The Age Of Muffin

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TAOM Presents: Unforgivable. Info on the use of Magic within the world of, - Initiates
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Most in the world of unforgivable have some magic ability. It is innate in almost all living things. There are a few who are completely devoid of magic, but these people are also strangely resistant to its effects also.
Basic magic is taught in all schools (Things like mental blocks, barrier fields, levitation of small objects and cooking, cleaning and the sort) and these magic users latent power is not enough to disrupt the technology that is now in widesread use around the world.
Those with a powerful natural ability, or a keen interest in devoting their life to being a mage may be reccomended for, or choose to apply to, an Initiates College at the age of 14 onwards.
These schools, which are now rare and highly regulated, are usually situated far into the country, where the constant high magic output wont disrupt the daytoday life of the populace by shutting down their appliances and whatnot.
Once in attendance the aspirants will begin to learn magical theory, history and craft. They will be taught how to more fully make use of their natural power, and how the various Spellforce flows work, and how to use them.
After 2 years they will be given a 4 month break, in which time they must decide which path they wish to take, or if they wish to be initiated at all at this point.
If they decide they wish to become an initiated, and have chosen which force they wish to follow, then their bodies latent power will be focused directly into their heart by an artificer, which will in turn be incased in Spellstone forged of the initiates own link to all magic, and this spellstone unlike most will be linked to a specific flow, and be the colour of that flow.
Most initiates choose to bind themselves to the Magic Force, becoming mages, as this is the most direct and most diverse of initiate positions.
The majority of institutes will only accept Light Force bindings, only linking to Life force and Magic Force. Time Force is difficult and is an unusual choice and so is rarely bound to anyone. A number of colleges will link to Landforce also, as Technomancers become more popular in the modern age.
Apart from special circumstances no self respecting establishment will link to the Death Force or Null Force.
some example Initiate professions are
-Timeforce Initiate:
Time Lord, Night Lord, Day Lord, Guardian.
-Lifeforce Initiate:
Healer, Doctor, Shaman, Seer, Summoner.
-Magicforce Initiate:
Mage, Artificer, Arclite, Guardian.
-Landforce Initiate:
Technomancer, Geomancer, Pyromancer.
-Deathforce Initiate:
Necromancer, Pariah, Planeswalker, Dark Mage.
-Nullforce Initiate
Null Mage, Dark Mage.
Note that these arent the only jobs an initiate can hold.
Once an Initiate has chosen his or her path, and been initiated there is no way to change which force you are bound to.
While with training it is possible to cast magic drawn from other flows, the further round the spectrum till you reach the opposite force, the harder it is to cast.
A particularly skilled artificer can perform a dual or triple binding of adjacent powers, however this is difficult, and results in decidedly less power than a singlepath initiate, even though they can perform certain interesting spell combinations, multipath users will rarely be more than half as powerful in any given path as a singlepath initiate of equal training and power (overall).
Free Mages usually self initiate where chunks of their heart are turned to crystall. The more a Free Magic Initiate uses his power for any complex or powerful spell, the more of their body that turns to crystal.
This has the interesting effect that the stronger the spell a free mage casts, the stronger they become, to the point where casting a spell at their full power will crystalize their body completely.
Finally, Initiation is irreversable. attempting to remove the heartcrystal, or to change the class of binding will in allmost all cases lead to the initiates death. In some rare cases it is possible to make a singlepath initiate into a dualpath initiate, but this is also difficult and often deadly.
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