The Adventures of Superchum and the Mighty Befrienders
![It's Puzzle Month!](/media/users/SteveMyers22/comics/The_Adventures_of_Superchum_and_the_Mighty_Befrienders/web/00299016.jpg)
Author notes
It's Puzzle Month!
SteveMyers22 onOk, so here's the deal … I've got the next chapter under control. I really do. I have 4 pages of it already drawn. And over 10 pages of it thumbnailed and ready for pencils. What I'm missing is the prologue which connects this story to the previous chapter. And I want it to look really good. And I want to get the layouts at least thumbnailed for the final 12 or so pages of the entire story arc. And the holiday crunch is soon here. So … PUZZLE MONTH was born!
I wanted to play up the all-ages feel of Superchum and so I was planning on making this puzzle to run with the printed version of the book anyways. But I thought it'd be a great way to get some fans involved and get some of you my really awesome preview comic that I got made up.
I'm planning on at least getting another puzzle up before Thanksgiving. Maybe a third. But in the meantime, have fun with this, and win a free comic! And you won't be disappointed with what I have in store for the next chapter. It'll be totally worth the wait. The ridiculousness of the situations, the fun art, the snappy dialog … this next chapter has me really excited. I just want it to look perfect and run smooth. So I need a little space to make sure the holidays don't bowl me over. I thank you for your patience. And if I can't get another puzzle up next week, I'll at least have a pin-up. The page won't be dead, not by a longshot. So keep visiting.
Oh and if there's any questions about the rules or the contest, just let me know. I'm trying to keep it really easy and simple. Just mail me the completed puzzle, let me know your mailing address and I'll mail the first 10 correct entries a free comic book! The puzzle has already been tested by a mad-crazy puzzler (my dear old mother) so the errors should all have been caught already and dealt with.
Oh, and something I forgot to mention up above in the rules … if you want to just e-mail me a completed entry … as long as you list your regular mailing address and clearly show you've found all the words, that will work too.
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