Cermony 4 - The Ceremony 3 - The Ceremony 2 - The Ceremony - Disoriented - Dropping Like Flies - Goodbyes - ...With a Smile. - I Think Everyone Would - Heavy Shoulders - Not Just a Nightmare - I'm "Flash-Back", Baby! - Shanty 7 He Doesn't - Wishful Thinking - Worries - Stutters - Party Time - Inspired - ACTION - Too Bad He Didn't Fire During the Gutting. - Finally Someone Stopped a Monolouge. - Finally Standing Up - We've Landed With More Graphic Gore. - Graphic Gore Ahoy. - Keep Your Eye on the Enemy - It's Not Gay It's Metro - Crushed Ideas. - Bringing Down the House - SAW-SWORD - James V.S. Armondo - The Cost of Victory - Too Fast Too Furious - A Noble Sacrifice. - A Plan Forms - Thinking With Brain Cells - A Lesson in Sniping - A Shot From the Hill. - Ready Fight! - Throwing the Gauntlet - Strength in Numbers - Back Lash - Pain - Counters - Good Advice - Bomber Girl - Face Off - Sending Out the Muscle - Captains Always Keep Their Cool - Imaginary Friends Always Have Your Back - Superior Odds - The Welcoming Commitee - "El Gran Protector" - The Pirates are Coming The Pirates are Coming - Making Amends - Legacy of Death - Gaurded - A Death in the Familia - Happy Halloween - A Tough Choice - Can't Judge a Book - Diagnosis - Freaking White People - Now That's How You Lie - Between A Rock and a Hard Place - Why Does That Never Get Old? - Lost in Translation - It is Delicious. - This is Why The Didn't Have Boat Ambulances. - Shanty 6- The Magnificent 7 - Heavy Answer - Big Decisions - Good Advice - Perforated. - That's What You Get For Calling People Old. - Hey Some Backstory. - Swashing a Buckle - Aw He Went There - Telling Off Our Betters Since 1602 - Ladies and Gentlemen the Spanish Seadog - More Foreshadowing - No! Not HIM! - Trouble on the Horizon - inFamous - Shanty 5 Over Shadowed - Paddy Doyle - And You Thought Bard Was a Stupid Job - Fight Fight Fight - What To Do What To Do. - And You Thought You Were Short - A Clean Getaway - Getting the Drop on the Man - Well That was Fast - Oh No he's Been Made - Why do your Fantasies Always Fall Short. - Hey No Means No. - In the Navy - Why Doesn't Anyone Invest in a Silent Alarm - It's Called Foreshadowing - And Now a Song - Because I Thought it was Important - Never Ask the Man Questions. - That's How You Take Care of an Idiot. - Ship Space - Lowering Expectations Since 1690 - Captain Long John page 2 - Captain Long John page 1 - Captain Long John Book 5 Coming Abroad - Shanty 4 Fantasy - When Life Gives you Lemons - Yeah Clothes are that Important - OOOOH She Took Off his Shirt - Foggy Memories - The Big Mermaid - Wonder if this is going to be a Running Gag. - You Think he Planned that? - Defeated - Shanked - Nick the Knife - It's Better Then Daytime T.V. - Can't Do That Joke Again....or Can I? - Never Stop in in the Way of Love. - Ashleigh Macnamera - He'll Need to Wash That With Warm Water. - Good to Know They Have Some Hope. - Drowning - Falling - Perfect Storm - How Did Everyone Miss That? - Shanty 3 Clothes Make the Pirate - Another Joins the Band Ship - Bombshell - Food Brings Everyone Together - Hey No PDA. - Didn't See That Did Ya? - Pirate V.S. Pirates - Da-Dunn - Pain - Oh Noes - Round 3 James V.S. ELENA - He Got Done Quick - Hopeless - All Alone - Just Add Art. - Bull Jumping. - Never Thought about that Did Ya? - Anticipation - Death of a Caricature - Intrigue. - Art Comes Alive - RETCH - Round Two: Shaughn and Annie V.S. Sora - DUNN DUNN DUNN! - Never Laugh and Kill - How 'bout them gams. - Onomatopoeia - How Does She do it? - Face Kicked - Knife Fight - Christmas Brought to you by Jesus - Round 1 Ari V.S. Nik-ol - Alright gang split up. - ...and Cue Impressive Baddies - Nice Tub - Curse you Ancient Ninja Wit - KA-BOOM!! - Quickly to the Ship! - La Diabla - Don't you love those suddegn breaks mid- - Fun with Foriegn Words - Even ninja's can make mistakes - Dramtic Fight Scene 1 - Witty Dialogue - For those who havn't guessed it, he's demoted - I don't think we're in Europe any more. - My world is pain - Shanty 2 PIrate V Ninja - Captain James Wants You - Double Feature 2 - Double Feature 1 - Filler 1 - Witch! Witch! - Imaginary Hoo-Haw - Let's Ride the Train to Painville. - AWWW Snap - well that was anti climatic - What's he so worried about? - Well that was Easy - How does she pick her nose? - Do Not attempt this at home - Oh Noes - Yo ship's so fat.... - Where's her curly red hair? - How did they not notice this? - Our First Flop - Well that was easy - Over here - It Can Fit - Crushing Dreams - Shanty 1 Advent of Piracy Next Last Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register BlueLink at 07 Aug, 2009, 05:28 PM Oh noes, what is to become of the main character? I'm guessing he'll deflect it with his bare hands, because pirates are badass.
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Oh noes, what is to become of the main character? I'm guessing he'll deflect it with his bare hands, because pirates are badass.